Martha Stewart Banana - Walnut Chocolate Chunk [Chip] Cookies

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies
Martha Stewart Banana-Walnut Chocolate Chunk [Chip] Cookies

Didn’t use walnuts (no nuts for my co-worker) or whole wheat flour (used all AP flour) or chunked chocolate (used chocolate chips)...but, other than that, it is exactly the same as the recipe!

The recipe is in Martha Stewart's Cookie book, and is online here.

Banana Chocolate Chip Cookies

After a series of unfortunate (baking) events, I finally created a product worthy of sharing with others!

By the way, my road to disasters includes AN ACTUAL ROAD.

1. Passover Apple Cake
This was from the Martha Stewart show – Arthur Schwartz’s Passover Apple Cake made with Golden Delicious apples and matzo cake meal. Looked delicious on the show...and came together well…but just didn’t taste very good. I think my apples weren’t very good, and I didn’t put enough batter in the base so the filling just congealed on the bottom.

The failed Passover Apple Cake

2. Vanilla Cupcakes for the Mexican Chocolate-Pudding Cupcakes
Remember Martha's Cupcake Week? I was trying to make these cupcakes. Miss Jessica helped me purchase the deliciouso Ibarra Mexican Chocolate discs. I made the pudding (cooked a bit too much) but was going to pump them into cupcakes. I tried to make the cupcakes on Sunday night and it was a train wreck. The recipe says it yields 18 cupcakes, and I had 20 cupcakes going into the oven. In less than 20 minutes, a crazy explosion of dough in an oven...determining what'll be on my chore list this weekend. Dude, I hate cleaning the oven in a non-self-cleaning oven. These cupcakes look seriously good so it is back on the "things to make" roster.

The failed cupcakes

3. Hitchhiker on the 405
I'm cruising to Long Beach on the 405 freeway, and in addition to the cute little Botts' Dots, there is a shredded tire. And, of course, I run over it. When I arrived at my brother's house, my niece and nephew yell out, "Auntie Food Librarian :), you have a tire under your car!" My car had to be jacked up to remove the huge tire piece!

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