Martha Stewart's Pumpkin Bread and Gary Holt Pottery

Friday, May 8, 2009

Food Librarian - Martha Stewart Pumpkin Bread
Martha Stewart's Pumpkin Bread

I love baked good. I mean, I have a baking blog! I seriously love baked goods.

But I l-o-v-e pottery and ceramics.

And if I can combine the two, I'm there.

During my mini-break, I stopped in at Gary Holt's studio in Berkeley. He has some amazing stuff and he is able to do crossword puzzles in ink! My friend Sumi has a bunch of his pieces at her place.

Gary Holt Ceramic Tray
It was a struggle to pick, but I finally decided on this piece. It is a beautiful platter that perfectly fits a loaf of bread! My photos don't do it justice at sure to check out Gary Holt's website for professional photos of his work!

Food Librarian - Martha Stewart Pumpkin Bread
Pumpkin Bread from the Martha Stewart's Baking Handbook book. This is a great book to add to your collection. Great photos and OCD quality instructions.

Food Librarian - Martha Stewart Pumpkin Bread
My bread didn't turn out great and I don't blame Martha. I blame my was clumpy and I should have sifted it before using it. I ended up overmixing a quick bread. And overmixing...that's bad. I'll definitely try the recipe again in the I need to keep loaves on this pretty piece of pottery!

Gary Holt Pottery - Berkeley, CA
Gary Holt Pottery Studio
1449 Fifth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
(510) 527-4183

If you are in the East Bay, check it out!
Also, a few doors down is Mary Law Pottery. I bought something from her too...that piece will be on the blog soon!
Pin It!


MJ said... [Reply to comment]

ooh! this is lovely! you've got my mouth watering!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

What a gorgeous piece! I have that Martha Stewart book and it's fantastic.

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Ohhh you're making me lust after pottery!! Beautiful plate. The loaf looks yummy too. =) I love pumpkin loaf.

Susan C said... [Reply to comment]

That platter is the perfect choice.

For me, Food Appreciation = 50% Presentation + 50% Taste

Irene said... [Reply to comment]

Oooooh beautiful! I like the Dorie Greenspan pumpkin muffins recipe (only I make in a loaf pan).

Karen said... [Reply to comment]

That's a beautiful piece! Bread looks good, too ;)

Heather S-G said... [Reply to comment]

OOOOOhhhhh...I love the pottery, too! And the bread ;)

Sara said... [Reply to comment]

Mmmm, I love pumpkin bread! Looks your photos!

Dee said... [Reply to comment]

good gravy that pumpkin bread looks AMAZING .... i want a slice sooo bad! it looks so creamy .. ahh conjures memories of my mums pumpkin butter she makes in fall .

mmm luscious!

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

The bread does look really pretty on the pottery, though!

Pearl said... [Reply to comment]

ooh the pumpkin bread looks so moist!

Kerstin said... [Reply to comment]

What a lovely pumpkin bread :)

Di said... [Reply to comment]

What a gorgeous platter! It sounds like you had a wonderful break.

Bren said... [Reply to comment]

starbucks is not a place i like to support to much, but the pumpkin bread is really good, and worth every penny! urs looks just as yum, and probably better!

Mermaid Sews said... [Reply to comment]

Man, can't believe I haven't heard about this place (ok that's not true I live in a cave) but will definately have to check it out.

Amanda said... [Reply to comment]

Well the bread LOOKS gorgeous! Sorry it didn't turn out how you wanted. It's funny, pumpkin is not something you too much of until fall, then you made this and I made cookies last week (haven't blogged them yet)! LOL

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

These are some great looking pieces. I love the earthy colors.

ICook4Fun said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for visiting my blog and left me a message at my rainhow jelly posting. I just love your blog and love everything your posted here. Looking foward to try out some of your recipes.

steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

love that plate...the crackly, speckled look is just beautiful!

Linda said... [Reply to comment]

Love that piece of gorgeous! A perfect pedestal for your beautiful baked creations.

Lora said... [Reply to comment]

Agnes had been saying for months that we needed to meet and today was that good to meet you. She kept saying we had much in common and now I read this? That you love pottery? We must have been separated at birth. I have a small pottery/dish addiction - the only thing that keeps me from completely going nuts is space! And if the pumpkin bread recipe is the same one of Martha's that I have, it's worth making again. It's the only pumpkin bread I make...

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