Cherry Cheesecake Tart - You Want Pies with That?

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Food Librarian - Cherry Cheesecake Tart

I need to check my birth certificate. I think my middle name is actually "Procrastination."

It's Sunday night...the Lakers just won Game 2 of the NBA Championship (whoo hoo!) and my pie is finally in the oven. And, of course, it is due in a few hours. I also spent the morning at Disney's California Adventure with UCLA friend, Barbara...and got my personal best on Toy Story Mania with 176,100 points...however, I just watched this youtube video of hints and discovered the high point Easter eggs. Next time, I'm going over 200K :)

Food Librarian - Cherry Cheesecake Tart

This month's theme for You Want Pies with That? is "Childhood Favorite Pie" by Ellen at Kittymama. Ellen couldn't join us this month because she has very exciting happenings in her fact, check her blog for details of how she is going to create wonderful childhood memories for a beautiful little sweetheart!

Childhood Memory Pie: Bake a pie or tart that is inspired by a favorite childhood memory. Maybe you spent a summer vacation in Maine so it's a blueberry pie; or your grandmother always baked lemon meringue, or you remember your first taste of apple pie ever. Tell us a little story that will help us walk down memory lane with you and relive some happy childhood memories!

Food Librarian - Cherry Cheesecake Tart

Um. Memories.
Let me describe myself using some Disney terms.

I am Dory from Finding Nemo. I speak whale and can't remember anything.

However, I did reach way way back and found two childhood food-related memories: graham crackers and cherries.

I remember eating graham crackers for snack at "Preschool in the Park" (it was actually held in a park). And I remember seeing a photo of my brother and I holding a big box of fresh picked cherries. Now, I don't remember going out and PICKING the cherries, but I remember my mom showing me the photo and telling me that we went cherry picking someplace in Los Angeles or the surrounding counties. Pretty pathetic memory, but, like I said...I'm Dory.

Food Librarian - Cherry Cheesecake Tart

This pie is a variation of Tyler Florence's Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake Bars. I made the original before (very yummmmy!), and switched it up for this challenge.

I used a 9" tart shell, omitted the lemon zest, and used 1 cup pitted and halved fresh cherries on top. Baking time remained the same. It's a great tart for those times when you don't want a 3" tall chunk of cream cheese but all the flavor. Original recipe: Lemon Blueberry Cheesecake Bars by Tyler Florence

Please be sure to check out the other creative You Want Pies with That? bakers!! Whew! 11:45 pm and I got it in! Good night!
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Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

This scares me cause it looks like polka dots. Which freaks me out. I'm sure it's delish.

The Baby got almost 90% accuracy on Toy Story because I'd aim for him and say "PULL!" However his score was 200.

Donna-FFW said... [Reply to comment]

Love this version of Tylers cheesecake made into a tart, it looks delectable!!

Amanda said... [Reply to comment]

OK first of all, I think we have been separated at birth, except that I suspect I am older than you LOL

I AM the Queen of Procrastination. That's me, no doubt about it ;0) I also adore cherries and can't remember ANYTHING! LOL My husband teases me all the time, though it scares me a little, I wouldn't be surprised if I end up with Alzheimer's :(

At any rate, this tart is absolutely mouther watering gorgeous!

Creative Classroom Core said... [Reply to comment]

What a cool idea :)
Gorgeous presentation!

Megan said... [Reply to comment]

First, I'm insanely jealous that you were at Disneyland/Ca. Adventure. I'm begging my kids to take a trip but so far, no takers.

Cherry cheesecake? I'm there. Send a slice this way.

Audrie said... [Reply to comment]

That looks so pretty! I never ate pies growing up (I grew up in Singapore and we ate our local desserts mostly) so I don't have a fave childhood pie. But my fave pie now is a pecan pie... so sweet but so good :D

Paris Pastry said... [Reply to comment]

This looks so wonderful!!! Cheesecake & tart combined, never thought of that!

Nichicakes said... [Reply to comment]

That looks yummy! Reminded me of cloufoutis when I first saw it.

Chavi said... [Reply to comment]

Such an elegant looking pie/tart you have there... Cherry season is just starting here in Israel and I cant wait to put them to good use! Thanks for the inspiration!

Melissa @ For the Love of Health said... [Reply to comment]

Looks fabulous! :-)

Ingrid_3Bs said... [Reply to comment]

LOL, Go Magic! Now you guys are coming to our house, beware! :)

Looks good.

Kate said... [Reply to comment]

I have a bag of cherries in my fridge right now and have been contemplating my baking options. Thanks for sharing. This looks good!

Steph said... [Reply to comment]

That's a picture perfect tart!! Your slices come out so clean.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Look for something in the mail soon, FL! xoxoxo The McCabe's

How To Eat A Cupcake said... [Reply to comment]

Nice job squeezing it in before the deadline! This group sounds so awesome! I love pie! :D And your cherry cheesecake tart looks live heaven!

Michele said... [Reply to comment]

Wow! This looks delicious!

betty geek said... [Reply to comment]

I can't believe how good that looks. DROOL DROOL DROOL

suz said... [Reply to comment]

Do you ever make something less than amazing? And I have to watch that youtube video because I've been having no luck at the Toy Story ride and trust me, I've been a number of times. I love your tart! Mmmm cherries :)

Jen H said... [Reply to comment]

LOVE your reference to Dory. Hysterical. and you tart looks amazingly delicious!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Haha seriously I am the worst procrastinator too and I can't remember yesterday to save my life! This tart looks seriously amazing!!

LaDue & Crew said... [Reply to comment]

This looks seriously yummy!

Cori said... [Reply to comment]

You know, I've never seen anything like that before! It looks so decadent!

Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

This looks delish and your cheesecake filling looks so creamy. YUM!

Karen said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, this looks wonderful... and I'm one of those that don't want a 3 inch piece of cheesecake sitting in front of me. A slice of this will do me just fine :)

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Oh yes this looks so delicious! And I'm impressed with how perfect the slice you took out is. My first pieces often end up a mess!

Healthy Diaries said... [Reply to comment]

Ok I just looked in the fridge and saw that I had some cherries that I needed to use but wanted to try something new. This sounds perfect!! Thanks so much. We love you blog!

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

As usual, you did a beautiful job. I love this version of a cheesecake. I have been thinking about cream cheese a lot lately...I know, I am random :)

Justin said... [Reply to comment]

i'm not sure how I missed this before, but wow, it looks so good...

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