Lemon Squeezer and other friendly tools

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Lemon Squeezer
I think I'm in love with another kitchen product. Again!

This time, it is my new lemon squeezer. Damn, it is great. I've seen them in the store for years. And I always thought it was a gimmick. Sorta like 50% of Bed, Bath and Beyond's inventory. Really, do you need a "soda can holder" for the refrigerator?

But I was so wrong.

This lemon squeezer is my new best friend. Seriously.

It is heavy, but not too heavy. I thought it would be an ergonomic trap - leading me directly from the kitchen to the hand-therapist in 10 seconds. But, no! It is so much easier to use than a standard (manual) juicer...and it drains the lemon of all their juice.

Lemon Squeezer Lemon Squeezer Lemon Squeezer Lemon Squeezer
The lemon squeezer. It's a good thing. And I'm sorry I mocked you.

Please note though...this method is not useful if you want lots of pulp. It keeps that contained, so I would never get the orange squeezer. I don't know if I'm supposed to place the lemon half convex or concave, but my way forces the juices down into the drain holes, and juice doesn't "bubble up" the top of the squeezer.

Lemon Squeezer Lemon Squeezer
I made some lemonade and dropped in a few California strawberries. See my cute new hot water kettle? After about 7 years, my old electric water kettle finally boiled its last cup. I found this cute red one at Target!

I've had an annoying sinus infection this past week and I finally broke down and bought the buzz word/item of the damn flu season: the neti-pot. I must admit it is not as disgusting as I thought it would be and there is no pain...just lots of saline pouring out of your nostril. Let's just hope it helps me get over this! I have used about 3 boxes of Kleenex so far...and I can't bake!!
Pin It!


hanne said... [Reply to comment]

I've always wondered about those lemon squeezers too. Good to know they're actually useful. They're always awfully pretty, in nice bright colours. And those lemons are gorgeous! Are you one of those people who's lucky enough to have a lemon tree in their yard?

I followed a link to you from the Daring Bakers site (I love the name of your site!). I think your blog is great.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]


Thanks for sharing this link - but unfortunately it seems to be down? Does anybody here at foodlibrarian.blogspot.com have a mirror or another source?


The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Jack, Try this: http://www.surlatable.com/product/PRO-680462/Citrus-Juicers

Thanks, Mary

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