Mrs. Honey Bear

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I'm not baking.

I'm sick.

Me and Mr. Honey Bear have started a very special relationship.

Emergen-C is my new bubbly.

The back of my throat has an indentation from multiple Riiiiiiiiiicola drops.

Zicam medicated q-tips are lodged in my nose.

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Brian said... [Reply to comment]

Dear F.L. -
Sorry you've been sick. Get well soon! Is it possible to catch a cold from reading a sick person's blog? I think I'm coming down with something...


p.s. I made peppermint bark brownies last night to bring into work. They seem to be a hit. I think it has to do with the layer of candy cane bits, on top of a layer of melted pepperminty white chocolate, on top of a layer of melted semisweet chocolate chips, on top of a layer of chocolate chip brownies.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Dear FL, is it possible to catch a cold from reading the comment of someone who thinks he may get sick from reading a sick person's blog?!

Hope u feel better!! Try some dyi oj popsickles (sp?) -- which i luved making when i was about 12, but still sound good.

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