Martha Stewart's Chocolate Thumbprints

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Martha Stewart's Chocolate Thumbprints
Chocolate Thumbprint Cookies

I'm slowly going through my Martha Stewart's Cookies book and decided to try these cute as a button cookies. You can find the recipe here!

Martha Stewart's Chocolate Thumbprints Martha Stewart's Chocolate Thumbprints
The cookie is basically a shortbread filled with chocolate. I scooped the dough out with my mini-ice cream scoop and rolled them into balls.

Martha Stewart's Chocolate Thumbprints
Martha (yeah, I know it is her staff that write these books, but I still imagine Martha talking directly to me) says to pull the balls of dough out of a HOT oven after 10 minutes and then PLUNGE your thumb into the ball 'o fire. She even recommends keeping a bowl of ice water nearby to chill your thumb.

Woman! (yes, I'm speaking directly to you, Martha) I don't know what you learned in prison, but I'm not one for sticking my fingers into hot dough. I sorta need that thin layer of skin that is surely going to fry off so I can lick bowls of cupcake batter! Therefore, I used my wooden lemon reamer - what a perfect little fit too!

Martha Stewart's Chocolate Thumbprints
Ok. I have to tell you about my great find! A few weeks ago, I came across a garage sale and found an amazing set of vintage tupperware containers in these fantastic colors. And they were practically new! Whoo hoo!

The centers are filled with melted semi-sweet chocolate and corn syrup. I ended up with a bunch left over...I should have filled them with lots more chocolate. Overall, they were okay but not my top 10 favorite cookie.

Martha Stewart's Chocolate Thumbprints
Martha Stewart's Chocolate Thumbprints...
Recipe here and don't forget to save your thumbs while making these!
Pin It!


Megan said... [Reply to comment]

I have that book and I need inspiration to bake from it! Let me know which cookie you are going to bake next and I'll do it with you!!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

Megan, great idea! Email me and we'll decide on a recipe. I need the inspiration too! :)
thefoodlibrarian [at] gmail

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said... [Reply to comment]

your food photography is um... how can I put this... AMAZING! can you seriously write a post giving some hints on how you take your pictures?

Liz said... [Reply to comment]

Wow. I totally assumed those were melted Hershey's kisses in the middle! Wasn't it a pain spooning in the melted chocolate? Martha can be high-maintenance sometimes! Regardless, they look beautiful, and at least you didn't sacrifice precious thumb-skin to make them. :)

Patricia Scarpin said... [Reply to comment]

You made me laugh out loud! :)

I would not be "brave" enough to poke hot cookies with my bare finger.
These look fantastic, btw. :)

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

these look perfect :-) Hmm I like chocolate and shortbread.

Janssen said... [Reply to comment]

They are very cute, but I am almost always disappointed by shortbread. There are just better cookies to be eaten :)

Steph said... [Reply to comment]

Your thumbprints look awesome! I'm not much of a short bread fan, that is.. unless it's filled with chocolate.. hahah. I wish my area had more garage sales or at least ones that sold cool vintage items!!

Patsyk said... [Reply to comment]

I have that recipe marked as well! Too funny that you also used something else to make the indentations - I would never be able to do that with my bare finger!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

darmaris, thanks so much for your comments! i always feel i have no idea what i'm doing, but i'll try to do a post that at least shows my camera equipment! thanks for visiting my blog!

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said... [Reply to comment]

well whatever you are doing is working!

Anne said... [Reply to comment]

I LOVE that tip to use the tool instead of your finger! Your cookies look beautiful and it's a fun book- I'm going to have to bust it out again!

The Blonde Duck said... [Reply to comment]

That's like the perfect cookie and muffin!

Irene said... [Reply to comment]

They may not have been your favorites, but they sure LOOK cute! I'm in love with the lemon reamer. :)

Jacque said... [Reply to comment]

LOL, you crack me up with the burned thumb comments.

I keep looking at Martha's (or Martha's underling's) book and wanting to buy it. Do you recommend it?

Anyway, these cookies are adorable... sorry they weren't fab.

Oh, and I have to add that I grew up with a kitchen full of that color of tupperware. What a great find!

Shari said... [Reply to comment]

These thumbprints which chocolate look great! I love the colors of vintage Tupperware. My parents have that set. When I was visiting them this summer, I offered to buy them a set of ziploc containers for their cupboards since the Tupperware doesn't stack as nicely, but they absolutely adore their Tupperware and look for it at every garage sale they go to. Ziploc won't do! ;)

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Now I want a wooden lemon reamer for just that purpose! You're making me have cookie making envy. I haven't made enough cookies recently!

Y said... [Reply to comment]

I love thumbprint cookies, and those look soo perfect!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

the back of the mini-ice cream scoop you use to scoop the cookies works perfect for making the "thumbprint" as well. one less thing to wash...

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