Homemade Granola

Friday, June 6, 2008

Homemade Granola
Homemade granola, organic yogurt and fresh strawberries and bananas. Serious great breakfast (or anytime snack)

My co-worker Jessica recently made some homemade granola and it was delicious. And since I have no original ideas, I decided to copy her :)

Using Ellie Krieger's recipe from the Food Network as a base, I combined some yummy ingredients together and baked it. I'm sure it is less expensive than regular granola and I can pronounce all the ingredients! It's super easy to make and very adaptable.

Although I baked it for 40 minutes (stirring every 10 minutes or so) at 300 degrees, the granola didn't brown as much as Jessica's. Turns out she baked hers at 350 degrees for 35 minutes. I'm going to try that with my next batch (and add some crystallized ginger and more ground ginger - but of course!)

Homemade Granola
Because this is a lower-fat recipe, it doesn't make "clusters" (you need more oil for that I think). I've tried it with soy milk and yogurt, and it gets a big thumbs up!

Homemade Granola Homemade Granola
Homemade Granola Homemade Granola
- click to enlarge -

Ingredients (most from Trader Joe's):
Raw nuts: 1/2 c each - pecans, walnuts and sunflower seeds
Dried fruits: 1/2 c each - raisins and apricots
Grains: 3 cups of rolled oats
Sweetness: 1/2 c organic maple syrup
Spices: cinnamon, salt and ground ginger
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Jess said... [Reply to comment]

i love the different ingredients you used! and inspiration is not copying!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

i agree. i'm inspired by you all the time! this is my favorite kind of breakfast too, either with yogurt or soy milk. my favorite granola is bulk from wf, pumpkin spice flax seed.

your version looks yummy!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

pumpkin spice sounds soooo good. i have some pumpkin spice from penzy in the cabinet! jessica was thinking of adding pumpkin seeds to her granola - perhaps adding both would be great! 2.46%, you should try it. you know, everyone's making granola...just try it.

Patricia Scarpin said... [Reply to comment]

Your granola looks wonderful. I would love to have some right now, since it's 3:40pm in Sao Paulo and I'm hungry already. ;)

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