So Not Fierce Chocolate Oatmeal Drops

Friday, March 7, 2008

Chocolate Oatmeal Drops
If this cookie made it down the Project Runway catwalk, it would be "Auf Wiedersehen" to you.

Did you catch the finale of Project Runway? Damn, I love that show (Rock on Christian - you are fierce!) and would be sad that it is over...but Bravo is so kind to me to have Top Chef start right away. No withdrawal from excellent reality TV. Score!

Continuing on the Dorie Greenspan highway, this time I hit a road bump. I tried to make the Chocolate Oatmeal Drop Cookies (page 75) from Dorie's book Baking: From My Home to Yours. Well, I'm not going to say they are disgusting or worthy of an extended visit to Mr. Trashcan, but I have no plans to make them again. They tasted very cocoa (Dutch-processed) and chocolately (melted bittersweet chocolate) but also had some oatmeal texture...interesting but it doesn't make it on my top 10 list.

Chocolate Oatmeal Drops
The cross-section. Lots of interesting texture.

Chocolate Oatmeal Drops Chocolate Oatmeal Drops
Most the batter is melted in a double boiler - butter, water, brown sugar and bittersweet chocolate. The resulting batter was very, very shiny and sorta slick. It was quite different and interesting.
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Julius said... [Reply to comment]

I haven't tried these yet, but thanks for the head's up.

I'm glad your going through Dorie's cookbook. I read your post below (cinnamon squares) and two comments: the squares look delectable, and I love your square baking pan.

from Occasional Baker

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