Old-Fashioned Apple Crisp with Cherries (Barefoot Contessa)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Food Librarian - Old-Fashioned Apple & Cherry Crisp
Barefoot Contessa's Old-Fashioned Apple Crisp with fresh cherries (and Jake, the cat)

I'm in DC visiting my friends Racheal and Lee who used to live in Los Angeles. She is on modified bed rest for her first pregnancy, her husband is on a business trip, and we are hanging out having a slumber party with pizza deliveries, take-out, naps, and lots of cable TV and movies (you know, all for the welfare of the baby...)

Food Librarian - Roast Chicken and Potatoes
For dinner, I made a roast chicken with potatoes and carrots. Seriously, there is nothing better than potatoes roasted in chicken drippings. Yummmmmmy! However, the only problem was that I put the 4 pound chicken on the roasting pan upside down. When I tried to be cool and carve said chicken on Racheal's yet-to-be-used-but-received-three-years-ago-at-their-wedding meat cutting board (with "meat juice" border), my knife just keeps hitting bones. I mumble to myself, "This chicken is like me. No breasts." Luckily, I finally turned it over and found the hooters.

Food Librarian - Old-Fashioned Apple & Cherry Crisp
I used granny smith, braeburn, and gala apples in this crisp. I pitted and halved a few fresh cherries. This photo was taken before I realized I forgot the cinnamon and nutmeg! Next, I mixed in the missing spices. The topping is a mixture of butter, oatmeal, butter, flour, other stuff, and butter. Get the recipe on the Food Network website.

Food Librarian - Old-Fashioned Apple & Cherry Crisp
Apple & Cherry Crisp with baby boy a la mode

Food Librarian - Old-Fashioned Apple & Cherry Crisp
Racheal says, "I'm pregnant. I'm hungry. This is my share!"

Food Librarian - Old-Fashioned Apple & Cherry Crisp
Recipe: Adapted from Old-Fashioned Apple Crisp by the Barefoot Contessa. I added fresh pitted, halved cherries.
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Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

This crisp looks amazing. It has to be because it is an Ina recipe. I heart her!!!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Haha hilarious! Love the cat checking it out in the top photo. The crisp looks really really delicious!

Pearl said... [Reply to comment]

you are SUCH a great friend!

Steph said... [Reply to comment]

The crumble looks so good! Your friend is so lucky.

Sweet Cheeks said... [Reply to comment]

Hey you are right up the road from me!

so happy you found you boobs!! :)

Megan said... [Reply to comment]

I didn't have any friends that would come and cook/bake for me when I was pregnant. That would have totally rocked!

You are awesome, and now I am totally craving apple crisp!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

You're a great friend! It sounds and looks like you are having a blast. Butter and more butter is definitely a trait of Ina. It probably tasted heavenly though.

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

Looks very good, especially with the ice cream, which in my opinion, is a fruit crisp must!

Heather S-G said... [Reply to comment]

Cute post :) Sweet kitty and a baby belly all in one...makes you ponder the good stuff. This apple crisp is calling my name; I am a huge cherry fan!

Susan C said... [Reply to comment]

I can't decide which photo I like better - the apple crisp-craving cat or the bulging background belly.

I think you outdid yourself.

Sara said... [Reply to comment]

Hey I want to come over for pizza, movies, and naps. That sounds like the perfect vacation. I love the cat a la mode...to cute and delicious (the crisp, not the cat)

Patricia @ ButterYum said... [Reply to comment]

Oh yes, potatoes cooked in the chicken drippings are the BEST! Did you read about them on my blog? ;)

So nice that you are able to visit/help your friend. Good friends that like are a real treasure!

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Haha looks like you and your friend are having fun! I love the cat photo.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

You and your hooters are crazy.

Mermaid Sews said... [Reply to comment]

Such awesome photos.

Katie said... [Reply to comment]

Yum I love apple crisp and the addition of cherries sounds fantastic.

oneordinaryday said... [Reply to comment]

Wow. This sounds great. I like the pic with the cat too. My cats are forever trying to weasel their way into my pics.

vibi said... [Reply to comment]

Hey! Are you paying royalties to the cat and the pregnant woman? You could get in trouble with P.I.T.A and with the Leche League ya know... muahhahahha ha haha ha!! ahum.

Looks great, hope the preganant friend and the cat enjoyed it just as much as we have fun checking out the pictures!

Jennifer said... [Reply to comment]

WOW that sounds sooo good! I love that last pic... hungry pregnant happy :) :) :)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I saw your photo with the kitty and had to laugh. my cat (tortuga) has to smell my food when I photograph it as well... ESPECIALLY when I am taking photos for my blog. I could make an album of pictures with her little nose shoved in the corner.

great blog BTW, awesome crisp.


redmenace said... [Reply to comment]

This looks excellent! The chicken does too! I want bed rest.

Karen said... [Reply to comment]

Everything looks delicious! Love Jake eyeing the dessert :)

holly said... [Reply to comment]

your kitty looks EXACTLY like my little Juniper Roo!!!

Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

Glad youfound the hooters, that's my favorite part!

It all looks delicious!

Jacque said... [Reply to comment]

Oooh, how fun is that??!? I want to have a slumber party too! But only if someone makes that cobbler.

Yum! it looks wonderful.

Congrats to your friend :)

Irene said... [Reply to comment]

I love the crisp, I love the kitty, I love the photos! Your post made me smile, which I really needed today!

Linda said... [Reply to comment]

Mary, you're such a great friend! There is nothing more comforting than a roast chicken dinner...will you come to my house and make me dinner? ;)

your hooter comment --- priceless!!!!

Shari said... [Reply to comment]

What a good friend you are! Nothing better than a friend who also cooks!! Your dinner looks great. Those wonderful potatoes in the chicken drippings . . .mmmmm. And your dessert looks super! Great combination of ingredients!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, that is screaming for me to dig into it with a big old scoop of caramel or cinnamon icecream!!!

Amanda said... [Reply to comment]

That is gorgeous, love the kitty cat! :)

Yosh. O said... [Reply to comment]

I love the cat!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Jake is famous!!! Whooopppeeeee!!!! His mommy and daddy and brothers are so proud. Thank you, Auntie Mary!!! :) Lots of Love, THE BELLY

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

what a lovely cat! great stuff. might even try some (all!) of your ideas :)

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