Everyday Food's Cranberry Scones

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Cranberry scones
Cranberry Scones

Scones are the perfect food to make in the morning. Things need to be cold so you don't have to get things to room temp. You can even put the ingredients together the night before, pastry cut it in the morning, pop them into the oven and take a shower. When you come out with some "Gee, your hair smell terrific" hair (I must admit I bought that shampoo in my youth), you have fresh, yummy, buttery, and rich scones.

How perfect is that? This would be delightful to have this holiday season after Santa and friends come for a visit. Find the recipe on the Martha Stewart website here.

Cranberry scones
Only seven ingredients! Flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, butter, half-and-half (I made my own with cream and milk), and a 1/2 cup cranberries. I brushed on some cream and sprinkled the top with sugar in the raw. I also cut mine into 16 scones instead of 8.

Cranberry scones
Cranberry Scones - Find the easy-peasy recipe here!
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Mary Ann said... [Reply to comment]

These look wonderful. I was wondering what I would do with the leftover bag of cranberries in my freezer,.... these look like a perfect option!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

These look great and I too have a bag of cranberries in my freezer just begging to be used...

Jenny said... [Reply to comment]

Those are so beautiful! I love cranberry this time of year.

Lisa magicsprinkles said... [Reply to comment]

Cranberry scones sound so tempting! I love the shampoo flashback - remember the beer shampoo - Body on Tap I think it was called? and Agree. That stuff smelled great. Thanks for the memories (oh and the recipe too ;)

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said... [Reply to comment]

Cranberries make such a festive treat over the holidays...I love their tanginess:D

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Looks yummy! I love blueberry scones.

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