Eat your vegetables: Carrot-Ginger Cupcakes

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Carrot-Ginger Cupcakes

Carrot-Ginger Cupcakes! My love of ginger continues...

Since I'm on a "vegetable" dessert kick (see zucchini bread below), I made these Carrot-Ginger Cupcakes with Orange Cream Cheese Frosting again. The cupcakes are from Martha Stewart's Baking book (page 166) and I doctored a few recipes to make the frosting.

They are super, super yummy. Moist and ginger-y. Next time (and believe me there will be a next time) I think I'll throw in a few crystallized ginger pieces.

Carrot-Ginger Cupcakes
Normally, I use a knife to cut a cross-section of the dessert. However, this time, I was: 1. in the backyard, and 2. hungry. Sure, it was a big bite, but I really wanted you to see the internal structure of the cupcake! :) It's all for science...

Carrot-Ginger Cupcakes
I used organic carrots from Trader Joe's. Shred them on the small hole side of a grater.

Carrot-Ginger Cupcakes
The frosting was 1 stick butter, 1 block cream cheese, 2 1/2 cups of powdered sugar, 1 teaspoon orange zest and a wee bit of vanilla. It made enough for 24 cupcakes - just a light frosting which is what I like.
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Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Where did you find those delightful cupcake foils?

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

the cupcake cups are simple Reynold's foil cups. I've seen them in every grocery store in Los Angeles. They are pretty cheap too (around $2). I'm sorry if they aren't readily available where you are. Reynold's also makes a mini cupcake foil cup. Good luck finding them.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I didn't find the foil cups, but thanks for responding. I did make these cupcakes for an office party and everyone loved them, especially the frosting! I found the recipe on Martha Stewart's website. You're right, they're very delicious and deserve frequent revisits.

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