National Library Week Day 3 with Barefoot Contessa's Strawberry Country Cake

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Food Librarian - Barefoot Contessa Strawberry Country Cake
Barefoot Contessa's (California) Strawberry Country Cake

Raindrops on roses.
Brown paper bags tied up with string.
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes.

Favorite Things. Rock.

It's Day 3 of my week long celebration of National Library Week! Today, it's all about favorite things!

Up first, California Strawberries! They are delicious, delicious, delicious and the first sign of the soon-to-come onslaught of stone fruits and other lovely summer delights! Strawberries have always been my favorite!

This is the Barefoot Contessa's Strawberry Country Cake. It's Cake (my favorite). It's Strawberries (oh yes). It's Whipped Cream (come on, who doesn't love fresh whipped cream!?!)
You can find the recipe here on the FoodNetwork website. It makes two cakes and you freeze one for later in the summer!

One of my favorite shows is America's Best Dance Crew on MTV! Congrats Los Angeles Quest Crew! Not that I'm a hip hop dancer (remember, I have so little rhythm I can't do the rhythm method), I found myself txting in votes along with 14-year old kid next door. Sigh. One day I'll act my age.

Food Librarian - National Library Week
People, check out that Head Spin!! These b-girl librarians are krumping, popping, locking, and gliding to a mix of Lady Gaga and Ne-Yo (you just can't see it in this photo :) Please note that the Librarian Action Figure don't do much action. Nothing moves on her except her order to do a Shushing motion!

It's National Library Week! All this week, I'm highlighting a library thing. Today, it's movies and music. I know some adults haven't been to their library since they were kids and think libraries only have books...but many libraries have current DVDs and music CDs in their collections. Sometimes you might have to wait a bit if there is a queue, but the check outs are often free or less than a rental store. In our current economic situation, libraries may be able to entertain you with movies, books, and music!

To celebrate Day 3 of National Library Week, I'm giving away the following to one lucky winner:
a. The Food Librarian's Favorite Things from Trader Joe's
b. Handmade beaded bookmark (designed by my friend Julie!)
c. Disneyland book bag (carry all your library books, DVDs and CDs in this cool bag)
d. $10 Starbucks gift card...okay, is this a bit of regifting or "sharing"? Ever 56 days or so, I donate a pint of blood at my local hospital and receive a Thank You $5 Starbucks giftcard. I don't drink coffee and the Starbucks near my work has I don't go often. I know Starbucks is a "favorite thing" of many people out there so I thought I would pass these along!

Food Librarian - National Library Week

This is a crazy assortment of MY favorite Trader Joe's stuff. I love the whole store and unfortunately can't send you the refrigerated Mocha yogurt, goat cheese, thin spinach pizza, mochi ice cream and so much more. Included: Mini milk chocolate peanut butter cups (addicting), Japanese ginger cookies (soooo yummy), my favorite pretzel sticks, lemon curd (easier than making it from scratch and you can't see how many yolks you are eating), dark chocolate bars, chile spiced dried mango, tomato and roasted red pepper soup (I can live on this), and my new (childhood memory) favorite: Trader Joe's O's. (Librarian Action Figure not included)

Food Librarian - BookmarkFood Librarian - Giveaway during National Library Week

To enter the Day 3 Giveaway, simply leave a comment below (one entry per person) and I'll pick the winner from a hat. Deadline: Monday, April 20, 2009 at midnight PDT. If your comment isn't linked to a blog where I can find you, please leave your email or check back on Tuesday, April 21st to see if you won. Shipping to U.S. addresses only.

Enter the Day 1 Giveaway for mini-cake pans and Day 2 Giveaway for mini-loaf pans, bookmark and bag. Deadline is also Monday, April 20, 2009! Coming up tomorrow...more miniature stuff giveaways!
Pin It!


Rosa's Yummy Yums said... [Reply to comment]

A gorgeous springtime cake! Delicious and very similar to Victoria Sandwich!



Nina said... [Reply to comment]

oh strawberries, I miss strawberries. I am a poor college student that hates to go grocery shopping so no strawberries for me.

and I loved Quest Crew too! <3.

Jen said... [Reply to comment]

Yay, sign me up!

Heather S-G said... [Reply to comment]

Adorable! Love the dance-moves! And the cake looks divine...I love strawberries in season. And awesome giveaway as well :)

♥ mesa para 4 said... [Reply to comment]

Hi just to say that i really love your blog, I´m a follower from Portugal, to bad for me can´t enter in the giveaway :-( but just want to tell you that I really enjoy your work...

slush said... [Reply to comment]

Everyday, Im reminded by your posts in my reader, that I have overdue books. Have I taken them back yet? No, no I have not.

Cake look awesome! I cant wait for berry season. I see jam. Lots and lots of jam.

Donna-FFW said... [Reply to comment]

LOVELY cake.. I havent tried this one of hers yet.. I want to after seeing your pictures.

oneordinaryday said... [Reply to comment]

I have got to get my hands on a Barefoot Contessa cookbook!
I've really been enjoying your blog.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this giveaway - I don't have a Trader Joe's anywhere near me and I hear so much about it. Hope I win. (giggle)

Steph said... [Reply to comment]

That looks gorgeous! I love strawberry cream cake.

The Bubs said... [Reply to comment]

That cake looks wonderful! And your dancing librarian is cracking me up over here!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

What an awesome giveaway!

I can't wait to make this cake. :)

vibi said... [Reply to comment]

LOL LOL LOL The cake looks amazing, fresh and totaly Spring-ish! ...the librarians are too funny with their string-attached breakdance moves... and the bookmark is even prettier than the one yesterday! LOL I NEED! I NEED! LOL (but no, no! I didn't come for the bookmark, you know I wouldn't do such a thing, huh?)

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, Mary! This post was a great way to start my morning. I'm loving the Librarians bustin' a move! That's HILARIOUS!! The cake looks terrific. I will be thinking about those b-girls a lot today!

Nidhi said... [Reply to comment]

Those TJ chile mango is a staple here! I am hooked onto your blog.......will be even after your giveaway ends. Well, I am off to my local library right now with kids in tow for storytime! Keep up the good work!!

Pearl said... [Reply to comment]

that photo of the cake looks incredible! and your figurines that popped up amongst the ingredients made me laugh :)

emily said... [Reply to comment]

i love trader joe's! i love disneyland too!

k.a.r.e.n said... [Reply to comment]

Perfect timing of your cake for me... im in search of a recipe that calls for strawberries & cream! Thanks.

Amy said... [Reply to comment]

I didn't know Nancy Pearl had such dancing talent! =)

Susan C said... [Reply to comment]

Those are a few of my favorite things too - cake, strawberries and whipped cream.

I love to see librarians cut loose. When do they throw off the glasses and let down the hair?

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Gorgeous cake!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Yummm strawberry cake.My Dh will love this.

Lynn said... [Reply to comment]

I'm going to have to make that cake. Yum. (Spotted from Tastespotting.)

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said... [Reply to comment]

I love Lady Gaga even though she is kind of a freak for not wearing pants. I also love to check out DVDs and CDs from the library. It is only cheaper than renting if you actually return them on time instead of several days overdue....Uh..not that I would know...

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

That cake looks so wonderfully delicious! I love strawberries and whipped cream and you've thrown in some cake for an added bonus!

I cannot get enough of the librarian action figures :)

Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

Wow! This is a VERY generous giveaway and so far the one I'm most excited about. And this cake!

THis cake looks like a giant shortcake and I'm drooling. I'm heading into work with a PB and Jam sandwich and instead I want this cake. No fair :-(

Flax Hill Gardener said... [Reply to comment]

I love your dance crew librarians. I recently had lunch with the NYC Shushing Librarian (, so I'm always on the look out for her other antics!

Dianna said... [Reply to comment]

I'm definitely making this cake for a friend's birthday next week. It looks delicious! Oh, and I LOVE Trader Joe's! :-)

kaitlyn said... [Reply to comment]

One of my favorite things: YOUR BLOG! I don't know how you have the stamina to bake and photograph all of these lovely things, but I'm so happy you do.

Sara said... [Reply to comment]

Wow-ee, what a great set of gifts from trader joes! Everything looks delicious (though of course not as delicious as your strawberry cake...but I guess that'd be hard to mail! ;) ).

LOVE the dance crew librarians!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I don't want to win but I want to know how good that mocha yogurt is before I buy it.

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

One of my favorite things is the Barefoot Contessa in addition to Strawberries. So - that means this post has become one of my new favorite things.

Meg said... [Reply to comment]

Mmm it's like a giant strawberry shortcake. How could you go wrong?

I've always wanted to try those Trader Joe's spaghettios.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I have strawberries and whipping cream at home right now. I was going to just put the two together, but what a great recipe that is! Thank you so much!

Inez said... [Reply to comment]

I'm intrigued by those chile spiced mangos! Sign me up for the random drawing!

Melayla said... [Reply to comment]

I have to go buy some strawberries Right Now!

Jimi said... [Reply to comment]

When I lived in Ohio I had my library card number memorized. I love the library; it's definitely one of my favorite things! And I really enjoy reading your blog!

grace said... [Reply to comment]

this cake is perfect for april. and may. and june through december. and i suppose i mustn't neglect january, february, or march either. :)

Chantele said... [Reply to comment]

the cake looks wonderful! I ordered that book for our collection and just checked it out.

Shannon said... [Reply to comment]

Wow the cake looks so good, I have been hording my fair share of the strawberries but have yet to make anything with them.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I also live in Cali and love the awesome strawberries. I made some strawberry jam the other day, man it's good.

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

Omg, your dancing librarians are too much. I have a confession...I may be the only person in the world who doesn't like whipped cream. I know! I am crazy. I do love strawberries so I would maybe have to try this cake and make a change.

Quynh said... [Reply to comment]

YUM whipped cream on anything is delicious!! I remember TJ's used to have these individually wrapped white chocolate filled strawberries in their frozen dessert aisle. they were soooo good!


Engineer Baker said... [Reply to comment]

Oh that just looks perfect - I wish I could get fresh strawberries this early in the year :( And TJ's mini PB cups really are addictive. Dangerously so!

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

oh what a nice cake! delicious ! just ideal for spring :)

angie said... [Reply to comment]

I love the library! I catch up on all my favorite TV series like The Closer and Dexter! Love all your Trader Joe faves

Natalie said... [Reply to comment]

these are amazing giveaways, i really want to win one!! thanks :)

Jenny L. said... [Reply to comment]

your cake looks absolutely amazing!

Lizzy said... [Reply to comment]

Love the cake! Love your blog! Love your giveaway!
Lizzy Stevens

Irene said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, this is gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous!

Kerstin said... [Reply to comment]

What a beautiful cake - I love strawberries and whipped cream! I really like TJs too and I love seeing what other's favorite products are, because it inspires me to try new stuff!

Megan said... [Reply to comment]

I just picked up a ton a strawberries at Costco this morning. Now I must go into the kitchen and bake!

Count me in!

steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

i've wanted to make this cake ever since seeing it on her show years ago--glad to hear it's a good as it looks!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

First, I was going to comment about the cake--wonderful! Then I saw the librarian dance crew--hiliarious. But then, oh man, I saw the chili mangos from Trader Joes. I love those I can eat them nonstop, which is why a rarely buy them. I love them!

Shannon said... [Reply to comment]

Just in time for strawberry season. And why do they say Randy Jackson's ABDC? Where is Randy Jackson?

spike. said... [Reply to comment]

Those action figures are fantastic! I wish I had a social worker action figure! The cake looks pretty perfect for spring.

RecipeGirl said... [Reply to comment]

Gorgeous strawberry cake you have there! I worked in a library when I was in high school and *almost* went the librarian route!

Jennifer N. said... [Reply to comment]

I love Ina Garten... and I love Trader Joe's! This is a great entry.

2 Stews said... [Reply to comment]

Yum, I need a slice of that with a cup of tea and a good book! Pam

Carrie said... [Reply to comment]

I love the librarian dance crew! So cute!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Okay NOW I am sad - I have to choose between the Armaretti Torte and the ultimate Strawberry Cake! Argghhh!

The b-girls are the best!

Katie said... [Reply to comment]

This looks like a great cake and I love anything that Ina makes.

Patricia @ ButterYum said... [Reply to comment]

I love Ina!!!! Can't believe you're giving away all this stuff. Thanks so much!

Jen F. said... [Reply to comment]

Mmm...cake! And YAY, libraries! We love ours not only for my crazy book habit, but also for the DVDs for my son--it's a great way to keep up with his ever-changing interests, and as a bonus, we get to get rid of the really annoying DVDs after a week!

Memória said... [Reply to comment]

This is awesome!! I can't believe you are hosting daily giveaways this week!! Happy Library Week! You would be happy to know that I go to the library daily (well, because I'm a graduate student). However, I do enjoy going to the library to read leisurely. I miss those days.

I hope I win!! Thanks!

Memória said... [Reply to comment]

Oh! I forgot to mention that the dance moves are HILARIOUS!!!

Brita said... [Reply to comment]

just made my way here for the first time, thanks to 'tastespotting.' libraries + baking = two of my favorite things!

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

Gorgeous cake! I love strawberries!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I don't have a trader joe's anywhere where I live, so I'm always so jealous when you show your yummy things from there!

-Melissa G.

Cate said... [Reply to comment]

I'm a fan of Barefoot Contessa, but haven't made the strawberry cake recipe yet - looks delicious!

Tina W said... [Reply to comment]

I'd love to win these!

ptinaw at

Diane said... [Reply to comment]

We love TJs too! When we lived in So Cal, there were two within walking distance. In Maryland, the nearest one is half hour away - same goes for Whole Foods :(

Diane and Lily

c. simpkins said... [Reply to comment]

yum i love barefoot contessa!

Meghan said... [Reply to comment]

I heart Trader Joes

Jacque said... [Reply to comment]

You are so generous, giving all of this great stuff away! My hat's off to you.

Your cake looks fan-tabulous!

Shari said... [Reply to comment]

I'm impressed with the krumping librarians! Your cake looks great too!

Nikki said... [Reply to comment]

I love libraries!

Liz said... [Reply to comment]

Gorgeous cake! I too lived on Spaghetti-Os (and Chef Boyardee ravioli) as a kid, ah, memories.

caroline said... [Reply to comment]

I love California strawberries and Trader Joe's also! :)

Judy said... [Reply to comment]

Love your give-away! At our library we loan the DVDs and videos for 3 weeks. People are amazed. The selection is pretty good, too.

Erin said... [Reply to comment]

My birthday is May 1st - and I always have strawberry shortcake on my birthday - this may take the place this year! :)

Leigh said... [Reply to comment]

That cake looks scrumptious! I'll have to try it in the very near future.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

The dragonfly at the end of that bookmark is a very nice touch.

Jinger said... [Reply to comment]

That strawberry cake looks amazing! I need to make some Barefoot Contessa recipes soon!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I think raspberries could also be good with this cake. I've recently fallen in love with the orange flavored cranberry's at TJs.

Megan B. said... [Reply to comment]

Love that cake. Those strawberries look delish.

doughmesstic said... [Reply to comment]

Ahhhh - Spring & Strawberries. i really need to experiment with more strawberry recipes like you have here. It looks amazing.

Now - the TJ prize...I have no access to a TJs, so seeing this loot makes me sad and envious. Hope I win!

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said... [Reply to comment]

what a fun giveaway. You're the best

Ingrid_3Bs said... [Reply to comment]

Mmmmm, the kids would love this one. Anytime they see strawberries they request strawberry shortcake. This looks much better & I like that I can freeze the second cake for later! Yay, two for one!

Love the photo of the break dancing librarians!!!

xk said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for reminding me of this great cake! In the past I've layered cubed pieces of this cake with the cream and berries and a little bit of cooked strawberry sauce- it was fantastic.

veronica said... [Reply to comment]

Ha! I love seeing Nancy Pearl, the Action Librarian, breakdancing. You know, she's even better at it in real life...

The TJ's gift pack is such a great idea. I'll have to hold off on the strawberry cake, though -- strawberries aren't in season in Oregon for another 2 months!

Brimful Curiosities said... [Reply to comment]

This is the best National Library week contest ever. Thanks so much.

Celine said... [Reply to comment]

Love strawberries!!!

Hennifer said... [Reply to comment]

My comments don't match your entries because I'm reading in the wrong direction :-)

I love audiobooks. I use to have a manufacturing type job. I don't know how I would have survived without them.

I first "read" Sophie's Choice that way. There were so many titles I loved but can't recall over a decade later

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Um...if I don't win this particular giveaway, will you send me those peanut butter cups from Trader Joe's anyway? :)

I am LOVING this week and your special librarian friends. LOL

Mary Ann said... [Reply to comment]

We just got 2 huge containers of strawberries from Costco and I was thinking they would be delicious in a cake! This would be absolutely perfect!

Mary | Deep South Dish said... [Reply to comment]

I wish we have Trader Joe's down south. That cake looks super yummy! Are you giving away all of these treats? You have been doing some major baking!

You're having just a bit of fun with the Librarians aren't you?

Count me in!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

@lagina on Twitter introduced me to your blog. Libraries and cooking are two of my favorite things, being a librarian who likes to tinker in the kitchen myself. :) But your baked goods are far beyond mine. Your strawberry cake looks divine. I do love the Barefoot Contessa recipes, they always turn out fabulous.

Anyway, I've added your blog to my feed reader!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love strawberries! I can't wait until the ones in my garden start popping up!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

My. How wonderful it all is.

Ashley Nicole. said... [Reply to comment]

It's interesting.. I grew up in California, and I knew about Trader Joe's.. and there was one about half an hour away... I just never went there. Ever. And then I moved to Texas only to find out they don't have any here. But I am curious as to what their stuff is like.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Again, I am in love with that beautiful beaded bookmark! And, if you'd be willing to give it to me, I'd attempt to say "beautiful beaded bookmark" fifty times fast!

LibraryGirl62 said... [Reply to comment]

I want a Trader Joe's! None down here in little old Naples

Doreen said... [Reply to comment]

What a delicous Strawberry cake, oh yum!!!

Amy L. said... [Reply to comment]

Cute action figures.

Jana said... [Reply to comment]

I've been missing fresh California strawberries since I moved (to a giant desert) almost a year ago. That cake makes me envious, it looks delicious

Tiffany said... [Reply to comment]

That cake looks really good! Barefoot Contessa is one of my favorite Food Network chefs. You can't go wrong with her recipes.

Dee said... [Reply to comment]

gosh i would love to sample YOUR favs from trader joes

i recently discovered joes when i began college (they dont have them any where near my home town) i am graduating in june and i just dont know what i will do with no trader joes when i leave!

HannaBanana4511 said... [Reply to comment]

I just got strawberries on sale at the store this week, I might just have to try out this recipe!

Whitney Smith said... [Reply to comment]

Love these giveaways! And your blog rocks!

Lulu the Baker said... [Reply to comment]

I've never watched America's Best Dance Crew, but I LOVE So You Think You Can Dance. It starts in just a another month or so and I can't wait. And maybe I'll make myself some of Ina's Strawberry Cake to eat while I watch. That'd be heaven!

A R said... [Reply to comment]

I'm a grad student, so I'm in the library all day every day... but this cake makes me want to forget the books for a few hours and head home and bake!

Sophie said... [Reply to comment]

Yes, please.

Kat said... [Reply to comment]

Yum, I love strawberry cake (especially the ones at Asian bakeries). Your cake is beautiful.


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Cake looks perfect for warmer weather... Yum.

Elyse said... [Reply to comment]

So, it's supposed to be about 90 degrees here today in San Francisco--record-breaking warm weather for the bay area. And, all I can think about is how lovely it would be to have some of your strawberry country cake. It looks totally scrumptious!

Laura C said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for the giveaway! Love your blog!

happypillbug at gmail dot com

Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

Waiting patiently for strawberries too look good and be on sale here! Yum to the cake!

the girls of gt said... [Reply to comment]

That Strawberry Country Cake looks so yummy! Love all your favorite things...even if I'm late to comment!

Ocean Breezes and Country Sneezes said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my, this looks good! I have all her cookbooks, I'll have to check it out!

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