Dorie Greenspan's Coffee-Break Muffins with Chocolate

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Coffee-Break Muffins
Coffee-Break Muffins

Coffee-Break Muffins
...with some added mini chocolate chips (1/2 cup)

I started a new schedule at work where I work 10 am - 7 pm on Thursdays. I have big dreams. My plans are to get up at the same time as normal (my body likes routine) and bake something that needs to be eaten warm or can't be refrigerated overnight. I imagine waltzing into the library holding a croquembouche (that crazy beautiful French cream puff tower surrounded by spun sugar).

Well, at least I can say I still have lots of dreams and aspirations.

I stayed up too late staying up watching Top Chef (Thank Goodness Leah the Quitter, Crazy-flirt-home-wrecker got kicked off...and poor Fabio with his finger and best quote of the season...Karla is growing on me...can't wait til next week's episode) so this morning I tried to salvage my baking dreams by making these quick muffins.

Coffee-Break Muffins
This recipe is from Dorie Greenspan's Baking book, page 15. With instant espresso powder and cooled strong coffee, it has some caffeine for an edible coffee break. Here I am cooling my instant coffee over an ice bath. The recipe uses melted butter so it comes together pretty quickly. The recipe makes 12 muffins, but I got 15. Next time, I'll fill them more to get a domed top.

Coffee-Break Muffins
Coffee-Break Muffins with mini-chocolate chips

Quick, easy. A coffee break with the coffee built in!
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Sara said... [Reply to comment]

YUM, these look delicious! I've been looking for a coffee-chocolate chip muffin recipe since I'm totally addicted to these mocha chocolate chip muffins at our local bakery...maybe this can save me some $$$! :-D

Pearl said... [Reply to comment]

coffee break muffins? oh dear.

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

I had that croquebouche thingie(whatever on that spelling?!) at my wedding...we had a regular wedding cake but I gave each table their own french tower to play was by far the best part of the wedding...people still talk about the dessert and fighting over the last is sort of the hip french version of Monkey bread :). I am going to make the coffee break muffins tomorrow..yum.

Engineer Baker said... [Reply to comment]

For all my variations of the world peace cookies, this is probably my favorite recipe in the entire book. I've made it a handful of times, and they are just too good. And chocolate is always an acceptable addition :)

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

Ooh...thanks for the Top Chef update! I taped it, but haven't had time to watch yet and I'm so happy to learn that Leah is gone!! The muffins look great and good luck with your dreams! :o) I would like to share some awards with you, so stop by when you can.

Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

I hate to admit it, but I'm a coffee addict. So, these muffins look fantastic to me! I'm putting them on my list of things to try, thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Those look really good and I'm really hungry right now!

Donna-FFW said... [Reply to comment]

Coffee and chocolate .. what are you doing to me.. These look incredibly delicious!! So have to try these too. I could gain 10 pounds from your blog alone!!

betty geek said... [Reply to comment]

Pictures are fabulous!

I will need to bookmark these for the future. Awesome job.

Nancy/n.o.e said... [Reply to comment]

I've wondered about those muffins and am so glad you previewed them for me! They look great. Good luck with the Thursday am baking!!

Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

I watched the DVR'd episode last night and I'm so glad "Leah the Quitter, Crazy-flirt-home-wrecker" got kicked off. She got on my nerves. Carla is growing on me too. I didn't care for her too much int he beginning but I like how she gets so excited and her eyes bug out of her head. She's nuts! And poor Fabio :-( Did you see his haircut though on the upcoming episode? Not so much. Was I the only one to think that Padma needed to wear a different dress, or a bra at the very least?

Oh, and your muffins look great. I can't wait to see your croquembouche soon!!!

Audrey said... [Reply to comment]

After Dorie's lemon poppy seed muffins, these were the ones I wanted to try next. It's good to know they were good! (I used to buy a "cappuccino muffin" at a bakery near an old job and I'm guessing these are similiar. And I think I would love to work 10-7, even one day a week. I'd have a real breakfast, miss the sardine commute (both times), and probably (sigh) get home around the same time anyway.

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

I'm so sleepy right now, I could totally use one of these! I am still routing for Fabio on TC, but I can't believe Carla has made it so far. She could actually be a contender.

Briana said... [Reply to comment]

These look great! Coffee and chocolate in muffin form, what more can you ask for?

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

delicious looking muffins! I like muffins and chocolate. one of my favourite :)

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

This is my kind of coffee break!!

The Blonde Duck said... [Reply to comment]

I like these better than that fancy French thing you said before!

Di said... [Reply to comment]

I'll have to give these a try. Maybe they'll help me recover from my muffin fiasco this morning.

Gigi said... [Reply to comment]

oh man do these look great! i always wondered what they would look like. great pics and muffins!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love croquebouche too! These muffins look great. I have the recipe marked in the book. I can't wait for Top Chef next week too. I almost got sick when I saw that Fabio had broken his finger. Have a great day!

Dee said... [Reply to comment]

Dream big, my friend :) I hear croquebouche mail well ;)

Those muffins look scrummy! Isn't Dorie the best?

Linda said... [Reply to comment]

warm freshly baked treats, straight from the oven to your workplace??? --- man, i am jealous of your workmates!!!! at my office this morning, I enjoyed a day-old donut sitting in the kitchen ---yup, no comparison. ;)

ps...thank GOD Leah is gone - i'm still bitter over the fact that Jamie and Arianne were elimiated before she was. can't wait to see the TC action in New Orleans.

Carol Peterman/TableFare said... [Reply to comment]

The muffins look great. I haven't made this recipe yet. Top Chef has kept me up past my bedtime more than once too.

Elyse said... [Reply to comment]

These muffins look like the perfect treat: chocolate and coffee all in a muffin! Sign me up! P.S. I'm in total agreement with you about Top Chef. Karla is finally growing on me--this took a long time. And Leah--uh, don't get me started. She should have gone home a long time ago (and so should Hosea, that little whiner)! Love your blog!!

MissBliss said... [Reply to comment]

We are making these post haste!!!

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