Alton Brown's Pound Cake

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

From page 210 of Alton Brown's Baking book (thanks Brian for the book!!)...comes this lovely Pound Cake made with buttermilk and only two sticks of butter. Thus, it is practically low-fat :)

This is a hardy pound cake. The crumb is not as delicate as the other pound cakes I've made. It's probably the low amount of butter and the use of all-purpose flour instead of cake flour. However, it holds up well in my cute pan.

I went back to the gym last night. First time since the start of the Writer's strike I think...and that has been on forever! Been pretty good about the New Years Resolutions so far (sans the gym and diet plan)! I have been flossing my teeth, taking vitamins, completing daily exercises for my back and hands before work, baking at least once a week, and I opened a new checking account at a bank closer to my house! Whoo hoo. Now if I can only make a real pie crust (something I fear!)...

The cool Bundt pan that makes cute little trees

Just out of the oven. I didn't use all the batter because I thought it would boil over. I'm glad I didn't fill it to the top!

With a light dusting of powdered sugar (As Chef D says: Not when hot!), the cake looks much like the beautiful snow that just fell in the mountains of California. Snowboarding, anyone?
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Brian said... [Reply to comment]

mmm... low-fat pound cake.

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