Apricot Cherry Upside Down Cake

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Apricot Cherry Upside Down Cake
Apricot Cherry Upside Down Cake
Recipe from Martha Stewart's Baking book (page 180)

Apricot Cherry Upside Down Cake

Apricot Cherry Upside Down Cake Apricot Cherry Upside Down Cake
Apricot Cherry Upside Down Cake Apricot Cherry Upside Down Cake
Dave pitting cherries with a chopstick. Works great! Apricots are halved and placed on a mixture of creamed butter and sugar.

Apricot Cherry Upside Down Cake Apricot Cherry Upside Down Cake
The batter has almond paste, cornmeal and some vanilla and almond extract (next time, I would drop the almond extract as there was a bit too much almond flavor). The eggs are separated and the whites are folded into the mix.

Apricot Cherry Upside Down Cake
We cooked the cake using the "convection" feature of the new oven. We lowered the temp a bit and ended up cooking it around 70 minutes. It turned out nicely, but I don't know if it made a difference. I'd like to try cookies on convection next (hint, hint Dave!)

Apricot Cherry Upside Down Cake
I would definitely bake this again! Baked cherries are so sweet and delicious.
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Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Wow Mary - that upside down cake looks awesome. Two of my favorite fruits - cherries and apricots! Tell Dave and Phil I say hi.

Patricia Scarpin said... [Reply to comment]

What a great looking cake. i love cherries!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

this looks so good! i've never made an upside down cake before but i think i have to now. i think i'm actually drooling!

btw, thanks for the good wishes for Arthur. i think he's feeling all the love coming to him.

Davery said... [Reply to comment]

It was fun being the Food Librarian's beautiful assistant for a day - cherry juice on my fingers and all. The cake tasted just a good the second day! Once I get myself a food thermometer, I will have to take my own stab at baking!

Jaime said... [Reply to comment]

YUM! i love anything with fruit, esp upside down cakes :) try the toffee pineapple upside down cake in my blog, i promise it won't disappoint :)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I would love to comment on your scones, but this post was to beautiful to pass up. So simple and elegant. Great great job.

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