Back on the Blueberry Saddle Again - Blueberry Boy Bait

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Blueberry Boy Bait (America's Test Kitchen)

After my parking lot massacre (thanks everyone for your nice comments...I'll be sure to call you when this happens again because there seem to be plenty of you who would eat 'em off the parking lot floor...), I still had a bunch of blueberries left. Some will be used for the next Tuesdays with Dorie recipe, but I knew I could pound out another blueberry disaster...I mean recipe.

And as long as I stayed away from the muffin, it would all work out fine!

Blueberry Boy Bait (America's Test Kitchen)

Blueberry Boy Bait (America's Test Kitchen)

I made the America's Test Kitchen Blueberry Boy Bait. Cake, blueberries, and a cinnamon sugar topping.

I brought this in my handy Tupperware container that found its butt on the parking lot floor yesterday (I love it! Flip over the muffin holder part and you can put a 13 x 9 cake on it!) This time I triple checked the latch!

Blueberry Boy Bait (America's Test Kitchen)

Was it my favorite? was okay. You could seriously taste the butter (2 sticks) and it was moist, but I liked the Everyday Food buckle recipe more because the slivered almonds added a nice texture.

P.S. [vent] Flickr upload tool - you suck! I'm using the latest version 3.0.5 and for about two months now, it keeps giving me "Houston, we have a problem" and "Oops, some of your photos didn't upload." Usually 90% of my photos don't upload the first time. Or the second time. It takes me 3-4 tries to get them uploaded. Anyone else having this problem? It'll probably be easier to manually upload them one at a time at this point... Okay, feeling better that I got that off my chest. Thanks for listening. [/vent]

P.S.S. Yippee! Olympics start tomorrow!!!
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Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I was hoping this was going to be a post about you baiting a boy with this recipe....(shows you how much I need to learn as far as cooking terminology.) I love all your recent blueberry recipes!

I'm excited about the Olympics starting tonight, too!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I just made this the other day and posted it on my blog today! Yours looks wonderful! Too bad you didn't like it as much as I did.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Hey Mary--
Just a quick hello from PDX! I had some of the most fantastic u-pick blueberries the other day (or more accurately, my mom's friend-pick I-eat). That's something Oregon has going for it--it is berry-nirvana. Your blog makes me miss you!

Jacque said... [Reply to comment]

What a cute name for a dessert. Seriuosly, that is funny. They look fantastic!

P.S. I'm giving you an award :) see here:

marae said... [Reply to comment]

ha ha so is this named so because it's supposed to help get a boy?!! i have always been so curious on the origin. looks YUM!

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