Chocolate Cream Cheese Minty Refrigerator Dipped Cookies

Monday, December 3, 2007

On Sunday, it was something akin to Domestic Goddess Day. I did a ton of laundry, made a zillion cookies (used about 8 sticks of butter and a farm-full of eggs), and my friend Gary put away his gun (he's a cop) and helped put up Christmas lights. Note to self for next year: Plug in the lights to test them BEFORE using three ladders and an adapted fishing pole device to put up the lights...or you have to take them down and start over...

Anyway, I made some cookies to mail to Minnesota and Georgia. They included the Snickerdoodles, Chocolate Ginger Cookies, and Triple Chocolate Brownies. I used Brian's book to try the Chocolate Cream Cheese Refrigerator Cookies (page 75)... making it with mint instead of vanilla.

Dude, I need to work on my "roll dough into a log and refrigerate" technique! That turned out all crazy and ended up with more of a natural, Redwoods log in Yosemite (remember that, Yuko?) rather than a manufactured, uniform Duraflame log.

I thought these cookies were lacking so I melted some white chocolate and dipped the cookies. Hum, didn't really save them so they are going into the "no" category (although everyone ate them at work!) And, Sunshine and Diane M, because of the chocolate, I didn't mail these.

Whoo Hoo! It's now 4 days til my birthday! And 1 day from Helen's & Rose's Birthday! Decemberists rock! :)

Making Snickerdoodles!
I roll out all the little balls and then roll them in the cinnamon-sugar mixture. The result? One word:
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