Cherry Mochi Cakes - Cute and Gluten-free

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Food Librarian - Cherry Mochi Cake
fresh california cherry mochi mini-cupcakes

Remember the Blueberry Mochi Cake I made recently? It has been well received by my co-workers, friends and family...and it is such a thrill when I get comments from people who made it for their family (and they liked it!)

Now that it is Summer Fruit time (whoo hoo!), my thoughts are all about the cherry. Two years ago, my friend Charlotte forwarded me the Martha Stewart Tiny Cherry and Almond Tea Cakes recipe. It is just so pretty!

But I tend to shy away from nut recipes (because a co-worker can't have nuts or seeds), so I thought...what if I make it with mochi cake!? The result, if I do say so myself, is YUM!

Food Librarian - Cherry Mochi Cake
Cherry Pitting with a chopstick! I tried my best to keep the stem attached.

Food Librarian - Cherry Mochi Cake

Since I wasn’t sure how this would all work out (read: it could be another baking disaster of mine), I didn’t want to risk wasting my very first batch of beautiful California sweet cherries! So, I made 16 mini cupcakes with fresh cherries, and poured the rest of the batter into a 9 x 13 pan and added frozen Trader Joe’s Sweet Cherries (about ¾ of the bag)

Make this easy-to-make, gluten-free recipe! Since it is made with mochiko flour (sweet rice flour), the texture is slightly chewy!

Cherry or Blueberry Mochi Cake
Adapted from JustJenn who adapted it from Hawaii's Best Mochi Recipes by Jean Watanabe Hee

Food Librarian - Cherry Mochi Cake Food Librarian - Cherry Mochi Cake
Mix together: 2 sticks melted butter and 2 cups sugar. Mix in 1 can evaporated milk (NOT sweetened condensed milk).

Food Librarian - Cherry Mochi Cake Food Librarian - Cherry Mochi Cake
Whisk in 4 eggs. Add 1 box of Mochiko (Sweet rice flour. You can get Koda Farms Mochiko at an Asian grocery store, Surfas in Los Angeles, or health food stores because it is gluten-free. I buy it at Japanese grocery stores for $1.28 - $1.50 a box). Add 2 tsp. baking powder and 2 tsp. vanilla and mix until smooth. Done! How easy is that?!?

Food Librarian - Cherry Mochi Cake
You can add frozen blueberries to the mix or layer them into the batter. Or, as I did for this one, add fresh and/or frozen cherries. I covered some and just popped the cherry in other...both ended up the same; I would do the easy method!

I made 16 mini cupcakes and baked them for 20-25 minutes at 350 degrees…until they were a bit golden on top. The remaining batter went into a 9 x 13 pyrex glass pan for 60 minutes (check at 50 minutes).

For the mini cupcakes, I sprayed the tray with Baker’s Joy. However, if you were going for totally gluten-free, please just brush with melted butter.

Food Librarian - Cherry Mochi Cake
Cherry Mochi Cake - Give it a try!
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Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I made those last year too - sans NUTS -

Cherry Vanilla Teacakes- but I like this mochi cake idea...must try it!

Pearl said... [Reply to comment]

oh i must make these! they sound fabulous!

Y said... [Reply to comment]

Oh gorgeous! I've been thinking about making mochi cakes too, so this is perfect timing :)

Engineer Baker said... [Reply to comment]

So very gorgeous - I really need to track down mochiko. I can't wait for cherry season to hit up here!

Donna-FFW said... [Reply to comment]

These look absolutely delicious and so gorgeous. What a lovely presentation. I LOVE how these look!!

Ria Mathew said... [Reply to comment]

Very cute!! :)

oneordinaryday said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my gosh, these are just so pretty. I love that you left the stem on the cherries. Great presentation!

Steph said... [Reply to comment]

I know what you mean about precious cherries! I love summer fruit too. Those look so cute. I have to find Mochiko flour!

Marta said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my!!! Such gorgeous little cupcake!!! The cherry in the middle is quite poetic, really! Sure to impress anyone!
Thanks for sharing this :)

Susan C said... [Reply to comment]

These really are about the cutest things ever.

And thanks for the cherry-pitting chopstick trick. Gotta try that.

Karen said... [Reply to comment]

I love the little tarts... what a nice treat!

Nancy/n.o.e said... [Reply to comment]

OK, here's where your genius shows. I'd have been pulling all the stems off, but you had the vision - they really take the cakes over the top. Fantastic!

Patricia @ ButterYum said... [Reply to comment]

Have you ever tried pitting a cherry with an impeccably clean paper clip (large)? Works like a charm. Thanks for the great photos!

Katie said... [Reply to comment]

These are adorable!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

These look so delicious and moist. My mouth is watering just looking at the pictures. How early did you get up today to make these delectable pretties? I agree with what someone said earlier--leaving the cherry stem is where your genius shines through. You're amazing!!! With love from your biggest fan, Racheal xoxox

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

another recipe to add to my gf baking :)
thanks again!
erin @ glutenfreewithapurpose

PheMom said... [Reply to comment]

Those just look so seriously cute and perfect!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love them! Especially with the stems sticking out.

Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

They're so pretty!

I forgot to tell you, I tried mochi a few weeks ago. We went to a yogurt shop and they had it asa a topping. I had a few pieces and they reminded me of marshmallows, only a little more chewy. Not bad!

Mary Jo said... [Reply to comment]

these look yummy! Thanks for the congrats, your pregnant friend was VERY lucky to have you visiting and making all that great food!

Melissa @ For the Love of Health said... [Reply to comment]

Amazing!! This is totally something I would love!

Your photos are fabulous!!

Have a great day!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

So cute! I love the little stems sticking out!

Irene said... [Reply to comment]

Cherry pitting with a chopstick! Genius! I never make cherry cakes because pitting them is such a pain and I (stupidly) refuse to get a cherry pitter since it's one more thing I can't fit into my kitchen. I love these, and with mochi too!

J.L. Danger said... [Reply to comment]

How cute are those?! And thanks for the pitting tip!

How To Eat A Cupcake said... [Reply to comment]

Mmm those cherries look SOOO good! I like the chopstick thing! And I love how you kept the stems attached for the teacakes. Gorgeous!

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

I like your cherry pitting method! I think I am picking some cherries up this weekend. Can't wait to use them. These little cakes are adorable!

Mermaid Sews said... [Reply to comment]

Soooo darling, this would be terrific for a summer shower or picnic. Thanks

vibi said... [Reply to comment]

I think I came here before and sung my love for mochi... again, I Loooooooove mochi!

IMd have to make them with another fruit though, for there is something about cooked cherries that reminds me red wine and doesn't appeal to me in a dessert...

But the are soooo pretty and dainty, I'd surely try them with raspberries or currant... or some cute fruit!

LC said... [Reply to comment]

Fabulous!!! Never heard of that flour, but will track some down to make these. LOVE the chopstick idea, I always used a straw : )

Caroline said... [Reply to comment]

Yes, I made the blueberry mochi cake and now I'm on to make it with cherries. These ones look really cute!

Lulu the Baker said... [Reply to comment]

I love the stems sticking out of the tops! I think that is the cutest thing ever. It's "so organic", to borrow a much-over-used phrase from Mia Michaels of So You Think You Can Dance.

anna said... [Reply to comment]

These are so cute! I just bought some mochiko and have no idea what I'm going to do with it yet, but I like this idea!

Elyse said... [Reply to comment]

Mmm, these look amazing! I really want to work with mochi. I'm sure everyone loved these little cakes. Not only are they gorgeous, but they've got such wonderful flavors going on!

Madam Chow said... [Reply to comment]

Ack! I love mochi, a taste I developed living in Hawaii. I have a fantastic butter mochi recipe that I have to post one of these days, and I'll have to try this one!

chow and chatter said... [Reply to comment]

what gorgeous cakes, love the blog

Dragon said... [Reply to comment]

These are so pretty!

Forklifts Brisbane said... [Reply to comment]

Sooo love your Cherry Mochi cakes.. Very tummy tempting

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

What gorgeous little cupcakes!! I must find that sweet rice flour. I love how you pitted the cherries with a chopstick and the cherries look so cute with their stems in tact in the cupcakes!

Creative Classroom Core said... [Reply to comment]

These are so cute!

Lia "business courses"Scott said... [Reply to comment]

this is really fun specially those cherries on top of it..

test it comm said... [Reply to comment]

Great looking cherry mochi cakes. Mochi cake is so moist and dense and good!

Coco Cake Land said... [Reply to comment]


Y said... [Reply to comment]

Just wanted to let you know that I finally got round to making these yesterday (minus the cherries). Love the chewiness! Such an interesting, unusual cake mix. Thanks for sharing! :)

theUngourmet said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my goodness, these are so unique! They look so delicious!

Aggie said... [Reply to comment]

Those are adorable! I would love one right now!

Lissaloo said... [Reply to comment]

Hi! I tried these they were wonderful!!! I blogged about them on my blog, and linked to you so that people could get the recipe & also see how pretty yours are!! Mine weren't as beautiful, but they were yummy! :)

Rachael said... [Reply to comment]

Do you think I could substitute vegetable oil for the butter? My baby brother can't take dairy products & I really want to bake a cake he can eat!

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

I'm not sure....the mochi comes out buttery tasting. Have you used margarine? That might work. I've only used butter so I can't vouch for either...sorry I'm not much help... You are a nice sister to your brother.

For dairy free desserts (I'm not supposed to have dairy either!), I like:

Orange Cornmeal Cake:

Olive Oil Cake:

- mary

forklifts hire said... [Reply to comment]

Great recipe. I made the mini cupcakes and kept them totally gluten-free by brushing them with a little melted butter. Over cooked them a touch cause I like them nice and golden on top. Even took a batch to work where our mechanics can't get enough of them. It's so strange to hear forklift mechanics talking about cupcake recipes!

Fred Opie said... [Reply to comment]

great recipe, I ran a link to food and history blog @

Best wishes,


Forklift Courses Sydney said... [Reply to comment]

My wife got the idea for the cherry mochi cake from you guys and now she's become somewhat of an expert at making them.

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