Classic Banana Bundt Cake

Monday, March 3, 2008

Classic Banana Bundt CakeClassic Banana Bundt Cake

Whew! My nasal issue subsided and I was finally able to bake again!!! Yeah!

This time, I pulled out 4 frozen bananas from, well, the freezer. I read someplace that you should just freeze those very ripe bananas that you just didn't get to in time, and use them in banana bread recipes. Perfect idea!

I bought my own copy of Dorie Greenspan's Baking: From My Home to Yours and noticed this recipe. It covers some of my favorite things: the banana, the bundt and the sour cream.

Dorie (we are on a first name basis now! :) says this recipe is from her friends Ellen & Don Einstein who own Sweet Sixteen Bakery in Nashville. It's on page 190. You can use sour cream or plain yogurt...but of course I use sour cream. Next time, I'll try the yogurt and call it health food (did I mention that there are two sticks of butter and two cups of sugar in this as well?!)

The cake was very moist and got good reviews in the library (however, after not baking for a couple weeks, I could have brought in cardboard and the staff would have eaten it! Love ya, staff!) I simply dusted it with some powdered sugar. It is different than banana bread? Hardly, but the bundt cake shape just lends an air of "cake-ness" to it!
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Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I take severe umbrage at the idea that the cats might be appeased by cardboard! was turning into a desperate situation...we did gobble up donut shop doughnuts.

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