Everyday Food Coconut Shrimp Soup (with added curry)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Food Librarian - Everyday Food Coconut Shrimp Soup
Coconut (and Curry) Shrimp Soup

Hi everyone,
I'm in the DC area this week helping my preggers friend Racheal who is on bed rest. We just finished watching 6 hours of Colin Firth in Pride & Prejudice - I can't believe my English major friend never saw it! Glad we can mark that movie off her list of the best RoCo movies of all time!

Anyway, I figure my friend can't eat dessert all day so I brought the book Everyday Food: Great Food Fast, and let Racheal bookmark some pages. First up, Coconut Shrimp Soup!

Food Librarian - Everyday Food Coconut Shrimp Soup Food Librarian - Everyday Food Coconut Shrimp Soup
This was very simple to put together...once I figured out which way to cut the carrots! :)

Food Librarian - Everyday Food Coconut Shrimp Soup Food Librarian - Everyday Food Coconut Shrimp Soup
Garlic and ginger are cooked, then the carrots, coconut milk, water, and cornstarch are added. You'll need to serve this immediately because the cornstarch and pasta soak up all the liquid if you let it sit...believe me on that!

I made the recipe exactly and when I tasted it, it had way too much coconut flavor. Way. too. much.

I added lots of curry powder and more red pepper flakes. And, we added in our left over Thai yellow curry from the previous day's take out! In addition, I squeezed a bunch of lime juice on top. I served it with Sriracha sauce (a staple in any house!) I probably won't make this recipe again, but at least I didn't let my friend starve! :)

Food Librarian - Everyday Food Coconut Shrimp Soup
Recipe: Coconut Shrimp Soup (I added lots of curry powder)

Later, I made a roast chicken, and apple & cherry crisp...coming up soon!
Pin It!


Heather S-G said... [Reply to comment]

This looks creamy and delicious...thanks for sharing your add-ins! :P

Pearl said... [Reply to comment]

what a great friend you are, showing pride and prejudice to your friend. colin firth, himself, is worth seeing the movie for ;)

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

Nice variation to a dessert recipe. This looks good :)

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

I really like coconut shrimp but have never had it in a soup. This looks super yummy.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my- yum! This looks so good! -e

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Too bad it was too coconuty for you! Sounds like it would be perfect for me.

Patricia @ ButterYum said... [Reply to comment]

What's yummier... Colin Firth, or Coconut Shrimp Soup?

While in DC, you must visit La Cuisine!!! It's the best little kitchen store around. I highly recommend the French Essence.

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

I haven't seen P&P *sigh*

I absolutely looooove Everyday Food. I like to thumb through it every once in a while for inspiration. This looks just as good as in the book. Your friend is lucky to have you there!

Mermaid Sews said... [Reply to comment]

Man, you are a great friend, if you ever want another friend in SF!

Lynne Daley said... [Reply to comment]

What a beautiful soup photo! I'm sure it tastes fabulous, too. Plus, it looks so easy. I'll definitely make this recipe.

Cindy said... [Reply to comment]

I make a soup a lot like that but add masaman canned curry paste and Thai fish sauce to kick up the flavor a little. Sometimes I even mix in greens that I need to use up. It's such a versatile soup that you can put almost anything in it!

Beautiful photographs.

lisaiscooking said... [Reply to comment]

Your soup looks delicious! And, I have that book. I have to try it.

Kara said... [Reply to comment]

Oh my goodness that looks good. I'm going to save this recipe and make it next week when H is out of town (cause he wouldn't consider this a meal's worth of food, being the meat and potatoes guy he is). I'm drooling already.

test it comm said... [Reply to comment]

That looks like a nice way to enjoy some shrimp!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

All I have to say is Mmmmmmm COLIN FIRTH. ;) Racheal

Dazy said... [Reply to comment]

Since you already know, I like your recipes, just wanted to tell you that I made this dish for kid's birthday and it was amazing! Thank you so much for the recipe, it is one we will be enjoying again and again!

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