La Palette's Strawberry Tart - Tuesdays with Dorie

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

La Palette's Strawberry Tart

This week's Tuesday with Dorie's recipe was selected by Marie of A Year from Oak Cottage.

This recipe is way simple and perfect: Shortbread crust layered with strawberry jam and delicious strawberries...topped with fresh whipped cream. It IS summer.

I made the food-processor crust the night before and stuck it in the freezer. I baked it off the next morning and brought in the rest of the ingredients to the library. Dorie says you should serve immediately.

Farmer's Market Strawberries
I bought the strawberries from my local farmer's market. California strawberries - so delicious!

La Palette's Strawberry Tart
During lunch, I went to buy some Smucker's Strawberry Jam, and then I pulled the stainless steel mixing bowl and whisk out of the freezer (next to everyone's TV diners, left-over ice cream from the last birthday party, and of course, that mystery stuff in the corner that we just won't talk about). I spread the jam, cut up the fresh California grown strawberries and whisked up some vanilla flavored whipped cream. Dorie suggests macerating the strawberries in some liquor...but since I was at work...the strawberries were pure and simple.

La Palette's Strawberry Tart
This was my first time making a tart shell. Dorie's recipe was easy to make. Dorie commented on the TWD website (yes, The Dorie - so very cool!) that the crust is a shortbread crust and might be a little hard and rustic. I think it would be great with some pastry cream & fresh fruit as well.

La Palette's Strawberry Tart
Don't know why...but I forgot to remove the tin before taking most of my photos. I was at work at the time and people were hungry. This dessert went very, very fast!

Check out the other posts by fellow Tuesday with Dorie bakers!

P.S. If this documentary is playing in your area, go see it! Young@Heart is about a chorus of senior citizens (average age in the 80's) who sing rock songs. You must see their rendition of Cold Play, James Brown and Sonic Youth. It is touching, funny and lyrical. Check out their website for upcoming concert dates. (I'm bummed I missed them when they were in Los Angeles).
Pin It!


Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Sigh...California the time they get to me, they're not as wonderful anymore! Your tart looks amazing.

Engineer Baker said... [Reply to comment]

Beautiful tart!

Gretchen Noelle said... [Reply to comment]

I adore the shape of your tart. It is adorable! I agree that the cream would be great with this as well!

Lori said... [Reply to comment]

I liked the tart pan in the pictures anyway. The silver with the strawberries was pretty.

Jules Someone said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! I love the rectangular tart pan.

CB said... [Reply to comment]

Love those CA strawberries! I think thats included with the home price right? HAHA! Love your rectangle tart. Great job!
Clara @ I♥food4thought

Nikki57 said... [Reply to comment]

I am so jealous of your Cali strawberries. Your tarts look great!

ostwestwind said... [Reply to comment]

Isn't it fun to buy strawberries from farmers markets? Great looking tart

Ulrike from Küchenlatein

Amy said... [Reply to comment]

Beautiful Pictures! Great job!

kimberly salem said... [Reply to comment]

you are so dedicated to bring everything to work! :) it looks lovely! i love the rectangle tart shape :)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love the rectangle shape!!! This looks wonderful!!

Lynne Daley said... [Reply to comment]

Gorgeous tart! The strawberry photo is beautiful.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I, too, have the mystery stuff in the corner. I covet your rectangle pan and fresh strawberries.

Amy said... [Reply to comment]

Your tart looks fabulous! I love your tart pan. I need a tart pan. I am so jealous that everyones tarts look so pretty with their crimped edges.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Gorgeous tart! I love watching Young @ Heart, but I haven't seen the movie yet.

steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

those berries look truly amazing--i'd love a piece of that tart!!

Heather B said... [Reply to comment]

I bet your co-workers loved you! Your tart looks delicious! Great job!

Susie Homemaker said... [Reply to comment]

Your crusts look perfect! And the tarts? Well, your co-workers are very lucky people!

Shari@Whisk: a food blog said... [Reply to comment]

I love the shape of that tart, and the box of strawberries looks so beautiful! Great job!
Shari@Whisk: a food blog

Linda said... [Reply to comment]

Gorgeous tart...I love the pic of the tart with the mound of whipped cream cascading over the berries...YUM!!!

Mari said... [Reply to comment]

That crate of strawberries looked like HEAVEN! Your colleagues sure are lucky!

Jaime said... [Reply to comment]

WOW, look at those strawberries! i am SO jealous!! beautiful tart

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