Blueberry Jar Pies (Tuesdays with Dorie)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Blueberry Pie (Tuesdays with Dorie)

For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie recipe, Amy of South in Your Mouth selected….Double Crusted Blueberry Pie on pages 361-363 of Dorie's good book.

A friend forwarded Not Martha's pies in tiny canning jar entry with a note that said, "So cute. You should make these." Well, I tried and hers turned out much better!

Blueberry Pie (Tuesdays with Dorie)
The 4th of July cross-section!

Blueberry Pie (Tuesdays with Dorie) Blueberry Pie (Tuesdays with Dorie)
Blueberry Pie (Tuesdays with Dorie) Blueberry Pie (Tuesdays with Dorie)
The dough is made of lots of butter and shortening. Unseasoned breadcrumbs are placed in the bottom of pie shell. I chose to use Japanese Panko breadcrumbs (all I had in the house) and they worked out fine. I think my blueberries had way too much flour and sugar on them...but I ran out of blueberries after adding the dry ingredients (miscalculated that it was 2 1/2 PINTs (which is 5 cups) and not 2 1/2 cups of blueberries for the full batch! oops). I baked off four of them (so the crust was a little higher than should be) and froze one of the little 4 ounce jars to bake off later.

Blueberry Pie (Tuesdays with Dorie)
I definitely want to try the pie crust again...I don't know if my technique was correct. I don't know what next week's selection will be, but I'm looking forward to another fun recipe!
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Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I've never seen anything like these - what a creative and lovely idea!

Andrea at Nummy Kitchen said... [Reply to comment]

Those are adorable! So dainty and delicious looking :)

Erin | Naturally Ella said... [Reply to comment]

I really like the idea and for your first time trying I think they look pretty delicious!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

these are so cute! i've been addicted to blueberries this summer but I'm feeding my addiction with an easy crisp. Maybe I'll try your little pies. They're a better idea for 2 people (or we'd eat the entire pie!).

Rigby said... [Reply to comment]

How cool! I love how you made them in jars! Such a neat idea and they look beautiful!

Marie Rayner said... [Reply to comment]

I love your little jar pies!! What a fabulous idea! I may do this myself one time! Well done you!

ostwestwind said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, what a great idea, these look so cute. I have only once made tiny pies in a muffin tin, but this is much nicer!

Ulrike from Küchenlatein

Amy said... [Reply to comment]

What a great way to serve pie. Everyone gets their own. I love your pictures!

Kelly said... [Reply to comment]

I saw these online a while back -- didn't think to use them for this TWD task. They are SO CUTE!!

Prudy said... [Reply to comment]

Those are adorable. I'm filing this idea away to steal in the future.:)
Thanks for sharing!

kimberly salem said... [Reply to comment]

your jar pies came out so great! adorable :)

Jules Someone said... [Reply to comment]

So freaking cute! I'm definitely going to have to try these little pies.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

That is brilliant! And so cute too!

Engineer Baker said... [Reply to comment]

What are you talking about, not as good as hers?! Those look amazing!

Katie B. said... [Reply to comment]

Wicked-cute! I love love love the ability to pop them into the freezer for later tasty consumption!

Susie Homemaker said... [Reply to comment]

I did a little jar pie too - but yours are cuter! love the cross section!!

Christine said... [Reply to comment]

This is such a creative idea, or as hubby said "real cool!" Now I am going to have to give it a try! Beautiful!

Stephanie said... [Reply to comment]

These are absolutely adorable!

Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said... [Reply to comment]

Those are sooo cute! Very creative!

Steph said... [Reply to comment]

Those are just too cute! Your crust looks so pretty and flaky.

Tammy said... [Reply to comment]

they looks so cute. I love the little ramekins you baked them in!

Linda said... [Reply to comment]

Very cute little pies...perfect portion control!

Mari said... [Reply to comment]

I think you did a fabulous job! Well done!

Susan @ SGCC said... [Reply to comment]

What a creative idea! I love them! I'm always afraid to bake in anything but bakeware, but I'd love to try this.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

You gotta hand it to Martha's team. they sure do know how to make things cute. Great job they look gooooooood.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

These are so cute! I love the jar pies- it was so creative!

marae said... [Reply to comment]

wow wow wow so cute of an idea!!!! i need to write this one down. FAB!

PheMom said... [Reply to comment]

Isn't baking in the canning jars fun! I just did that to the cobbler and it was easy and a blast. Your jarred pies look adorable!

Shari said... [Reply to comment]

Your jar pies look so cute!
Shari@Whisk: a food blog

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

That first photo is absolutely alluring. It definitely makes me want more pie. I like the the small pies like that. Good job.

Jacque said... [Reply to comment]

Those look fantastic! What a cute idea.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Wow...I must try this sometime! Lovely little jar pies.

Sharon said... [Reply to comment]

Well, aint that something...Never would have thought of that! Looks cute.

Jayne said... [Reply to comment]

Very cute - I like the tall, slender shape of the pies.

Shelby said... [Reply to comment]

I'm loving your mini pies - what a great idea!

I have been making the Good for Almost Anything Piecrust - my family thinks it is the best tasting crust ever.

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