Apple Cheddar Scones (Tuesdays with Dorie)

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Apple Cheddar Scones (Tuesdays with Dorie)
Apple Cheddar Scones

For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie challenge, Karina of The Floured Apron picked this delicious choice.

Why do I love Tuesdays with Dorie? Because I'm going to make everything in the book...even ones that I would passed up had I been on my own! (Sorry, Dorie, no offense...but apple and cheddar just didn't call out to me). But I was sooooooo wrong.

Apple Cheddar Scones (Tuesdays with Dorie)
The cross-section. Light and, um, bumping with butter.

Apple Cheddar Scones (Tuesdays with Dorie)
I used mild cheddar cheese and dried granny smith apples from Trader Joe's.

Apple Cheddar Scones (Tuesdays with Dorie)
The dough comes out really sticky. Dorie warns you about that and suggests lots of flour...or to just scoop out the scones. I chose the latter and it was super-duper easy. I got 20 scones out of my smallish ice cream scoop. (I bought the scoop at Surfas and think it is either a #1 or #10...there is a "one" in the number)

Apple Cheddar Scones (Tuesdays with Dorie)
Fresh from the oven... my first baked good made with cheese!

Apple Cheddar Scones (Tuesdays with Dorie)
I would love to try this recipe with a savory herb such as rosemary.

Check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers!
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Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I thought these were terrific, too, and would have passed them up but for TWD! I love the look of yours - neat and round. This would be a great way to serve them for entertaining.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I was also skeptical of cheese in a baked good, but isn't it nice to be wrong? Lovely scones.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I was skeptical, too! But I'm glad we've all seen the light! haha! Nice work!

Erin | Naturally Ella said... [Reply to comment]

I too have seen the light. I agree, though, a little rosemary in these scones would be fantastic!

April said... [Reply to comment]

Your pictures are so nice and the scones look fabulous!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love the perfect round shape of yours!! They look delicious!! Aren't you glad you didn't pass these up? :-)

marae said... [Reply to comment]

is that the tuscan green Crate and Barrel baker...i love those, i have them in a few diff sizes! love your shape on the scones and the bright cheddar. i used extra sharp, i wasn't quite sure what would work best.

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Mara - Yes, that is C&B. Gosh, I could buy that entire store if I had the means. I don't eat cheese my selection wasn't based on flavor - the mild cheddar was the cheapest cheddar at Trader Joe's!

Susie Homemaker said... [Reply to comment]

Great idea to use the scoop - wish I had thought of that!!

Di said... [Reply to comment]

I love the small scones! I definitely think scooping was the way to go with these. I have great sources for ingredients around here, but I still miss Trader Joes.

vibi said... [Reply to comment]

Perfectly little rounded scones... the most even I've seen, surely just as good as their appearence!
Great job!

ostwestwind said... [Reply to comment]

The great pictures aren't a suprise for me, but it's great to see them in your entry.

Ulrike from Küchenlatein

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Your scones look great! Love your photos, too!

Engineer Baker said... [Reply to comment]

Those are so pretty, thanks to the ice cream scoop. I'm glad you ended up liking these so much.

Jules Someone said... [Reply to comment]

What a clever idea to use the scoop. Those look great!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

The ice cream scoop was genius. These have to be the most uniform scones of the bunch.

Jacque said... [Reply to comment]

I totally agree with you about TWD forcing you to try things you normally wouldn't.

Yours are soooo nice! Great pictures, I really like the first one.

Katie B. said... [Reply to comment]

I love love love the ice cream scoop idea - genius!!

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

What perfect little scones! Nice pictures, too.

Jaime said... [Reply to comment]

the apple and cheddar combo was surprising huh? :) beautiful scones! yours look so perfectly round.

Linda said... [Reply to comment]

Love how your scones turned out...and a great idea of using the scoop. You gotta love's a baker's paradise!!

Heather B said... [Reply to comment]

Great job! Your scones look so tasty! I love how round they are!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Your scones look beautiful! I love your pictures.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Nice domed scones! I'll have to try the scooper method sometime.

Mari said... [Reply to comment]

Your scones look fabulous! I'll have to do a better job of packing my scoop next time. I think some fresh herbs and bacon would work great in this recipe!

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