Chocolate-Banded Ice Cream Torte (Tuesdays with Dorie)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Chocolate-Banded Ice Cream Torte (Tuesdays with Dorie)
Ice Cream and Chocolate Ganache. Together. In combination. Yes!

Thanks Amy of Food, Family and Fun for choosing Chocolate-Banded Ice Cream Torte on pages 288-289 of Dorie's book.

Chocolate-Banded Ice Cream Torte (Tuesdays with Dorie)
I made a really, really small batch. I used these mini canning jars (I think they are 4 oz) to make two small tortes.

I blended some raspberries with vanilla ice cream, and the chocolate band is a chocolate ganache. If you want the recipe, see Amy's blog.

Chocolate-Banded Ice Cream Torte (Tuesdays with Dorie)
It's not pretty, but tastes good!

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steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

i bet it did taste good! love those thick ganache layers--the best part!

NKP said... [Reply to comment]

I love the mini jar idea. And it is very pretty, and delicious looking.
I like that you celebrate for a month, sounds great!

ostwestwind said... [Reply to comment]

Not pretty ? I think it looks beautiful!

Ulrike from Küchenlatein

Nancy/n.o.e said... [Reply to comment]

Your little jars are so cute. And the torte-ettes look delectable.

Marie Rayner said... [Reply to comment]

Great idea to use mini canning jars!! I think your little mini tortes look fabulous!!

Jules Someone said... [Reply to comment]

Who needs pretty? Those are just adorable! I bought the jars to make pies in a jar. I may have to make tortes.

April said... [Reply to comment]

They are pretty! I'm sure they were just as tasty too.

TeaLady said... [Reply to comment]

Those mini tortes are perfect. This cake was sooooo rich. Like eating ice cream and fudge. Those l'il uns would be perfect.

Engineer Baker said... [Reply to comment]

Aawww, so cute! Gotta love minis, and I love making things in my 4-oz canning jars too. A perfect individual size.

chocolatechic said... [Reply to comment]

Brilliant idea with the jars.

kimberly salem said... [Reply to comment]

oh the mini jars are so cute! they look delicious :)

Di said... [Reply to comment]

The jars are adorable! I think the hardest thing about this recipe was photographing it before it melted too much. =)

Eleganza Strings/ The DeLadurantey Family said... [Reply to comment]

I think they are very cute!
Great idea!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

So cute and perfect portion!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

The canning jars were such a good idea! I'm totally stealing that. ;)

Flourchild said... [Reply to comment]

I love your mini tortes, great work!

Cathy said... [Reply to comment]

Canning jars -- that is brilliant! I think that mini is the way to go with a dessert this rich! Yours look delicious!

Prudy said... [Reply to comment]

Oh it is to pretty! I love the unique shape and the obvious layers. Yum.

Kana said... [Reply to comment]

Can't go wrong with thick layers of ganache goodness!

Susan @ SGCC said... [Reply to comment]

They are adorable! I love your little jars. Making minis was a great idea.

Carol Peterman/TableFare said... [Reply to comment]

Looks so good! Nice mini molds.

Jacque said... [Reply to comment]

mmmm, yours looks very... inviting! Like all we need is to pull up a chair and dig in. How cute your little tortes are... and good idea too with the jars.

Nicole said... [Reply to comment]

I think they are so pretty! I love the mini jar idea. Great job!

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

hmmmmmmmmm i adore chocolate ganache and what could it better for summer? mixed with ice cream wow what an explosive combination.

Heather B said... [Reply to comment]

I love the little jars! So cute! Great job!

Sihan said... [Reply to comment]

haha. u kidding me.. doesn't look good? that looks fantastic lady!

Jaime said... [Reply to comment]

great idea to use the jars - you could just eat them in the jar, no need to unmold :)

KK said... [Reply to comment]

i'm a sucker for chocolate looks quite "pretty" to me...not to mention - delicious!

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