Literary Pie: Funny in Farsi Apple Rose Water Pie (You Want Pies with That?)

Friday, February 6, 2009

"Funny in Farsi" Apple Rose Water Pie
Literary Pie: Funny in Farsi Apple Rose Water Pie
Finished off with a sprinkle of pistachios and pomegranate molasses

This month’s theme for You Want Pies with That? was chosen by… ME!! I selected “Literary Pie” (really, what did you expect from The Food Librarian?). I also said you get bonus points from me if you use your library...and I read the most wonderful stories of trips to the library as both a child and adult from some bakers. (By the way, in these tough economic times, public libraries are busy. We offer entertainment to the whole family! DVDs, downloadable audiobooks, storytimes, magazines, book clubs, internet access, cultural programs, and so much more! Please support your library because as our usage sky-rockets, our budgets are taking a big hit. [Mary exiting her soap box now :) ])

For my pie, I selected the memoir, Funny in Farsi: A Memoir of Growing Up Iranian in America by Firoozeh Dumas

This memoir chronicles Firoozeh’s experiences coming from Iran at age seven and settling in Whittier, California (a suburb of Los Angeles) in 1971. Written in short vignettes, she describes her experiences in this new county with her family (including being horrified when she thought we ate dogs in our “hot dogs”). Her father’s optimism and love of the United States (especially Walt Disney) is touching and hilarious. I couldn’t put it down and have loaned it out to everyone I know. All who have immigrant parents or grandparents can relate, regardless of their homeland.

Pomegranates are natives of Persia/Iran and are used in a lot of Persian cooking (I had a roommate and boss who were Iranian American). Oh man, I love Persian food. The rice dishes are sooooo delicious. If you get a chance to go to a restaurant, or better yet, get invited over to someone’s house, please try this delicious cuisine. Luckily, Los Angeles has a large concentration of Iranian Americans (did you know that Jimmy Delshad was the first Iranian American mayor of Beverly Hills?) and lots of Iranian stores and products (I love Mashti Malone’s saffron pistachio ice cream sandwiches).

"Funny in Farsi" Apple Rose Water Pie
I wanted to make the Citrus POM Tart with fresh pomegranates, but, wouldn’t you know it, Poms are out of season! (Rain check for next season). So I focused on another Persian flavor: Rose Water. I found this recipe for Apple Pie with Rose Water on the Food Network.

"Funny in Farsi" Apple Rose Water Pie "Funny in Farsi" Apple Rose Water Pie
I made it with two granny smiths and one gala apple in a galette shape. I brushed the crush with some cream and sprinkled it with sanding sugar.

"Funny in Farsi" Apple Rose Water Pie
A huge thank you to all the people who baked along with me this month! It was such a thrill to choose a theme! I can’t wait to see the round-up of pies. You’ll be able to see them on the You Want Pies with That website soon!
Pin It!


NKP said... [Reply to comment]

A Persian Apple Pie! Wonderful!
I haven't read that book, but just finished The Language of Baklava which is about a Jordanian/American family adjusting to having the two identities. The pie would fit equally well for that - I can really relate!
I just love the flavours you have used. Makes me want to break out the pomegranate molasses buried in the pantry..

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Most definitely the coolest theme so far. That galette looks wonderful - I've always wanted to try pomegranate molasses.

Jen H said... [Reply to comment]

What a creative idea! The flavors sound like they'll work so well and I can't wait to try it out myself.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Gala apples are a favorite of mine. Mind you I think Granny Smiths make the best pies. Your pie looks delicious!

Judy said... [Reply to comment]

What a great version of an apple pie! My postings have been less frequent as of late because I just started a new job at my public library. Finally, I'm back in my familiar environment after several years!

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

this pie looks really nice. The flavours are amazing. Surely an apple pie to remember. The sanding sugar is the final touch :)

doughmesstic said... [Reply to comment]

You must be joking...with entries like this, none of the rest of us stand a chance! Gorgeous pictures, too!
(okay, now I am off to the library...)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Yum Rose water and apples. It looks beautiful!

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

I love rustic pies like this and I have been wanting to make my own rosewater for a while. Nice choice on the theme too! I am glad to hear that libraries are still happening during these tough times we are all having :)

apparentlyjessy said... [Reply to comment]

This pie looks so good, even yummier looking than a traditional pie I reckon, and it looks simple too! Yay for reading and pies!

J.L. Danger said... [Reply to comment]

I am so excited for you! Smart idea!

AmyRuth said... [Reply to comment]

I have seen your selection of pies all over the place, Mary. How fun. I think your galette/pie is beautiful. Did you make your own molasses? I ran across a recipe recently cooking down the juices with sugar? Anyway, looks lovely and the book title sounds really intriguing.

RecipeGirl said... [Reply to comment]

What a neat idea! I once was in a women's book club where we tried to have theme-related food with our gatherings. Great fun. Pie looks awesome!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

What a great idea for the theme this month, and a great pie. I have rosewater, and I'm always looking for new recipes in which to use it!

Audrey said... [Reply to comment]

This looks delicious. You're so creative! And I'm going to look for the book, too.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

You are brilliant! As the author of FUNNY IN FARSI, I believe I am entitled to a pie. Will be checking my mail this week.

Mary Ann said... [Reply to comment]

I really want to read this book. I am so interested in that area of the world. I was going to do something with Pomegranates too because I love The Kite Runner, but alas, sickness has kept me out of this round.
The apple pie looks fab. Great job!

Carrie said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, I bet you felt the pressure this month trying to bake a good pie for your theme! Well, you didn't disappoint, you did a fantastic job! I've never heard of Funny in Farsi, but I LOVE the theme this month. I have a whole new list of books to read! I can't wait to try your book and your pie ;-)

Jacque said... [Reply to comment]

Mmmm, that sounds so delish. I have a small bottle of rose water and have never known what to do with it... until now!

Sounds like an interesting book too.

Oh, and I forgot to mention in my post that I go to the library nearly every week... and have for years. My ten year old is such a reader... he's read all of the Harry Potter books (one is over 800 pages long!) and so many others. He's on the third Narnia book now. The 7 year old is a good reader too. They both love the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series along with what looks like every other kid in town. So anyway, I'm off on a tangent here, LOL, sorry. I just figured you'd understand :)

suz said... [Reply to comment]

I bet the subtle marriage of the apples and rose water is to die for. What a gorgeous entry! Plus, I loved your theme so much so thank you :)

Jo said... [Reply to comment]

Such an exotic pie and bet it taste equally delicious. I love the sprinkling of pistachios on the apples as well.

Zesty Cook said... [Reply to comment]

This truly looks delicious

The Blonde Duck said... [Reply to comment]

I love ya'lls pie group. I can never join because my hips would grow yards daily!

I moved! Come visit me at

Tammy said... [Reply to comment]

that books sounds great - I must read it. your pie looks fab too! I have just finished the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - have you read it? it is brilliant!

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

What a delightful pie!!

Irene said... [Reply to comment]

I love the flavor of rose water! This looks amazing. I have a lot of Persian friends (and well, am an immigrant myself), so thanks for the recommendation!

J.L. Danger said... [Reply to comment]

Hey Mary! I tagged you for a fun little meme.


Carol said... [Reply to comment]

Just looking at that pie made me instantly hungry just like Pavlov's dogs. I love apple pies and this one looks especially delicious!

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