Snickerdoodle Muffins (Recipe from Peabody)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Food Librarian - Snickerdoodle Muffin

I'm late on the Snickerdoodle Muffins bandwagon. But then I'm quite slow with many things. Peabody made these in 2007 and they made the rounds on the blog, including some crazy person who sent Peabody a bill for her ingredients because she didn't like them. I wonder if that person is now calling herself the Octo-Mom. Anyway, I'm sure by 2010 I'll make the Snickerdoodle Blondie and Snickerdoodle Bundt Cake - those are still on my list. I love me the Snickerdoodle - here are the Martha Stewart Snickerdoodle cookies I made earlier.

Recipe here on Culinary Concoctions by Peabody. Peabody is very funny and a great chef and baker!

Food Librarian - Snickerdoodle Muffin Food Librarian - Snickerdoodle Muffin
Make the stiff batter. Using an ice cream scoop, plop a ball in a cinnamon sugar mixture.
Rolly polly round it goes...

Food Librarian - Snickerdoodle Muffin
...into a greased muffin tin

Food Librarian - Snickerdoodle Muffin
Aren't these cute? The tops look just like a Snickerdoodle cookie!

Food Librarian - Snickerdoodle Muffin
Get the recipe for Snickerdoodle Muffins here on Peabody's great blog.

P.S. If you are here for the Tuesdays with Dorie post, I pray that it will be coming. I hope I can run home and make a little tart!
Pin It!


Cristine said... [Reply to comment]

So yum! I need to make these! I did make the snickerdoodle blondies... now for the muffins and bundt cake! :)

betting_im_not said... [Reply to comment]

i LOVE the snickerdoodle muffins! I made the blondies and didn't really care for them. But the bundt cake, oh my goodness!

Michele said... [Reply to comment]

I love snickerdoodle! And "I love me some . . ." is my catch phrase. It's even my twitter name: ilovemesomefood.

These muffins look yummy!

Mary Ann said... [Reply to comment]

Those look so good, but everything Peabody makes looks fantastic. Same with everything you make. I was just thinking about Snickerdoodles yesterday because I haven't made them forever. These look perfect!

How To Eat A Cupcake said... [Reply to comment]

Isn't Peabody great? I'm always behind on the blog-bandwagon. In fact... I don't even remember the last time I was on said bandwagon... *sniff* :(

Anyway, fabulous muffins! My b/f loves all things snickerdoodle. I should make these for him, shouldn't I? Lol

Cathy said... [Reply to comment]

I am just cracking up over that letter to Peabody. I PROMISE that I won't send you a bill in the highly unlikely event that I don't like these muffins, okay, Mary? These look incredible, and I really need to make something for my hubs since it's been all chocolate, all the time lately at our house. Can't wait to try these!

Patsyk said... [Reply to comment]

I love Peabody's blog, too! Must have somehow missed those muffins though... yummmm!

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]


Hennifer said... [Reply to comment]

Yummy! The snickerdoodles you did using Martha's recipe is what brought me to your site the first time.

steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

i am crazy for snickerdoodle cookies! they look like they make delicious muffins--so cute and crinkly!

I BLEED PINK said... [Reply to comment]

These look so good!

The Blonde Duck said... [Reply to comment]

I think I'll make these, the snickerdoodle blondie and snickerdoodles!

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

Yes, I will have one...or five.

Heather said... [Reply to comment]

oh my gosh! that looks so good :)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

YUM. I'm going to have to make these.

Memória said... [Reply to comment]

Did you like them? They look delicious.

Debbie said... [Reply to comment]

Oh that looks delicious. I want to try everything I see that looks so great! I remember reading a while back on Peabody's site about the person that sent her a bill...I guess there are nuts out there!

Mermaid Sews said... [Reply to comment]

Yummers, I made cupcakes, but have to try these as well.

Caroline said... [Reply to comment]

Just got back from Surfas and while at the cafe I was tempted to get a Snickerdoodle but told myself to just bake it myself. But I think I'll be making these muffins instead, they look so good!

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Yum these look delicious! I love the Martha snickerdoodle cookie recipe. I've also been lusting over the snickerdoodle blondies but hadn't seen the bundt cake - thanks!

Sharon said... [Reply to comment]

So delicious, and so adorable! Lovely!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I haven't tried these yet either but they look so delicious!

Ingrid_3Bs said... [Reply to comment]

LOL, good luck with your little tart! :)

I, too am a fan of all things snickerdoodle-y! So you know I'm digging the muffins. They're on my to make list.

Susan Broman said... [Reply to comment]

See, I didn't even know there was such a thing. I'll have to make these for the Mister, he's a big fan of the snickerdoodle. I like them as well, but mostly I like saying snickerdoodle.

Carol Peterman/TableFare said... [Reply to comment]

These look pretty fantastic. The TWD tart is so worth making, even if you didn't have time to do it today.

Dan said... [Reply to comment]

This looks ridiculously delicious.

amycaseycooks said... [Reply to comment]

I made these and ate them all myself - almost!

Creative Classroom Core said... [Reply to comment]

I saw this recipe a while back and have been wanting to bake them. They look soooooo good!

KK said... [Reply to comment]

ok...clearly i'm behind in posting to your blog...but i gotta say...

...loving the text that's been added to your shot... nice touch!

taking in to the next level...oh yeah!

Anjeanette said... [Reply to comment]

If you are late to the game, I'm super late. These look amazing. I'm trying to rationalize with myself making these right now. Thanks for sharing!!!!!

Peabody said... [Reply to comment]

Glad you're not wanting a refund. :)

test it comm said... [Reply to comment]

Snickerdoodles muffins are a great idea!

Rumela said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks a lot. snickerdoodle muffins is an interesting recipe. At last I have found something interesting and unique to serve to my guests during the holidays. I am sure that they'll love this snickerdoodle muffins. thank you for shearing your post.

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