National Carrot Cake Day, George Clooney, and Spiced Carrot Cake (Everyday Food)

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Spiced Carrot Cake
Spiced Carrot Cake

OMG! True story: I made Everyday Food's Spiced Carrot Cake yesterday and brought it into work (Tuesday, February 3, 2009). While browsing my reader, this Serious Eats entry came up! Turns out, February 3rd was National Carrot Cake Day!

I see this and shout it out to my co-workers. What a coincidence!

Then, I say: "Tomorrow will be 'George Clooney Comes to My Office Day'."

Hey, a girl can hope! (When I worked in non-profit years ago, George Michael did stand in the doorway of my office on a tour.) And, I think George is in town filming his return to ER... :)

Spiced Carrot Cake

Okay, here is the real reason I made the Spiced Carrot Cake from Everyday Food!

I have an episode of Everyday Baking with John B. on my DVR. I haven't seen this PBS show in a bit...I hope it is still in production! His show "The Best Cakes" aired in June 2008 and has 4 cakes:
Coconut Layer Cake
Three Layer Apple Cake
Spiced Carrot Cake
Boston Cream Pie

And I'm going to try them all!

Here is Round One: Spiced Carrot Cake

Spiced Carrot Cake

Spiced Carrot Cake Spiced Carrot Cake
I love these Sweet Nantes Carrots from Trader Joe's. They are like orange sugar. One cup of finely shredded carrots and 1/3 c of low-fat plain yogurt make this a moist cake. It also has eggs and oil. I guess you could make it non-dairy by using soy yogurt.

Spiced Carrot Cake
This recipe has 1/2 t cardamom (I threw in 1/4 t of cinnamon as well). It is a really simple batter - no KitchenAid needed. After it cools, drizzle on some powdered sugar and water glaze. It is super moist. You can also add some nuts for added crunch. Next time, I might add some finely grated zucchini for added fun.

Spiced Carrot Cake
Happy National Carrot Cake Day!

e. a. s. y.
p. e. a. s. y.
Spiced Carrot Cake
Recipe here on the PBS site and here on Martha's site.
Pin It!


Megan said... [Reply to comment]

Oooh, I love carrot cake. And who knew it was National Carrot Cake Day? It should be a national holiday!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

This carrot cake looks delicious! I think I have some carrots in the fridge that are just begging to be turned into carrot cake. Can't wait to see how the other cakes turn out!

The Blonde Duck said... [Reply to comment]

I can't wait for the three layer apple cake. If I send George, will you make it soon?

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

this cake looks so good :) I like its simplicity . I have to try it. Good luck with George clooney perhaps it will appear in front of you :))

doughmesstic said... [Reply to comment]

Okay. George can come to YOUR office, but then I am going to have to have George Clooney Comes to my Room Day. Or at least to My Kitchen Day. Or my Yard. Just very close, I shan't be picky.

Good looking cake, lady. Nice job.

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

I love carrot cake, I am glad it gets its own day! Yours looks lovely!

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

I just heard about carrot cake day...after the fact. I think Clooney is the one celeb I would be completely tounge tied about meeting. He's GORRRRGEEEOUUUSSS.

Carol Peterman/TableFare said... [Reply to comment]

I had a carrot puree with lunch yesterday and had no idea I was actually celebrating National Carrot Day. The cake looks beautiful, and good for any day of the year!

Pearl said... [Reply to comment]


oh girl, i would've said something like...



Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

It wasn't bad enough that your glorious bundt cakes made me drool. Now you've got this and more in the works? I love you! ;o)

AmyRuth said... [Reply to comment]

I love the simplicity! Different than the usual layered, with cream cheese icing and a bazillion calories to boot. Looks delicious.

Patricia Scarpin said... [Reply to comment]

You can have George as long as I can have Aaron (Eckhart). Deal?? :D

What a beautiful cake, sweetie! It looks very moist, just the way I like it. And it's very different from the carrot cake we make here in Brazil. YUM!

Tiny bakery said... [Reply to comment]

can everyday be my carrot day? ^^

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Your wrong about the George Clooney day, b/c he is coming to my office today! :P

Your carrot cake looks delicious. YUM!

Karen said... [Reply to comment]

Mmm, this looks good. I don't know if I could decide between your carrot cake and George Clooney! ;)

Want to enter your carrot cake into a contest to win a book? Take a look at my blog!

Flourchild said... [Reply to comment]

Your carrot cake looks great.

Mary Jo said... [Reply to comment]

looks good! can't wait until you post on the coconut layer cake with lemon curd, yum.

April said... [Reply to comment]

I love how nicely the texture of the cake shows up. Like I can just reach through the screen and touch it! Delicious!

VelezDelights said... [Reply to comment]

This looks amazing!!!!!!!!
By the way, how'd you join the Cake Slice Baker? I've been wanting to join, but I have no clue how.


Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

Damnit! I missed National Carrot cake day. Carrot cake is my FAVE! I actually had carrot cake as my wedding cake, oh it was SO good.

Does John B. get on your nerves like he does mine? Or is that just me. I think it's his accent and the way he over pronounces things. For example: When he says "moisten" he reall enunciates the T. and when he says "hue" as in the silver hue of blueberries, he says "silver you".

It drives me mad! Watch for it next time.

BTW, your cake looks yummy. Can I have some?

Liz said... [Reply to comment]

Let's make every day National Carrot Cake Day! I have a great idea of how we could celebrate it...

Your cake looks delicious!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I had no idea... is this in the US? National Carrot Day? Carrot cake is a favorite I could it it plain with nothing on top, and .. you really packed it with carrots.. oh it sure looks moist...

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

This looks really good and fairly easy. I wish I could bake half as well as you or even half as often. I don't have as much self-control and my waistline would grow.

I would love to meet George Clooney too. Or Colin Firth. Or Clive Owen. I swoon over them all.

Susan C said... [Reply to comment]

Hi Mary, I'm glad you stumbled upon my blog so that I could discover your wonderful kitchen adventures.

Your photos and baking are amazing.

I see you're a UCLA fan. Did you get your MS in library science there? I have a friend who is currently enrolled in the program and one who finished a few years ago. Both were "late in life" career changes.

ila said... [Reply to comment]

gawd i love cardamon. maybe i will try this on my next baking frenzy!

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