Parisian Apple Tartlet - Tuesdays with Dorie

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Food Librarian - Parisian Apple Tartlet
Make this!
Make this!
Make this!

...and people will love you for it.

Food Librarian - Parisian Apple Tartlet

For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie selection, Jessica of My Baking Heart picked Parisian Apple Tartlet on page 319 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours.

Sorry, my arms are really acting up so I can't type much tonight (need to go ice and rest them).

Food Librarian - Parisian Apple Tartlet Food Librarian - Parisian Apple, Pineapple and Peach Tartlet
Puff pastry, fruit, butter, brown sugar. It is so easy you think you are forgetting something!

I made my delicious and super easy tarts with Trader Joe's all-butter puff pastry. Some TWD bakers made their own puff pastry! I don't want to make it myself because I seriously don't want know how much butter is in puff pastry. :)

Food Librarian - Parisian Apple, Pineapple and Peach Tartlet
The Trader Joe's puff pastry comes in squares. I made 4 circles and two rectangles with the dough. This one has fresh pineapple and yellow peaches. Delicious!

Be sure to check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers! Thanks for a great pick, Jessica! For the recipe, buy Dorie's fantastic book or check out Jessica's blog, My Baking Heart.
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Michele said... [Reply to comment]

Each of your tarts is just gorgeous!

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

these look nice I really like the rectangle ones they look so posh :)

Jessica said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! They look absolutely scrumptious. I love pineapple so that tartlet is actually calling out my name. I really like the long rectangle shape, too.

Audrey said... [Reply to comment]

I was so happy to find the TJs puff pastry! And I love your rectangles! But I would love this in any shape, size, fruit...

Mary Ann said... [Reply to comment]

I love your rectangle tarts! and the round ones too. They are all beautiful!

oneordinaryday said... [Reply to comment]

Lovely, as always.

Patsyk said... [Reply to comment]

Looks really wonderful! I've got some puff pastry screaming to be used already, and this may be just the way to do it!

Welcome to our crazy blessed life said... [Reply to comment]

Oooh!! Love the substitutions!! :) You always have the best photos!

Marthe said... [Reply to comment]

I love the rectamgular tartlets!!

steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

nice--i am really eyeing up that pineapple one!! i used the TJ's puff, too...i think it's pretty good stuff.

Creative Classroom Core said... [Reply to comment]

Wow - yours are the best of these that Ive seen - your presentationis GORGEOUS!


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

The pineapple is a great idea. This tart works beautifully with such a wide variety of fruits.

vibi said... [Reply to comment]

Looooove the long baguette type tartlets! Must be so much fun to eat... there you go: easy to make, fun to eat! What more to ask for!!!? LOL Bravo, very inventive!

Anjeanette said... [Reply to comment]

I love your rectangles of yum! I am right there with you and not wanting to know the butter content in the pastry;)

These really do look lovely!

Ingrid_3Bs said... [Reply to comment]

Yum, that pineapple one is screaming my name! Great job on all of them.

Hope your arms are better soon!

Patricia @ ButterYum said... [Reply to comment]

Adorable! I didn't realize TJ's sold puff pastry. I'll have to look for it next time I'm there.

Amy of Sing For Your Supper said... [Reply to comment]

I love those long skinny ones - so cute!! These look delicious!!


Soy*Baby said... [Reply to comment]

I bet the pineapple was delicious. They all look so good. I love the long rectangle tarts. Too cute.

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Mmm all those tarts look delicious! Reminds me that I have some pastry to use up in the freezer.

Bec said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, these are beautiful. I heard Martha Stewart say once that it's not worth it to make your own puff pastry . . . I never have.

dharmagirl said... [Reply to comment]

oh, i just love those long, skinny rectangles of tart-ey goodness. yummm.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

beautiful!! pineapple sounds wonderful, and I wouldn't have thought to use it. Next time. :)

betty geek said... [Reply to comment]

I love how fancy you made them!

And rest those poor arms! :)

Rachel said... [Reply to comment]

Love the rectangles--so elegant!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Those rectangles are far too cute for words. Looks great.

Jamie said... [Reply to comment]

The pineapple one made me drool! Beautiful!!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Love TJ's puff pastry. I keep it in my freezer at all times.

chocolatechic said... [Reply to comment]

I bet the fresh pineapple was out of this world.

Susan C said... [Reply to comment]

I always fondle the box of TJ puff pastry, but have never purchased it. Now that it has the FL Seal of Approval (and a thumbs up from many of your readers), I'll have to throw it in my cart.

I also love the look of the long, skinny tarts.

Jodie said... [Reply to comment]

Ooh, I'll have to run to TJ's- all the other grocery stores wanted $6 for puff pastry?!?? Yours look fantastic!

Melissa @ For the Love of Health said... [Reply to comment]

I bet they would! Yum!

Hindy said... [Reply to comment]

Simply beautiful! Well done.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Absolutely gorgeous like always Mary! I love the long rectangular tarts you made. They're so unique!

Jessica of My Baking Heart said... [Reply to comment]

Oooooh, pineapple! Never would've thought to use that! :) Thanks for baking along with me this week - gorgeous photos!

Jackie said... [Reply to comment]

I love the long ones. It seems easy to make and looks so yummy!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

They all look great, but I especially like the rectangles!

Tania said... [Reply to comment]

I am SO jealous of your pics. They turned out great! And I think they look "trendy!!"

Well done!

Melissa said... [Reply to comment]

I love the look of your rectangles - very great idea!! Glad you liked these so much, they were a hit in my house too!

Charli said... [Reply to comment]

I didn't make my own puff pastry because I also like to just pretend all the butter is just not in there! Yours look great!

Linda said... [Reply to comment]

I like the rectangular tartlets ---they look perfect for eating on the go.

And you're right --- ignorance is bliss w. puff pastry! :)

Shari said... [Reply to comment]

These are absolutely beautiful! the photos tell the story. Great job.

Allen said... [Reply to comment]

Absolutely perfect - love the tartlet shapes (and photos)!

caroline said... [Reply to comment]

I love these! They are gorgeous! I have some TJ's puff pastry and will try this! Yum!

Megan said... [Reply to comment]

Pineapple - it's what's for dessert!

Angie said... [Reply to comment]

Simple and scrumptious! I made this earlier but yours looks so perfect!! :-)

Angie said... [Reply to comment]

Btw, I just gave the apple tartlet post a thumbs up and a review on stumbleupon! Good luck! ;)

Pamela said... [Reply to comment]

I LOVE the long rectangles, Mary! That's the most creative thing I've seen with this one! Fantastic!

Lisa said... [Reply to comment]

Wow! Gorgeous and full of yum.

TeaLady said... [Reply to comment]

those look wonderful.

Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

Do you know how easy it would be for me to just eat those, especially the rectangle ones. Bite and chew all the way down. Those look awesome. I already knew I LOVED puff pastry, so I saw an inch or two on my hips and used phyllo cups. Still, love how simple this "recipe" is. I love Dorie for it. ;) Yours all look awesome!

Marta said... [Reply to comment]

This looks great!!! I like thelongated ones, very creative and elegant!
I also don't want to know the amount of butter in paff pastry, that's why I don't make it!

Heather B said... [Reply to comment]

Pineapple and peaches sound perfect for this! Great idea! Love the rectangle tarts!

The Blonde Duck said... [Reply to comment]

Those are so cute!

Nichicakes said... [Reply to comment]

Those long skinny tarts are very clever... I can picture them sticking up like out of a container like bread sticks on a buffet or something. Cuteness!

CB said... [Reply to comment]

I love that first picture with the drip of brown sugar flavored melted butter dripping down the side. Mmmm... Now you got me all curious to try this next time with pineapple! Great job!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

When are you going to open your bakery? This (the long skinny fruit tartlet) would be something I would buy every morning with a fresh hot cup of joe. Looks easy to eat on the go and yuuuuuummmmmyyyyy!!! Racheal

The Scootabaker said... [Reply to comment]

I was just commenting to kim over at scrumptious photography about these tarts. I LOVE those long rectangular ones! They're so Parisian! OOH LALA!

Engineer Baker said... [Reply to comment]

I'm right there with you - definitely don't want to know how much butter is in there :) I love the long thin tarts though, they're just so elegant!

Mermaid Sews said... [Reply to comment]

Um, AMAZING. So picture perfect - jealous of your obvious natural light and photography skills.

April said... [Reply to comment]

I love your tarts! They all look delicious!

Di said... [Reply to comment]

I love the rectangles--great idea. As always, I am jealous of you and everyone else with a TJs nearby. None in Texas. =(

Kimmy said... [Reply to comment]

This looks incredibly yummy... I will definately make this one. Simple but delicious! Kudos on the blog, i loved everything i´ve seen so far, i´m gonna keep lookin...
I´m a newcomer to the blog world.Started my own blog, you can check it out, but it´s in portuguese . I still haven´t found the time to translate my recipes. :) Congrats, kimmy :)

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