Strawberry Banana Muffins

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Strawberry Banana Muffins
(California) Strawberry Banana Muffins

Whoo Hoo! California Strawberries are in season! I went to two local Farmer's Market for the last two weekends and more and more vendors are pulling out their red gems of deliciousness.

(And no, I'm not working for the California produce lobby with my recent posts of California goodness...but I need to remind myself of reasons why I love living in a land where I can't afford any real estate.)

I made Strawberry Banana Muffins from Joy of Cooking's website.

California Strawberries
Yummy California Strawberries!

Strawberry Banana Muffins
This recipe calls for 1 cup chopped fresh strawberries and 1 cup mashed bananas.

Strawberry Banana Muffins Strawberry Banana Muffins
I topped the 12 muffins with some sanding sugar for a nice crunch on top.

Strawberry Banana Muffins
Inside view with lots of strawberry pieces.

These were okay, but there weren't my favorite muffin. I think it boils down to the fact that I like my strawberries raw or macerated in sugar...not baked. However, I do want to try a strawberry cupcake in the future. My banana wasn't terribly ripe, so that might have been an issue too. Why don't you give them a try and let me know how you do? :) Here's the recipe for Strawberry Banana Muffins from Joy of Baking!
Pin It!


Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

Macerated in sugar- YES!

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

these muffins look so nie and colourful. I only made muffins with strawberries one and they were quite good but I bet these with banana are more moist and flavourful. Just to note is the recipe from Joy of baking cause The link says Joy of cooking.

CookingCourtney said... [Reply to comment]

those look YUMMY.
i might just try this this morning
thanks for sharing :)!

Jennifer said... [Reply to comment]

So yummy!! Lovely photos and recipe...have you entered the 'eating your words' challenge yet?

Linda said... [Reply to comment]

Driving north from LA, I drove thru oxnard and saw workers out in force picking berries --- i'm excited, as it's a sign that spring/summer and the bounty of fruit is right around the corner!

Heather said... [Reply to comment]

those look just lovely! such a beautiful color with the berries!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Those are such pretty muffins! Talk about gorgeous berries - those are amazing. I'm very jealous of your produce choices :)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Oh! I did something similar a few weeks ago . . . I took a banana bread recipe and substituted some of the oil with pureed strawberries. I thought the applesauce trick would work with strawberry and hey, it did!

I never got to try it, though, and I'm way more interested in recipes with considerable amounts of butter. I may have to give this a shot.

Mary Ann said... [Reply to comment]

They look wonderful. I went to the store yesterday and was very excited about all the good looking fruit and vegetables. Your cake looks incredible too.

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

They look delicious! Personally I'd have a hard time putting the strawberries in muffins and not just eating them as is haha.

grace said... [Reply to comment]

not fair! i don't believe i've ever wanted to live in california more than i do right now. :)
your muffins are not only gorgeous, but also healthy and undoubtedly delicious. just lovely. ;)

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

Lucky you to have fresh strawberries! I still can't find good ones yet! Hopefully soon!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

YUM! Those muffins look delicious. I buy buckets and buckets of strawberries from the farmers' market and am always looking for strawberry recipes.

Donna-FFW said... [Reply to comment]

Ilove how these look. I have almost the same recipe, lacking the banana. It is my childrens most favorite muffin.. next to chocolate chip!! Yours looks great.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, I made strawberry cupcakes out of a box a few weeks ago and, I know it goes without saying, but wow what a difference. Next time I'll definitely do it this way!

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

I absolutely love baking with strawberries and the ones at the farmers market are looking so good lately. I'm convinced that baking with fruit makes whatever you are baking healthier, right? :)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Wow - those look picture perfect! Just the right size, color - and I love the sanding sugar. Where do you get yours from? I have this "sanding sugar" that's more of a large, granule that you can practically crack a filling off of. Lucky to get strawberries so early! They look fantastic!

The Blonde Duck said... [Reply to comment]

Those look so lovely!

dharmagirl said... [Reply to comment]

oh, mary, those strawberries look divine. how lucky you are to have local berries...i have to wait until the end of june. please eat a big bowlful for me:)

Elyse said... [Reply to comment]

First of all, these muffins look amazing. I've been on a total strawberry kick!! (I'm in CA, too, and I'm loving the sudden abundance/availability of strawberries.)

Cathy said... [Reply to comment]

Strawberry Banana is my absolute favorite flavor combo! I have never tried it in muffins, though! I cannot I mean canNOT wait to make these!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Those look delicious!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love this time of year too. The Farmer's Markets are amazing.

Diana said... [Reply to comment]

Those strawberries look absolutely delicious! I'm drooling over here!

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

Holy Cow! Those strawberries are breath taking!

Lori said... [Reply to comment]

Oh Boy those strawberries look absolutely amazing. And you know I love the muffins. Got to make these.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my gosh, you are blowing me away with the incredible contrast in all your photos, fresh strawberries in fresh muffins... they used to be my fav and still are (sadly the last strawberry muffin I had was by a box.. boo)

Dazy said... [Reply to comment]

These muffins are just mouth-watering. I can take all of them. Actually I go weak on knees with mention of muffins and cake.

~Amber~ said... [Reply to comment]

I made these muffins today and they were amazing! Definitely a keeper recipe.

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