Martha Stewart's Lemon Tassies

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Martha Stewart's Lemon Tassies
Walking down the runway...Lemon Tassies

Okay. I'm writing this while watching Project Runway (read: there will be very little about the cookies in this post). It's toward the end of the season and tonight's episode determines the three finalist. And if this 1950's designer Kenley gets in, I'm going to lose it. Last episode, she was completely disrespectful to Tim Gunn. Yes, Tim Gunn. Master of big words and style! I wanted to leap through my little TV and strangle her.

This episode is all about nature. Great looking garden they are all in...very cool.

Martha Stewart's Lemon Tassies
I'm going through a miniature phase right now...and tried these Martha Stewart Lemon Tassie cookies. I made 12 mini-muffins and some tartlets.

Now Tim Gunn is going around visiting the 3 designers and 1 whiner.

Tim Gunn: Fish Scales.
Kenley: Yeah, everyone should wear fish scales. I love it.
Kenley, you going down!

Tim Gunn to Mousey girl (aka Leanne): I see Hello Dolly.
Serious, what's with that color?!??!?! That color is not found in nature. Not.

Martha Stewart's Lemon Tassies
The mixture is uber easy to make. It calls for 3 tablespoons of lemon zest - that's a hella lot of zest. I didn't have that much so it was a little light on the zest.

Back to the show: Oh no, Leanne is succumbing to "reality-show-sleep-deprivation-and-stress" syndrome. Oh god, everyone is crying now and we haven't gotten to the runway show yet!

The runway show. The color of Leanne's dress isn't as bad on the runway...but that fabric in the back is weird.

Nina's best line ever about Kenley: Kinda creepy. Reptile. Not young, hip, or cool at all.

Martha Stewart's Lemon Tassies

Final: Oh, just like last year...all four make collections and then they are judged. Kinda let down because Kenley will be back, but I'm glad Korto isn't gone.

Oh yeah, make these cookies! Here is the recipe on Martha's website.
Pin It!


vibi said... [Reply to comment]

Oh... I've been wondering what I could use those tiny molds for!!! LOL
I'm off baking tassies in a short while!
Thanks for sharing...

jamie said... [Reply to comment]

Ohh... Kenley makes my blood boil, too! That horribly whiny definitive way she says "I love it", which clearly trumps anything the judges (or Tim) might think about her work. Grrrr. I'm going to cry if she goes to fashion week.

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

Love these! They are super cute! And I love lemon!!

CB said... [Reply to comment]

Nina rocks. That's all there is to it. I admit I diarrhea-ed in my mouth a little when they said that all 4 were staying. Just get that bitchy girl out of there! Ugh! I know she's good TV but no one will be better reality than Christian IMO. Early predictions say Jerrell is out. sniff...

mimi said... [Reply to comment]

love the little tassies.

and project runway is such a joke now! kenley should have been booted off a long time ago and if i have to hear one more time about how "tough" she is i'm gonna puke. leanne should have never stuck that random dark blue fabric in the back. korto's had potential but came out looking hack. the only one i found interesting was jarrell's, but it was too unpolished.

ugh. so now we have to sit through this all over again? should have been leanne and jarrell in, with korto and kenley competing for BP.

Patricia Scarpin said... [Reply to comment]

I've had an eye on these, too - now, after seeing yours, even more!

The Blonde Duck said... [Reply to comment]

Those are so adorable!

Jacque said... [Reply to comment]

Those are completely adorable! I love the shot with the upside down tin. Nice work!

Satisfying my Sweet Tooth said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! These look so good! I'm with you on the miniature foods. They always taste and look better. Love the lemon too! I'm going to add this to my to do list for the weekend!

Jules Someone said... [Reply to comment]

Love the tassies. HATE Kenley. And she's still there! We can only hope she spends hours and hours on a collection and STILL doesn't make it to Byrant Park.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love your little tarts.

Yes, I was disappointed Kenley still there too. I can't believe what a b**ch she is. Especially when they did the group hug at the end and Tim said that she should let bygones be bygones and she was still sitting by herself! Someone who admits that all her life people have been against her should take a good hard look at herself and maybe wonder if it might actually be her that's the problem.

I think they should have just booted someone off. This four deal is such a cop-out. Jerome's win was for nothing if he's up for elimination as well.

OK, enough for now!

Jenny said... [Reply to comment]

Well those are just the cutest little desserts! I am new here and am looking forward to visiting often!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

So good! I've missed Project Runway this season,darn.

CookiePie said... [Reply to comment]

So pretty! I've been wondering what to make for a dinner party this week, these would be perfect. Thanks for the inspiration!

Prudy said... [Reply to comment]

Those are too darling!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love miniature food too! These look fab!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

these look too cute-and i bet they're delicious also!

My Sweet & Saucy said... [Reply to comment]

I love these! The name is too darn cute too!

Aggie said... [Reply to comment]

These are very cute! I would love one right now!

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