Ginger Chocolate Chip Cookies

Friday, April 4, 2008

Ginger Chocolate Chip Cookies
Root Root for the Root!

I'm still on my ginger kick, and made these Ginger Chocolate Chip Cookies. Chocolate and ginger - very good combo, no?

This recipe is from the Ultimate Chocolate Cookie Book (page 184). My friend Brian has the book and I copied a few recipes before he headed off to Stanford. Although this book has some good recipes, it is light on the proof-reading. The ingredient list calls for 3 cups of chocolate chips, but the instructions never tell you to add them to the batter. I put them in at the end, just like any other chocolate chip recipe. For the yummy Ginger Chocolate Cookies, they list the ground ginger (1 T and 2 teaspoons) - the teaspoons are mixed with sugar for the coating - but it never mentions adding the tablespoon of ground ginger to the batter!

Ginger Chocolate Chip Cookies Ginger Chocolate Chip Cookies
It has 3/4 cup finely chopped crystallized ginger (my favorite - prevents nausea and tastes great!) and 3 cups of chocolate chips (as long as you know when to add them to the batter :)

Ginger Chocolate Chip Cookies
The cookies came out way flat, but the ginger flavor is quite tasty. They were a hit at work. Next time, I think I might just add ground ginger and crystallized ginger to a basic Toll House recipe and see if I get more "lift."

Ginger Chocolate Chip Cookies
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