La Dijonaise & Farmer's Market

Monday, January 21, 2008

The libraries were closed to observe Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday. I took advantage of the 3-day weekend by spending much of it napping and eating. Since the sleeping photos aren't that exciting, I thought I would share with you the eating part...

Pam Jam came down from the Bay Area and we went to the Hollywood Farmer's Market on Sunday. I picked up my usual kettle corn popcorn, Ha's apples and we both had some Thai sticky rice with banana wrapped in banana leaf. They are total works of art! We ate at the Corn Maiden tamale stand (ate the tamales too fast & forgot to photograph them!) The secret to Corn Maiden: Ask them to fully remove the husk and get extra sauce...serious yum.

Although we usually get a pupusa from the pupusa lady...this time we went for the Korean stand's yummy pancake with kim chee. Pam also got a fresh coconut!

Korean pancake with kim chee

On Monday, I met some co-workers and their family for lunch at La Dijonaise in Culver City (Helm's Bakery). Lunch was good (Note to HCG: Jambon sandwich, of course!) but dessert was wonderful. If only I could make desserts like this!!!

Almond tart with chocolate...oh my goodness good

Raspberry Mousse...very special indeed

Lemon Tart...tangy, smooth, and delicious

Opera Cake...first time trying this...and not my last!

Apricot tart...delicious cream and perfect pastry

The prices at La Dijonaise are very reasonable and everything on the menu is great. And...since it is right next door to Surfas, I just had to go visit!

P.S. Confession. I tried to make a few baked goods but they didn't turn out...and although I took a zillion photos of the disaster, I didn't feel like posting them until I try the recipes again...and can post a success! :)
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Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Mary: What is the get ready stop for the Jambon sandwich? Remember we used to eat at Le Dij ALL the time when we worked at Anon?

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