Chocolate Graham Cracker Cupcakes with Toasted Marshmallow AKA s'more cupcakes

Monday, April 7, 2008

Chocolate Graham Cracker Cupcakes with Toasted Marshmallow
Give me some more s'more cupcakes!

Last week, it was Cupcake Week on Martha Stewart’s show. I’m going to try to make a few of these delightful looking creations.

First up, the Chocolate Graham Cracker Cupcakes with Toasted Marshmallow. This is basically a s’more cupcake without the campfire…but with my favorite kitchen instrument –the torch! Martha said the recipe is from Jennifer Shea, owner of Seattle’s Trophy Cupcakes.

Here is the recipe and video segment! I didn’t watch the video segment before I made the cupcake, but will later to see if there are additional hints and techniques.

Chocolate Graham Cracker Cupcakes with Toasted Marshmallow Chocolate Graham Cracker Cupcakes with Toasted Marshmallow
Chocolate Graham Cracker Cupcakes with Toasted Marshmallow Chocolate Graham Cracker Cupcakes with Toasted Marshmallow
Chocolate Graham Cracker Cupcakes with Toasted Marshmallow Chocolate Graham Cracker Cupcakes with Toasted Marshmallow
A layer of graham cracker crumbs are placed in the bottom of the cupcake pan. A few teaspoons of chocolate settle in on top of that…creating the basic elements of a s’more! You bake this off for 5 minutes.

I placed the very-liquidity batter in a measuring cup with spout and poured it over the graham cracker bottoms. I ended up filling my pans pretty full! The reserved graham crackers and chocolate round out this yummy cupcake.

Chocolate Graham Cracker Cupcakes with Toasted Marshmallow

After cooling, a seven-minute frosting is made. Eggs whites and sugar are whisked over a double boiler for 3 minutes (until the temp is 160 degrees) and then the KitchenAid does its magic for 7 minutes. The result is a glossy, light frosting. I didn’t have the correct Ateco tip so I use a similar big star tip.

I made the frosting this morning at 5 am and forgot to add the 1 teaspoon of vanilla…but nobody seemed to notice. Also, I messed up and only made ½ the frosting recipe (remember, it was 5 am on a Monday morning). I practiced this recipe on Saturday and made ½ a batch. I had the ½ batch measurements in the margin…and used that again. However, I had just enough frosting to cover 23 cupcakes. If I made the full batch, I’m sure I would have a lot left over.

Chocolate Graham Cracker Cupcakes with Toasted Marshmallow

Chocolate Graham Cracker Cupcakes with Toasted Marshmallow
My favorite baking technique – the torch. I swear, Martha should have “Fire Week” on her show and just make things you can torch. I’m so there.

Chocolate Graham Cracker Cupcakes with Toasted Marshmallow
The cross-section - Notice the cool layer of graham cracker on the bottom!

These are some sweet cupcakes…I mean, sugar and chocolate delivery-device sweet. One co-worker has described them as decadent. A glass of milk would be nice too! They were very fun to make and quite pretty. I would make them again!
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Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

OMG, these look so good! You make such beautiful desserts. Who could resist a toasted marshmallow frosting?

By the way, you have a very big torch! Is that industrial size?

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Ha ha! The torch does look HUGE! I think it is an angle of the photo!! It isn't that big, but it is for the garage and not one of those little creme brulee things you get a Bed Bath & Beyond. This gives you a nice big flame and you can get a lot done quickly...and it is probably cheaper than the little guys! It is just a propane old-school torch my dad had in his garage

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

wow Mary, very impressive!


Shannon said... [Reply to comment]

Wow! Yummy looking...

Brian said... [Reply to comment]

Damn your blog and its taunting photos of delicious treats!

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