Mother's Cookies...they're back in time for Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mother's Food Librarian - Mother's Cookies are coming back!
Mother's Cookies are on their way back to the cookie aisle!

Circus Animals.
Iced Oatmeal.
English Tea.
Double Fudge.

My friends are coming back!!!

As I noted earlier on my blog, I seriously mourned the loss of California-based Mother's Cookies. The manufacturer shut down after 90 years. People hoarded cookies. T-shirts were made. I made good-bye cupcakes. People tried to imagine their kids growing up without these PTA meeting staples.

But dry your tears!

Mother's Food Librarian - Mother's Cookies are coming back!
Back in December 2o08, Kellogg bought the rights and recipe to Mother's Cookie Parade! And they are coming back...just in time for Mother's Day! (on the West Coast)

Foodbuzz's program allowed me to get an advanced bag!

Seeing my little friends again made me so pleased.
Life is good for small children again.

Mother's Food Librarian - Mother's Cookies are coming back!
They taste the same...but it just me or are their fewer nonpareils (little dots) on these new ones?

Check out the Mother's Cookies website for more info, including sending an e-card!
Pin It!


Pearl said... [Reply to comment]

i remember when they came up with the announcement that those cookies were going to be gone; they started flying off of shelves!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Dot cutbacks. Damn recession.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

An advance bag of animal parade - you lucky thing! I actually saw the east-coast branded version of these on an endcap display the other day at the supermarket. I think they just called them "Kellog's Animal Cookies." NOT the same.

Mermaid Sews said... [Reply to comment]

Horay! These are seriously mandatory part of childhood.

The Blonde Duck said... [Reply to comment]

I remember more sprinkles.

Hennifer said... [Reply to comment]

oh yay!!! that is so amazing. I love so many varieties of Mother's cookies. Yum!

Karen said... [Reply to comment]

Mmm, I love these.

I BLEED PINK said... [Reply to comment]

I had no idea they had stopped making these, I guess I found out just in time, since their back..YAY!!!

The Scootabaker said... [Reply to comment]

Oh man! I never knew they left. I always picked out the pink ones! It's a girl thing. Anyhoo, that's a pretty funny post. Certainly one for miles of smiles! Thanks for the info!


Esi said... [Reply to comment]

I'm so excited! I got my bag last week and plan to make your cupcakes topped with circus animals :)

caroline said... [Reply to comment]

Yay, I'm so happy to hear this news!! Thanks so much for letting me know. I plan to buy some as soon as I see it! :)

Shannon said... [Reply to comment]


Katie said... [Reply to comment]

I love these. Alittle too much I think I can eat a whole bag by myself!

Coco Cake Land said... [Reply to comment]

mary, it's not just you... there are totally less non pareils!!! but still, i am sooo happy that when i visit america i can pick these up again... YAY!

Creative Classroom Core said... [Reply to comment]

So cool! Ive never tried these before!

alice said... [Reply to comment]

YaY! That is so funny, I was just thinking about Mother's Cookies this morning and thinking how sad it is that they are gone.

Treehouse Chef said... [Reply to comment]

They are so festive! Can't wait to try them.

Natalie said... [Reply to comment]

OH MY GOODNESS. These were a staple in my lunchbox as a kid. I hope we get them in Chicago asap. This post definitely made my day.

Fit Chick said... [Reply to comment]

Yes, less sprinkles, but at least they have the same taste.

JT said... [Reply to comment]

We tried out our fave cookie (TAFFY) last week and it unfortunately did not taste the same. Different in taste and texture. It wasn't horrible. It just wasn't anything special like the Mother's Taffy cookie was. Our other favorite flavor was the Peanut Butter Gauchos but they did not bring those back.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Tried my favorite chocolate chip a.k.a. Angel Chip cookies and not only do they not taste the same but now they taste like the worst packaged cookie on the market (chips ahoy). They are dry, overdone, poorly flavored, definitely not the same cookies, not even similar to the original recipe. My family and I are so bummed, I threw the bag away becuase they were so bad. I hope they switch back to the real recipe some day.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I forgot what had happened to Mother's and after seeing them in the store the other day and having not bought them, I started to crave them. I had my boyfriend pick me up a package last night. Anyway, I had one late last night and felt confused because of their lighter color. I thought it was just me because I was tired and not really paying that much attention; they tasted pretty much the same. Then, this afternoon, I had another one and definitely saw that the color of the cookie was lighter and I wondered if they accidentally packaged English Teas in my Taffy package. I remember Taffy cookies as hard and dense, with a darker oatmeal color and defined ridges. This made me feel really confused, so I just went online and realized that Kellogg's had taken over and that the recipe was probably different. The new ones taste OK, but I can't get over the difference in appearance and this definitely makes it taste not as great as the original. This definitely played a number on my mind. My boyfriend also said the package cost $4 at Vons, which seems kind of pricey.

The Food Librarian said... [Reply to comment]

To Anonymous and others...I agree. I bought another bag of Circus Animals. Kellogg's and their Keebler folks bought the Mother's recipe but they aren't the same. They taste a bit different and the Circus Animals have fewer dots. Also, the cut-outs or dipping of the coating is, well, sloppy. Mother's had more distinct edges to the animals...I think the Kellogg's ones are more like blobs.

Sigh. Just a bit disappointing.

Thanks for stopping by... - mary the food librarian 8/1/2009

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I didn't know they were gone. I had a hard time finding these when I got the bi-annual craving. And thank goodness I found them. Woo hoo.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Just bought a bag of my absolute favorites, Peanut Butter Gauchos, which I noticed only recently had come back to store shelves in my region. I am saddened to discover that they have lost the deep almost molasses-y flavor that I remember from before. They now taste exactly like Nabisco Nutter Butters! I like Nutter Butters. I loved Mother's PB Gauchos. Big difference.

Thanks Kellogg's. Score another win for mediocrity.
(Another sigh of disappointment...)

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