Magnolia's Black Bottom Cupcakes

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Black Bottom Cupcakes (Magnolia Bakery recipe)
Magnolia's Black Bottom Cupcakes

Here's another recipe from Magnolia's delicious book. (Recipe Link has the recipe)

This is a nice combo of chocolate cupcake and cream cheese. How can that go wrong? (Note to Brian: Okay, I understand that you don't understand cream cheese...I'll send you some peanut butter cookies instead)

This has an eggless chocolate cupcake (very easy to make) and a mixture of cream cheese, sugar, egg and mini chocolate chip morsels to spoon on top.

Black Bottom Cupcakes (Magnolia Bakery recipe)
Until I can get to Magnolia's, I'll have to just make some of their treats!
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PheMom said... [Reply to comment]

Those look terrific! I keep seeing these kinds of cupcakes around, but I still haven't made them. Now I really want to.

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Yum looks great! I've been wanting to make David Lebovitz's black bottom cupcakes for a while now but never have cream cheese.

Patricia Scarpin said... [Reply to comment]

My goodness, these are irresistible!
I love how beautiful they look and the chocolate part is insanely dark, yum!

The Blonde Duck said... [Reply to comment]

Books and baking? I think we could be great friends!

KK said... [Reply to comment]

i'm sure these taste as good as they look. when are you having me over for desserts!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Cream cheese is one of the greatest things in the world! Coupled with chocolate, how can you go wrong! These look totally amazing!

Prudy said... [Reply to comment]

I used to make a cupcake that was similar, but no where near as gorgeous and decadent. I've got to try these post haste.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

These look so good! It's funny- this afternoon I was looking through the cookbook and thought about making them! I made black bottom brownies not too long ago and really want to try these!

Susan from Food Blogga said... [Reply to comment]

Mmm... those cupcakes looks delightfully moist and rich.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Haha - save the airfare and just buy more ingredients :-) These remind me of a similar cupcake my mom used to make ... soooooo delicious!

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

I m not a big fan of cheesecake but these cupcakes looks really nice anf yummy.

Megan said... [Reply to comment]

I made these a few months ago and had to stop myself from eating all of them. Dangerously good!

April said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my gosh those look so good!

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