Blogger Help - Wider middle column?

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Here is a techie question to those excellent bloggers out there...

How to I get a wider middle column? My photos are in flickr and when I post a "medium" size horizontal photo, the right side gets a bit cut off.

I'm using one of the Blogger templates (TicTac) and the middle column is set in "px" such as:
#main {
float: $startSide;
width: 460px;
margin-top: 20px;

I looked at the code of some people's blogs and their width is in percentages. I'm tried to figure things out myself but it isn't happening (unless you like the wide middle, off-center header and left column at the bottom of the blog look?) I read that I need to add the sides, middle, padding together...and just got lost in it all.

If anyone can help me, I would very much appreciate it!! I'll bake you a virtual cake! :) You can comment or send an email to: thefoodlibrarian[at]gmail[dot]com. Thank you and have a great 4th of July!
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Nikki57 said... [Reply to comment]

I'm totally new at monkeying with blog templates, but my guess is that you need to make it wider while at the same time making the sidebar smaller to keep the header looking centered.

PerryBlog said... [Reply to comment]

If someone tells you how to do this, please post it! I was just trying to figure out that very same thing over the weekend. BTW, I'm a friend of Jamie's from Seattle and I love your blog. Almost makes me want to try Tuesdays with Dorie. almost...

PerryBlog said... [Reply to comment]

Ah ha! I'm a techie! From your hint (# main) of where to actually look, I just tried changing the numbers around... It was originally 410px & 220px. I changed it to the following to stay within the outer-wrapper total, which I assume to be the maximum allowable px for all of the content to display.

#outer-wrapper {
width: 660px;

#main-wrapper {
width: 460px;

#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 200px;

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for the help everyone (including Lisa who wrote to me). I haven't had time to mess around with things yet. And Perryblog - please join TWD - it's a bunch of fun and very yummy!!! :)

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