New York-Style Crumb Cake...sorta

Friday, May 2, 2008

New York-Style Crumb Cake
New York-Style Crumb Cake
I love my DVR.
Seriously in love.
I'm taping "America's Test Kitchen" - the PBS show by the people behind Cook's Illustrated.

Recently, they made New York-Style Crumb Cake. It was really pretty. You should really watch it on TV because you won't see it on Food Librarian TV!

The error of my ways was all in the topping. I think I overshaped my topping...bummer.

On another note, did you see Ugly Betty? So happy it is back. It was a moment of fashion synergy when Christian of Project Runway was on the show. Fierce!

New York-Style Crumb Cake New York-Style Crumb Cake
New York-Style Crumb Cake New York-Style Crumb Cake
The topping that wasn't.
The recipe says to create pea size topping pieces...and I spent way too long creating these. By the third shot, I was so bored. I must have done something wrong because my topping faded away a bit.

New York-Style Crumb Cake
From the oven...the topping isn't what it was supposed to be, but when all cut up and covered with powdered sugar, it was tasty. Also, my co-workers appreciated the efforts making the little pea-sized topping pieces!

New York-Style Crumb Cake
Although very yummy, if I had to choose my favorite coffeecake, I would say my heart lies with Rose B's Cake Bible Sour cream coffeecake and Ina Garten's Blueberry Crumb Cake.
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Patricia @ ButterYum said... [Reply to comment]

I made this cake too... I grew up in NY and looked so forward to reliving those childhood crumb cake memories, but I wasn't impressed with it at all. The crumb topping was a little tedious, at first my pebbles were all even, but half way through I just kind of lumped on the cake. Anyway, the flavor just wasn't there, and the crumb topping was too crunchy after the cake was done. I'm not very fond of the flavor of powdered sugar either... not one of my favorite CI recipes!

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