Peppermint Cream Puff (Tuesdays with Dorie) Attempt #1

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Peppermint Cream Puff (Tuesdays with Dorie)
My Peppermint Cream Puff Ring...just don't eat it

Peppermint Cream Puff (Tuesdays with Dorie)
Another Tuesdays with Dorie (gosh, I love this group!!) recipe. Selected by Caroline of A Consuming Passion. It's on page 290-292 of Dorie's wonderful book.

I had really high hopes for this one...and it sounds like it was very successful for many other bakers. The baking part worked out...but the tasting part didn't.

Mine tasted like I was eating the mint plant. The. Whole. Plant. O'. Mint.

If Tom's of Maine made a dessert (along with their all-natural toothpaste), my cream puff would be that dessert.

The taste of mint was so overpowering it blew me over. I had my co-worker Jessica try it, just in case my taste buds were crazy, but she agreed that is was too minty.

The recipe called for 40 leaves, and I only used 20, but I must have picked the most powerful mint on the planet!

Here is the play-by-play...up until I threw it all away... (don't worry, I tried again the next day with vanilla whipped cream and was able to eat it!)

Peppermint Cream Puff (Tuesdays with Dorie) Peppermint Cream Puff (Tuesdays with Dorie)
The cream puff pastry was simple to make. I made it before in a Hipcooks class, but we did it all by hand. Love the KitchenAid addition! I didn't have a large plain tip, so I used a star tip. A wet finger smoothed out the tops a bit before they went into the oven.

Peppermint Cream Puff (Tuesdays with Dorie)
My baked ring was smaller than Dorie's recipe, because I wanted some cream puffs as they are easier to eat (read: easier for co-workers to grab)

Peppermint Cream Puff (Tuesdays with Dorie) Peppermint Cream Puff (Tuesdays with Dorie)
The Incredible Hulk Mint Leaves. Way, way too strong.

Peppermint Cream Puff (Tuesdays with Dorie)
The cream filling, before tasting, piped out beautifully!

Peppermint Cream Puff (Tuesdays with Dorie)
Topped with chocolate glaze and toasted almonds.

Peppermint Cream Puff (Tuesdays with Dorie)

Although pretty, this was inedible because the mint was way too strong. On Monday night, I made a second batch of puffs. On Tuesday morning, I made some vanilla whipped cream for batch #2. (see next post)

Check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers!!
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Engineer Baker said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, so beautiful to be so untasty.

Eliza said... [Reply to comment]

Kind of makes you wonder if they meant 4 leaves instead of 40... I always wonder when I have a recipe that works out like that.

Jules Someone said... [Reply to comment]

I'm sorry they were too minty. Gorgeous, though!

kimberly salem said... [Reply to comment]

oh well... it seriously looks gorgeous!! glad the 2nd attempt was better :)

Liliana said... [Reply to comment]

You sure didn't let too much mint affect the way your cream puff s turned out - beautifuly - twice!

Great photos!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

You know, I only recently got over my "I don't like mint because it reminds me of toothpaste" thing. I think it has to do with the fact that I stopped using mint toothpaste. So it makes me a little sad for you to hear that your cream tasted toothpasty. So glad you made it again though. You sure have a knack for making things beautifully, culinarily and photographically.

Sherry Trifle - Lovely Cats said... [Reply to comment]

What a beautiful ring - I love that curly whipped cream too. I agree the mint was a no go - I don't like mint anything. So pleased you made a vanilla batch.

Sherry Trifle - Lovely Cats said... [Reply to comment]

What a beautiful ring - I love that curly whipped cream too. I agree the mint was a no go - I don't like mint anything. So pleased you made a vanilla batch.

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

I forgot to add to my post...I love mint. I pop altoids, peppermint tea, and anything else with mint in the description all day long. I wanted this to turn out. Really bad. I might try again with fewer leaves, shorter steep or just using peppermint extract.

Jaime said... [Reply to comment]

both versions look great; sorry the mint flavor was overwhelming

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