Happy National Chocolate Chip Day!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

National Chocolate Chip Day

Today is National Chocolate Chip Day! Although probably created by Nestle...it was fun to celebrate nonetheless. And thanks to Jessica for the heads up on this day...and all other food related days (did you know December 5th is Sacher Torte Day? I'm going to celebrate that next year!)

National Chocolate Chip Day National Chocolate Chip Day
I just used the recipe for White Chip Chocolate Cookies on the back of the darn Nestle package of white chocolate chips!

National Chocolate Chip Day
I added 1/2 cup of chopped crystallized ginger to the Nestle Toll House recipe and deleted the nuts. I should have added some ground ginger to the mix too, but forgot.

Happy National Chocolate Chip Day!

P.S. Okay, did you watch Top Chef last night? Ugh! I'm a huge fan and feel so let down this season. I'm spending all my time wishing more and more so-called chefs are eliminated, rather than rooting for a favorite. They should have dropped all three of the annoying, disrespectful, talk-backing, I-really-need-to-take-my-Ritalin idiots last night (box lunch episode). Sigh...at least hot Sam was on the show.
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Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I can't believe you made 8 dozen cookies! That is very admirable.

I totally agree about Top Chef. I thought all three on the chopping block should have been eliminated. Lisa is so hostile and Andrew is just crazy. I'm irritated by the contestants but I can't stop watching!

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