Tartest Lemon Tart - Tuesdays with Dorie

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Food Librarian - Tartest Lemon Tart
Tartest Lemon Tart...with something missing!

For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie selection, Babette of Babette Feasts picked Tartest Lemon Tart on page 336 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours.

I was really looking forward to this one! I love lemon. I love tarts. I love Dorie....And I'm a dork.

Food Librarian - Tartest Lemon Tart
I forgot the heavy cream in the filling!

I took it out of the refrig but somehow it missed making it into the food processor. Um, perhaps I should mention it was 4:15 in the morning when I was bakin'.

Anyway, it was okay, but I'm sure the missing 1/2 cup of heavy cream would have given it a smooth, silky finish. I'll will definitely try this one again! (I have a bunch of Meyer lemons that need to get back in the tart again!)

Food Librarian - Tartest Lemon Tart
Be sure to check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers! And buy Dorie Greenspan's book. It rocks.

(I'm in the Washington DC area now helping a pregnant friend on bed rest. I may or may not have internet access...so I apologize in advanced if I can't visit other TWD blogs! I've scheduled this post to be published on Tuesday morning...oh, technology is too cool. Take care and see you next week with Mango Bread! Yes!)
Pin It!


Pearl said... [Reply to comment]

wow - your lemon tart looks great, even without the heavy cream!

Ria Mathew said... [Reply to comment]

That look delish inspite of missing out on the cream! :)

Mary said... [Reply to comment]

Have fun in DC....if you are looking for food, check out Zaytinya/Cashion's Eat Place/. (I lived there in grad school.) Check your mail when you return from your trip...there is a surprise :).

Amanda said... [Reply to comment]

Mine bubbled over like a volcano, but it turned out fine after some doctoring :) A little bitter, but I don't think my lemons were of the best quality. DELICIOUS dough!

Patricia @ ButterYum said... [Reply to comment]

Oops, at least it was still edible in the end. Looks good too!

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

Missing the cream did not affect the look of this tart. I really like that you used a rectangle tart pan. It looks great.

Hindy said... [Reply to comment]

If you enjoyed it, you should try it again with the cream. It makes the filling very light and smooth. Love your rectangle pan!

Peggy said... [Reply to comment]

I can't believe how beautiful it is even without that cream! Great job!

steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

4:15 am--what?!? i would have forgotten the lemons if i were baking at that hour! looks tasty anyway :)

Teanna said... [Reply to comment]

I'm in DC, too! Can you bring me a piece of that tart? Because it is GORGEOUS! Good luck to your friend!

vibi said... [Reply to comment]

LOL It might be just better than way (without the cream) anyways. LOL
I find dairy in lemon pies has a tendancy to give a strange taste to the final product.
Nevertheless, I envy terribly that mould of yours... very French, very classy and I love how it slices... gotta get one! LOL
Simply lovely!

Jo said... [Reply to comment]

This is an absolutely yummy, yummy lemon tart. Yours look fantastic.

Susan @ SGCC said... [Reply to comment]

It looks beautiful with or without the cream! Hope everything works out for your friend.

Kara said... [Reply to comment]

Well it looks fantastic, even w/out the cream. I'm jealous of your rectangular tart pan - but I can't justify yet another baking item just now. :)

Susan C said... [Reply to comment]

This would look beautiful on that new ceramic platter you got on your SF trip.

Madam Chow said... [Reply to comment]

Have fun in DC with your friend. There's always time for baking later!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, that's too funny - it still looks really good.

Justin said... [Reply to comment]

great photos... they really make me want to bake something like this myself.

Cathy said... [Reply to comment]

It looks great! What's a half a cup of heavy cream anyway? This is all about the lemon! Hope you are having a good visit in WDC.

betty geek said... [Reply to comment]

WOW, I love your rectangular tart pan! I want one now! :)

Your turned out great! Love the pictures of the slices.

Cristine said... [Reply to comment]

Now you can justify eating more of it since it doesn't have heavy cream! :) Looks great!

Creative Classroom Core said... [Reply to comment]

Such a gorgeous photo! Drool worthy!

I love lemon, and this tart sounds heavenly!

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

oh beautiful !

Fit Chick said... [Reply to comment]

It still looks great, and I am sure it tasted even better!! Have jusn in DC.

Linda said... [Reply to comment]

You're a baking maniac Mary--- 4:15am???? I hope you're having a great time in DC!

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Ooo I am lusting over that tart pan. Gorgeous tart too!

Steph said... [Reply to comment]

The tart looks gorgeous! I love the square pan. You're so nice to look after your friend!

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

Hope your friend is doing well while on bed rest. It's great that you are there for her. Your tart looks terrific, even minus the heavy cream. :o)

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Ooooh the rectangular tart pan! I just picked one up recently and can't wait to try it out. Your tart looks fantastic even without the cream :) Hope you have fun in DC!

Di said... [Reply to comment]

*sigh* One of these days I'm going to get my hands on a cool rectangular tart pan like yours... =) I've definitely left ingredients out of things before--it drives me crazy. I hope all is well in DC.

angela@spinachtiger said... [Reply to comment]

Even without the cream, they look good. I have done things like that. I usually forget the butter with pastry cream.
Last week, I forgot the corn starch.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

That is delish, I am salivating at the current moment, like a dog... Oh it looks FABULOUS!

Ingrid_3Bs said... [Reply to comment]

Despite the lack of cream it still looks good! Love the pan, I have one too that I used to make a lemon tart in...

Take care in DC1

Mermaid Sews said... [Reply to comment]

This looks great, love the tart pan. Doesn't look like it suffered without the cream.

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