National Library Week Day 4 with Paula Deen's Chocolate Cream Cheese Pound Cake

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Food Librarian - Paula Deen's Chocolate Cream Cheese Pound Cake
Whoo Hoo! It's Day 4 of National Library Week!

I was supposed to make mini-tarts to go with the giveaway (oh, they were going to be so cute), but life got the better of me so you'll have to come back for that one. Instead, I present you with Paula Deen's Chocolate Cream Cheese Pound Cake that I made this morning. (Yes, shocking, I made another Bundt cake!) This is from her book The Lady & Sons Just Desserts: More Than 120 Sweet Temptations from Savannah's Favorite Restaurant (with her very polite and sweet sons on the cover).

Food Librarian - Paula Deen's Chocolate Cream Cheese Pound Cake
As with all things Paula Deen, I will give you the list of ingredients in the cake, but not the amounts. Really, it is for your protection! :) It has butter, cream cheese, sugar, eggs, vanilla, cake flour, baking powder, and cocoa. I left out the ingredients last night and woke up the morning to mix together - it's a very easy cake.

Food Librarian - Paula Deen's Chocolate Cream Cheese Pound Cake
This cake is REALLY tall. The batter almost overflowed. You need at least a 12 cup bundt time I might make a bundt and some mini bundts as well. You can find the full recipe here.

We are almost done with National Library Week! Each day, I'm mentioning a library thing. Today, it's magazines! I love me the magazine. They are like adult picture books - short, full of photos and quick to read. The best thing about my quarterly trips to the dentist is catching up on which celebrities are breaking up, what they are wearing, and if they are eating in 2009. I subscribe to Newsweek at home so I look smart to my postal carrier, but I devour People! :) I get a lot of baking ideas from the magazines at the library. So, don't forget to visit your library, take a seat, and get lost in the world of food, sports, politics, world news, and, um, celebrity trash.

Food Librarian - National Library Week
The Librarian Action Figure modeling cute mini-tart pans. Unfortunately, the store doesn't carry this pack anymore so if you win, you'll get the tart shells below...

To celebrate Day 4 of National Library Week, I'm giving away the following to one lucky winner:
a. 1 dozen (12) mini tart shells (the ones on the green photo below)
b. Handmade beaded bookmark (designed by my friend Agnes!)
c. Disneyland book bag (uber environmental and light)

The Real Giveaway Mini Tart Shells

Food Librarian - BookmarkFood Librarian - Giveaway during National Library Week

To enter the Day 4 Giveaway, simply leave a comment below (one entry per person) and I'll pick the winner from a hat. Deadline: Monday, April 20, 2009 at midnight PDT. If your comment isn't linked to a blog where I can find you, please leave your email or check back on Tuesday, April 21st to see if you won. Shipping to U.S. addresses only.

Thanks for all your comments, especially about your local library! I hope you visit, support and check things out of your library!

Don't forget to enter the daily giveaways to celebrate National Library Week!
Day 1 Giveaway for mini-cake pans, Day 2 Giveaway for mini-loaf pans, and Day 3 Giveaway for Trader Joe's Favorites. Deadline is also Monday, April 20, 2009!

Coming up tomorrow...two words: Hello Kitty.
Pin It!


Heather S-G said... [Reply to comment]

Very luscious, yet simple (love it) looking cake. What are you doing with all of these awesome desserts?

Nidhi said... [Reply to comment]

Hey Mary , Hooray I am the first one to comment! We visited our local city library yesterday and the kids had a lot of fun at storytime (while I could sneak in some cookbooks;-) ) The Librarian had my son beaming as she called him a "very keen listener and a well behaved boy" He tried his best to live that image the whole day! It's tough to be 3 year old boy and be good all day:-)).

Steph said... [Reply to comment]

I love big and tall bundt cakes, I'm just a little scared to make them myself, especially a chocolate one..haha. I can't help halving every time! The crumb looks gorgeous!

Cristine said... [Reply to comment]

What a delicious looking pound cake! YUM!

Erin said... [Reply to comment]

Thank you so much for thinking of my safety when not mentioning the amounts of butter, cream cheese, etc. in that AWESOME pound cake! ;)

Engineer Baker said... [Reply to comment]

Oh that looks awesome! And no, I'm not surprised that it's a bundt :) But you're killing me - I definitely need to make a bundt cake this weekend.

NikiTheo said... [Reply to comment]

OMG, This cake looks so soft and moist, I am so excited to try it!!! And of course to enter your drawing! Thanks!

Leigh said... [Reply to comment]

Again - That's a GOOD LOOKING CAKE! I don't know which to try first - the strawberry shortcake or the chocolate pound cake. Maybe I'll do both...

Oh and I love the beaded bookmarks, Is this something you make?

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I had to drop by early to see what the library ladies were up to today! That cake looks sinful! (I'm too scared to look at the amounts!) Did you make these in advance, or are you really making a gorgeous dessert every day?

emily said... [Reply to comment]

i love anything with cream cheese!

Inez said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, that bundt looks delicious...

Pearl said... [Reply to comment]

i have to make a cake for my father's birthday - that looks like a cool idea :)

Sylvia said... [Reply to comment]

That cake looks FAB! said... [Reply to comment]

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Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

Your cakes always look so great. Are you eating all of this...wink, wink?

Amy said... [Reply to comment]

I got this Paula Deen cookbook for Christmas and haven't yet made anything from it, but after looking at this pound cake, I'm definitely going to dive in!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I'm going to check out those magazines today!

shannon.on.park said... [Reply to comment]

I've made that cake before it is very good. Thanks for the contest. Hope I win :)

Sara said... [Reply to comment]

WOW, that cake looks amazing. You are right to not give us the amounts of all those ingredients. ;)

Laurel7221 said... [Reply to comment]

The mini tart shells would go perfect with Flo Brakers recipe. Its so easy!

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said... [Reply to comment]

I have that Paula Deen cookbook but haven't made this recipe yet. I will have to keep in mind the size issue when I do make it! :P

Shannon said... [Reply to comment]

Chocolate cream cheese pound cake is sounding pretty good right now! This weekend I am going to try whoopie pies, should be interesting.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Chocolate and cream cheese! Yum!

oneordinaryday said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, those librarian action figures crack me up every day.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said... [Reply to comment]

yum. I love pound cake. Your co workers must love you unless they're trying to be on a diet

Ingrid_3Bs said... [Reply to comment]

Love Paula Deen and her desserts! Whatever she does she does big!

Can't wait to see what's up with Hello Kitty!

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

You just kill me with your desserts and librarian action figures!

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

Love the cake. I usually don't make Paula's recipes because of the butter content, but maybe this one will be worth it:) Again, thanks for another fun day of giveaways. I love my library!! I go every week!

Quynh said... [Reply to comment]

wow i'd love a slice of that cake for breakfast today!! :P
I just found out my local library is offering a Credit Report and Identity Theft class today.. Gotta go check that out. As always, everything you bake looks fantastic!!


Patricia @ ButterYum said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! Love your cake plate too!

vibi said... [Reply to comment]

Okay, again... a nice bookmark today! LOL

But that cake maaaaaan, it is ever tempting, and to know it has cream cheese... hummm Double sin!!!

I'm keeping that one, thanks for sharing Mary!

veronica said... [Reply to comment]

tiny tarts! I can't wait to make a batch of these... and bring them to the library, of course!

cassi said... [Reply to comment]

I use our local library almost daily. I have a major daily commute to work and listen to Books-On-Tape audio CD's every day. I read all the new books in my monthly book club catalogs, go online to see if the library has them, place a hold, pick up when I get the email notification. Luv it


Rene said... [Reply to comment]

Those little tart pans are adorable! I bet Paula Dean's cake is down right deadly, but probably the best cake one could ever taste! :)

Celine said... [Reply to comment]

The tartlett shells are awesome! I hope I win :)

La Cuisine d'Helene said... [Reply to comment]

Love your cake, looks so moist and delicious.

Katie said... [Reply to comment]

I love a good Bundt cake and anything chocolate. Great job and I love this week of giveaways what a great idea.

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

You and the Bundt cakes are killing me...every day I am tempted to make another coffee cake! Today I had to bow to the torture and make one and copy you...thanks for the idea :).

Hennifer said... [Reply to comment]

You are killing me! That strawberry cake looks divine!

I love renting movies from the library. Our library lets you reserve online and then they pull it up front for you. On those days when I'm in a hurry I can drive up, walk in, get stuff, check out in less than 5 mins! love it!

Davery said... [Reply to comment]

What heaven this week. Your pictures are so real I can taste them. I am waiting for the librarians to start singing - I imagine they sound much like the chipmunks....

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Hm. That cake looks pretty good. Maybe I will get that cookbook after all.

Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

I sometime think I should change my blog title to "Chocolate & Cream Cheese" It's one of my absolute favorite combinations and this cake looks so sinful. Thank you for not posting measurements, it's probably best I fall in love with the looks, be determined to make it and worry about the calories later.

I really love your bookmarks. They're so pretty!

Megan said... [Reply to comment]

I showed my kids the video of Paula Deen making her deep fried mac and cheese last night. I thought they were going to lose their dinner.

Anyways, loving these giveaways, count me in again!

Danielle said... [Reply to comment]

Fellow librarian who bakes for the staff says: I made this pound cake in mini bundt pans AND a loaf pan for my dad for Easter. He and my sister split one and added ice cream and chocolate syrup. I understand they're still bouncing off the walls.

-- Danielle (

Tina W said... [Reply to comment]

I'd love to win!!

ptinaw at

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Not only a wonderful recipe (how can you go wrong with a Paula Dean cake involving chocolate and butter?), but wonderful pictures! Love the little Nancy Pearl Action Figures showcasing the tart pans :)

Dragon said... [Reply to comment]

Is it wrong that I want to eat that entire cake? :)

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

Um...People Magazine is my one non food related addiction! Friends BEG me to give them my finished copies. Is there anyone that doesn't love that fluff?? And that cake?? My, oh my!! Looks fab!

Meg said... [Reply to comment]

That cake looks so delicious. And those tart pans are adorable!

Cheryl Wade said... [Reply to comment]

My hubby has forbidden me to bake. He gained 10 lbs since Christmas. Maybe I need to bake for work. It is just that the ladies at work are food b*****s. Nothing is ever ever right.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Hooray for more of the librarian action figures! :) What an amazing cake! I don't know if I've ever made a Paula Deen dessert before but this one sounds delicious.

Oh, and about meat fest - the more the merrier!

Mary Ann said... [Reply to comment]

I just want to visit your library!
You are so great to be doing all these giveaways!

Mary | Deep South Dish said... [Reply to comment]

I love me some magazines too! I have several subscriptions - too many I suppose...

Count me in!

Deeba PAB said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, your cakes look so perfect.each one is stunning. I love how tall & 'handsome' this one is...

Auntie Nettie said... [Reply to comment]

The picture of the Paula Deen cake has made me start craving a bite. Thanks for all the fun recipes and pictures. Can't wait to keep reading.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

That cake is beautiful in its simplicity.

Sumi said... [Reply to comment]

Mary - I want the desserts, not the prizes. You'll have to bake when you're up here in May.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I'm scared to make anything from Paula Deen, but your cake looks wonderful. I may have to get over my fear. :P

Jen said... [Reply to comment]

Gah, such delicious looking cake. :) Count me in on the giveaway, for sure!

Ashley Nicole. said... [Reply to comment]

Aww. I like those little tartlet pans. :]

Jennifer said... [Reply to comment]

I have always wanted tartlet pans-please pick me, my hand is raised

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I absolutely am beside myself with the jealousy I have for the shiny, clean appearance of these tart pans!

LibraryGirl62 said... [Reply to comment]

Guess I have to buy a Bundt pan now...

Amy L. said... [Reply to comment]

Cream cheese, chocolate & pound cake...what a spectacular trio.

Jana said... [Reply to comment]

Cute tartlet pans. I'd love to try an agar-agar mold

Tiffany said... [Reply to comment]

I recently found your blog - love these giveaways.

Dee said... [Reply to comment]

i love love love love LOVE paula deen. i live in so cal as well, and i think she has some what of bad reputation at the school i go to, full of a bunch of butterphobes. lol.

Lauren said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for editing Paula Deen's ingredients. I never make her recipes because the original amounts are just too scary, even though it sounds so good!

Jinger said... [Reply to comment]

That cake looks fantastic! I hope that you guys are getting all the support you deserve this week!

HannaBanana4511 said... [Reply to comment]

mmmm paula deen recipes are always a hit at my house! looks delicious!

sandhya said... [Reply to comment]

the cake looks so delicious, chocolate & cream cheese yummm....

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

I'm impressed that you bake before going to work! This pound cake looks deadly... I must try it.

L said... [Reply to comment]


Memória said... [Reply to comment]

O-M-G!! I would absolutely love the mini tart pans!! I could put my brioche dough in it!!!! KAWAIIII!! haha

Whitney Smith said... [Reply to comment]

I love Paula Deen! Her recipes are always over the top and absolutely delicious!

Lulu the Baker said... [Reply to comment]

I just love Paula Deen. She uses so much butter in her baking! Mmmmm!

JenHunsaker said... [Reply to comment]

The beaded bookmark is beautiful.

Laura C said... [Reply to comment]

I stopped by my library yesterday!
All of these prizes are great. And I love that librarian action figure..

happypillbug at gmail

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Yummy... I love the tart molds, they're adorable!

Diane said... [Reply to comment]

I will have to try this recipe!

Diane and Lily

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I've never made a bundt cake before but yours have inspired me to try! They always look fantastic!


Elyse said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my gah. That poundcake looks lethal. Chocolate and cream cheese? Does it get much better? I don't think so. I just got this Paula cookbook, and you're making me super excited to use it!

Jen said... [Reply to comment]

How cute is that little librarian action figure!

Ellie said... [Reply to comment]

Hello, Chocolate Goodness. Lovely running into you here!

Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

What a GREAT looking pound cake!

Di said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, another lovely bundt cake. It looks really chocolatey.

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