The Fat Lady Sings...on my opera cake

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

You are supposed to see a post of a Spring-inspired Opera Cake for Daring Bakers challenge today. However, after three failures in three days, I gave up last night (and ran out of eggs). (And, yes, I can hear my mother saying I should have started earlier...but I don't know where a whole month went!)

First, made my own blanched almond meal in the food processor. I don't think I processed it enough and somehow the layers came out completely thin. Like flour tortilla thin. Mr. Trashcan, here we come.

Second, I picked up some Bob's Red Mill Almond Flour/Meal and this batch was strangely sticky and too flat as well. (Yes, I carefully folded in the egg whites)

Third, last night I tried again and used a smaller pan so I can get some lift. I planned to finish it tonight. After I finished the buttercream (using a swiss meringue recipe from Martha) and syrup, I started to assemble the baby. But the parchment paper I used to store the cake (top and bottom) ended up getting stuck to the cake...and pulled the whole thing apart.

I give up. I feel defeated and completely exhausted (stayed up too late last night). All I have to show for all these efforts is a sink full of dishes, enough egg shell compost to fill, well, a compost bin, and Mr. Trashcan is stuffed to the gills.

I bought strawberries at the Farmer's Market this weekend for this recipe. At least I'll end with a happy photo! (I'll try this recipe again after going shopping for more ingredients - need lots more eggs!) Be sure to check out the other Daring Bakers who didn't have a total collapse of baking and completed the challenge!

Strawberries from the Farmer's Market
Pin It!


Gretchen Noelle said... [Reply to comment]

Oh no! So sorry that after three attempts the cake just wouldn't cooperate. My first cake layer stuck to the paper and I opted not to use it on the second round. What a frustration for you.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Yikes! I have yet to make this (life got in the way), and I'm so sorry that this happened to you! I think you are a trooper for trying it 3 times - I would have bailed after the first attempt!.000

Bumblebutton said... [Reply to comment]

That must be such a disappointment. But no doubt had you had more time your efforts would have been fabulous!

maybelles mom said... [Reply to comment]

firstly, gorgeous picture of the strawberries. And, I am so excited that you tried three times. You should really go out and buy some cake...

Heather B said... [Reply to comment]

I'm sorry you had troubles! I had some issues too. It definitely was a challenge this month to get it done for me!

Lou @ The Higher Nest said... [Reply to comment]

I'm so so sorry it didn't work out. How frustrating, I am sure.

Shari@Whisk: a food blog said... [Reply to comment]

Three times! You are daring to try it yet again! Love the shot of the strawberries though!
Shari@Whisk: a food blog

Mari said... [Reply to comment]

I can only imagine how frustrated you must feel, but I hope that you'll give it another bash, once you've recovered. Those strawberries look absolutely gorgeous, though, so even they don't end up in a Opéra cake, make sure you put them to good use!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

my efforts collapsed too, although i did only try once - well done for persevering, i'm sorry it didn't pay off!

Jacque said... [Reply to comment]

Aaaaah, I'm sorry! what a shame. I thought the cake was a little weird myself. Not what I'm used to.

Your strawberry picture is gorgeous, wish I had a basket of those!

Christine said... [Reply to comment]

Oh I am so sorry! One of my layers burnt so I only had one. Love the pics of the strawberries!

Chou said... [Reply to comment]

Mine stuck to my parchment in spots, too, and I am still scratching my head about the extreme color ranges I've seen in various cakes (how did those cakes come out white???). I'm glad your day was followed by yummy strawberries. And those lovely cherry bits from the 29th. :) Yum.

Barbara said... [Reply to comment]

Oh man, I hate to hear that you had so much trouble with your cake. Hopefully next months challenge will be a bit easier. This one was every bit a challenge.

Lis said... [Reply to comment]

Awww.. that blows. I wonder what the problem was (other than sticky parchment paper).. humidity maybe?? Anyhoo.. you certainly are showing your Daring colors - 3 times is a valiant effort, sweetie!

Also.. whatever market you go to.. I'm blow away at how they display their berries.. that photo is gorgeous! The stores here, toss a bunch into a cardboard basket or a plastic box and you have to search through them to make sure the berries underneath aren't squished. Ugh.

Good luck on the next try if you find the time.. not even for DB's sake, but for your own sanity I hope it turns out okay! hehe


ostwestwind said... [Reply to comment]

So sorry, about your mishaps. But there is always a next challenge, which will turn out right !

Ulrike from Küchenlatein

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