Happy Anniversary Blog (aka Leaving Baby in the Car)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Orange Blueberry Muffins

Today is the first anniversary of my blog!

And I'm not going to say it started out bad....just WAY crazy.

First, I decided to bake the first two recipes I made last year: Banana Bread and Blueberry Muffins.

Banana Citrus Bread Banana Citrus Bread
This time, I used one of the variations in Baking Illustrated's Banana Bread recipe by adding cinnamon, nutmeg and orange zest. (pg. 24)

Banana Citrus Bread
Orange-Spice Banana Bread

Blueberry muffins #1 last year were a disaster (confusing baking soda for baking powder...) and then attempt #2 ended up meeting Mr. Trashcan, but things finally came together.

Today, I tried Dorie Greenspan's Baking from My Home to Yours Orange Berry Muffins (include orange zest, orange juice) (pg. 3)

Orange Blueberry Muffins
Lotsa blueberries
(Still a bit clueless on the new camera...need to take some lessons or class)

Banana Citrus Bread

After taking the photos, I was running late for work so I grabbed my stuff and tossed it into the car. Today, I had a lot of books to return to the library, my laptop, and my sad lunch (homemade frozen bean burrito, orange (sans zest) and a leftover spotted banana).

Once I got to work...I had to make two trips.

Orange Blueberry Muffins

(Yes, you know where this story is going...)

I got into work and started answering reference questions...and didn't make the second trip. Did I mention that it was 100 degrees today in Los Angeles? I went out to my car 5 hours later, and the poor guys looked like someone mistook them for a tomato and put them in a hothouse. Covered in condensation and burning hot. I touched them and they were just. plain. gross.

The only good news is that my car now smells of orange zest and bananas. Who needs those little pine tree air fresheners?

Well...Happy First Anniversary Blog! This all started with a desire to break from the cake mix box and use a bit of technology. I've had a great time and want to thank all my readers, especially my friends! I love getting comments that you are baked something, or just to say hi.

I can't believe how much I've learned (I can actually explain to people the difference between cake flour and all-purpose flour, the difference between french, italian and swiss meringues (swiss the best!)... and how much I have left to learn and conquer! (i.e. pies, tarts and pastries). My list of "need to make" recipes just keep growing! Thanks for coming along for the journey!

Orange Blueberry Muffins
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Jess said... [Reply to comment]

happy first birthday foodlibrarian blog! you make life in the library so much tastier!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Happy Anniversary! I've had such a great time reading your blog and am always inspired to make a recipe you've written about. I am completely in awe of your baking prowess!

I can't wait to read another year of your delicious life!

Coco Cake Land said... [Reply to comment]

loving the blog, inspiring stuff! we seem to like the same baking books-- martha, ina, triple layer cakes... ! great photos too. thanks for sharing it all! :)

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