Mickey Mouse Cinnamon-Oat Pancakes (Everyday Food)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Cinnamon-Oat Pancakes & Mickey Mouse Eggs
Guess where I'm going today?

I'm heading to Disneyland today to renew my Annual Pass. The Annual Pass rocks for a Southern California girl as you can go for just a few hours and just hang out. I've gone to DLand just to exercise and, well, negate all that with a corn dog (they have a crazy good corn dog).

Cinnamon-Oat Pancakes & Mickey Mouse Eggs Cinnamon-Oat Pancakes & Mickey Mouse Eggs
This recipe for Cinnamon-Oat Pancakes is from Everyday Food of the Martha empire. You blitz half the old-fashioned oats in the food processor for a bit before adding the wet ingredients and whole oats.

I halved the recipe and really messed up! I was supposed to put 1/2 Tablespoon or 1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder, but used 1 1/2 T baking powder! I was wondering why the batter was all bubbly and exploding on me. It was an early morning chemical process lesson.

Cinnamon-Oat Pancakes & Mickey Mouse Eggs
Even though it went all crazy, I liked the pancakes. I added blueberries to some of them. Next time, I'm going to sub some of the white flour for whole wheat flour, and throw in some chocolate chips. Oh yeah, and read the instructions!

Off to the Blue Bayou!

Recipe: Cinnamon-Oat Pancakes from Everyday Food
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Audrie said... [Reply to comment]

Hehe I did think that the pancake looked a bit puffed! I haven't been to Disneyland since I was 9 so I'm a wee bit jealous hehe :) Have fun!!

Juliana said... [Reply to comment]

My son is finally going to enjoy breakfeast. Thanks for the idea! :o)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Now we can go together all the time. You exercise. I will eat cotton candy and watch you.

Beth said... [Reply to comment]

I love your blog, and I'm so jealous that you live close enough to Disneyland to have an annual pass! I'm on the East Coast, and we make an annual trip to Disney World, but going all the time would be much better :-) It really is the happiest place on earth.

Dee said... [Reply to comment]

my goodness! those are the cutest darn pancakes i ever did see :p

saturday morning i am going to try a new piggie cookie mold i got, and hope it works for pancakes, yummy !

Mary Ann said... [Reply to comment]

Perfect recipe for me since school is starting next week and I have been looking for some great breakfast ideas.
Have fun at Disneyland! We are going to DisneyWorld for Christmas and can't wait!

jamie said... [Reply to comment]

Ahh FL, this is so cute! Must put these mouse ear molds on my list of things to get for CJ. :)

(And I concur about the corn dogs... are you talking about the ones at CA Adventure? I dream about those!)

PheMom said... [Reply to comment]

Those look AWESOME! I am totally jealous of your all Disney access!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

You are so lucky! I hope you will join me at Diningwithdebbie.blogspot.com for Crock Pot Wednesdays. The details for that and the Mister Linky are already posted. The first giveaway item has been announced and you can expect the additional ones over the next few days. The date of the first event is August 5. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

how adorable! i am loving that mickey mouse cutter/mold. this reminds me.. i need to renew my season pass as well!

lovin' that breakfast! :)

Cori said... [Reply to comment]

These totally make me smile! I have never eaten at the Blue Bayou in the dozens of times I've been to Dland. Crazy, right? PS There are some AWESOME pickles next to Thunder Mountain.

The Scootabaker said... [Reply to comment]

HOw cute is that!!?
You know, I have a heart-shaped egg thingy like yours and the eggs always seeps through the bottom, so my egg never cooks in the shape of a heart. And I really don't know when I got so into hearts. Sheesh, they're like everywhere on my blog and in my apt.

Engineer Baker said... [Reply to comment]

Too cute! I've never been to Disneyland, but I'm not much of a theme park / rollercoaster sort of person. I've done the tsp <-> Tbsp switch as well - nothing like a little chemistry in the morning :P

Jennifer said... [Reply to comment]

SO super fun and cute!!!!! Have fun at Disney!! :)

Di said... [Reply to comment]

I love the pictures! I went to Disneyland several times when I was in college (in Pasadena). We had a school holiday the Monday a week after President's Day, and it was a great time to go--no real lines.

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

what a cute idea! wish to go to Disney land too :)

Cathy said... [Reply to comment]

What a delicious, adorable breakfast! Really gets the day off to a special start. How fun that you can go to Disneyland whenever you want to! (Oh, and congrats to your friends on their sweet new baby!)

Rosa's Yummy Yums said... [Reply to comment]

so cute! Great for kids and grownups alike ;-P!



Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, God, if my daughter sees your eggs/ pancakes I'll have to make them EVERY SINGLE morning! :)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I'm loving it.. so utterly adorable..makes eating breakie more fun.

Nutmeg Nanny said... [Reply to comment]

This makes breakfast super fun:)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Those pancakes sound awesome. And although I'm not a big Disney fan ( I go maybe once every 3 years or so), the annual pass rocks for people who love it.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

What cute pancakes and eggs - my daughter would love those.

How fun that you can just drop into Disneyland whenever - I remember going on "California" (discount) days growing up. And eating clam chowder at the Blue Bayou, which I thought was the most glamorous restaurant ever. It certainly is (or was) very atmospheric!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Your pancakes are so cute! I love the Mickey molds :) I wish I lived close enough to Disney to get a season pass. My husband would want to go every weekend!

Talita said... [Reply to comment]

Haha! Funny and yummy looking! Love it!

Trisha said... [Reply to comment]

I LOVE THOSE CORNDOGS! We took a trip to Disneyland from WA and went back for corndog seconds the next day. I never even really liked corndogs. Funny!

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