New Computer Choc-Oat-Chip Cookies

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Computer Cookies

I got a new computer at work!!!

Now, new computers at work might be something that happens every 18-24 months at your job, but I work in the public library (to BP: not an academic library with Aeron chairs :). Not that I'm complaining..I do love my job. But the public library isn't known as the hotbed of the latest technology, or have the purse strings for such purchases. I am so happy with the new processor and cool flat screen.

We were the last group to get the computers, so the anticipation was huge. What to do with all this energy? Make some cookies! I used the recipe on the Nestle Chocolate chip bag (Costco bulk size) for Choc-Oat-Chip Cookies.

New Computer Cookies
This recipe is failsafe. Really, how can butter, flour, eggs, oatmeal and chocolate chips go wrong?
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Brian said... [Reply to comment]

I think more money is spent on chairs than on computers where I work, but I see your point.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I know I already told you, but those cookies were YUM-YUM! Thanks for making us your guinea pigs.

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