Pork Kimchi Fried Rice with Friends and Doggies

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Pork Kimchi Fried Rice
It's a happy dinner!
Pork Kimchi Fried Rice

On Friday night, I got together with my library school friends Jun and Socrates to learn how to make Jun's Kimchi Fried Rice. The three of us love to go out to eat and one day we were at Gaja eating kimchi fried rice and Jun said she makes it at home all the time. Before she finished that sentence, Socrates and I invited ourselves over to her house for a lesson!

Lunchie & Sunny Lunchie & Sunny
First, Jun and David have two adorable doggies. Lunchie is a completely cute ball of fluffiness, and Sunny is a brand new addition to the family. Sunny was found on Sunset Blvd. in Los Angeles! She just got fixed, and Lunchie and Sunny are constant companions now!

At our last dinner together, Martha Stewart was brought up and Jun said the CBS made-for-TV "Martha Inc." is classic (in a made-for-TV way). After dinner, we watched the show with Cybill Shepard. My favorite line was when a woman in KMart says, "I tried your recipe twice and it didn't work out." The Martha character says, "Well, you just can't cook!"

Kimchi Fried Rice
Pork Kimchi Fried Rice Pork Kimchi Fried Rice
Jun cooked 3 cups of Japanese rice...you can also use day old rice. Jun browned some shabu-shabu cut pork with some garlic. Since shabu-shabu uses super thin cut meet, this was a perfect cut. If you don't have a Japanese grocery store nearby, you can cut pork very, very thin. After browning, the pork is set aside while you prepare the rice.

The rice is added to the pan and cooked a bit in oil to get some edges crispy and, if it is fresh rice, to dry it out a bit. Jun usually uses butter, but she was out and we used oil instead.

Pork Kimchi Fried Rice
Jun's secret ingredient is a Japanese rice "enhancer" that has lots of salt, probably some MSG, dehydrated soy sauce and other flavors. If you don't have a Japanese market in your neighborhood, you can add salt, soy sauce and some peppers to your rice.

Pork Kimchi Fried Rice Pork Kimchi Fried Rice
The pork is added back to the rice along with the drained kimchi. Top each bowl with a fried egg.

Pork Kimchi Fried Rice
Super Yummy Dinner!

Warm Green Bean dish Warm Green Bean dish
I helped Jun make the veggie side dish. Onion and garlic are cooked for 3 minutes, then 4 diced seeded tomatoes with 1/2 cup of dry white wine are added and cooked for 8-10 minutes. Blanched green beans are tossed in along with olives (or capers) until heated through (about 3 minutes).

Warm Green Beans with tomatoes and olives
Finish off with pepper and lemon juice

Lunchie & Sunny
Sunny and Lunchie say, "Where's our pork kimchi fried rice?" (No, Lunchie isn't smoking, that's a doggie chew in her mouth).
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Jenny said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my goodness, what a cute post! Yum on the fried rice and those dogs are too cute for words! Have a great rest of your weekend!

CB said... [Reply to comment]

What a fun night for friend and dogs! Love the smiley face on your egg but I'd be sad to eat it! Well only for 5 secs. Hey when I am hungry I don't take no prisoners. HAHA.

Apples and Butter said... [Reply to comment]

Looks delicious! I think I'm going to have to go the local Japanese Market for the Shabu Shabu meat right now!

Sunset said... [Reply to comment]

Lunchie and Sunny just saw your post, and they are SO happy that they were featured so prominently in your blog. All the pictures came out beautifully. Can't wait for our next librarians'-night-in!

Jaime said... [Reply to comment]

awwww how cute! love the happy face fried egg :) the dogs are so cute together too!

The Blonde Duck said... [Reply to comment]

Awww! Hooray for Sunni! That fried rice looks awesome. I didn't know they had Japenese rice. I'll have to bookmark this for my rice-loving husband...

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

That is the best post ever...I can't wait to try that. I love kimchi. I want dogs like those..I swear, they are posing for those pictures :).

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

I am glad your dog isn't a smoker:)
What a fun night!

Maggie said... [Reply to comment]

I love kimchee fried rice! My second year in college I lived across the street from a Korean restaurant and had dinner there 4 nights a week.

Really cute puppies too!

KK said... [Reply to comment]

what adorable dogs! i'm definitely trying out this dish...looks absolutely yummy...

I love, love, love friend rice!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Of all your amazing dessert posts, I chose this one to comment on. I have the biggest sweet tooth and love sweets, but I am greatly intrigued by this kim chi rice. Looks fabulous!! Great blog.

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