My People's Okinawan Dangos

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Okinawan Dangos
Fried dough filled with memories and yum

Today is my family's annual Mochi Making Day! Most of the clan get together to make mochi - a pounded rice cake that is eaten on New Year's you good luck in the coming year, longevity and all sorts of good things (I'm hoping that I have good luck baking in 2008!) Photos of mochi making to come.

My mom grew up in Okinawa, Japan and they have a local dessert called the "Okinawan Dango" or Sata Andagi. She used to make them when my brother and I were young, but since we've all wised up to fried foods, I haven't seen them in years. This year, I decided to learn how to make them!

The recipe is very simple and the technique very easy. And the taste is full of yum. The dough is dense and cake-like, not like a regular American donut. You do not cover them with powdered sugar or any glaze. Just plain. Just yum. And best eaten hot out of the fryer. Often, you will see Dango Booths at local Japanese church/temple fairs...with a line out the door demanding them. Usually, they are sold three on a stick. (And you know I just love food on a stick.)

Getting fried up in the wok!

Some of them came out a little interesting looking. I think the one on the left looks like a chicken!

In October, my mom went back to Okinawa to visit her 86 year-old mom and siblings. She brought back some famous Okinawan black sugar. I broke up some pieces and added them to the batter. (Next time, I'll add larger pieces so you can see and taste them).

Here is the recipe:
Okinawan Dangos

Mix together in large bowl:
3 c flour
1 T baking powder
1 c sugar
1/2 t salt

Beat together in small bowl or measuring glass:
5 eggs
1/4 c milk
1 t vanilla

Mix the dry and wet batches together by hand (with a wooden spoon or spatula) until dough forms. Do not overmix.

Heat a wok or deep-fryer with vegetable or canola oil. Form dough into small balls with your hands or with an ice cream scoop/cookie dough disher before dropping into the oil. Fry until golden brown. Makes 36 dangos.
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Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I miss Okinawa..miss my family and I miss satou tempura~! Also kasa mochi...I have printed your recipe and will attempt to make them soon:)
Thank you for posting the recipe:)Happy Holidays!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Got a recipe for the chinese baked buns like the soft one in the sweet BBQ Baked Cha Su Buns?

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

To Anonymous #2, No, I don't have a recipe for Cha Shu Bao. Sorry! - mary

Sue said... [Reply to comment]

Uahh I don't have a deep fryer...I must look for a place that sells these! :)

Eruiel said... [Reply to comment]

Looks yum!
So the taste is sweet?

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