Cream Cheese Pound Cake with Lime Glaze in a Rose Bundt - Williams Sonoma

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cream Cheese Pound Cake with Lime Glaze (Williams Sonoma)

Dear George Clooney,

Hi. You don't really know me, but I've known you from the days of Facts of Life. Detective Falconer on Sisters? My UCLA roommate and I planned our weekends around Sisters. When you got killed off? Oh, the pain and heartache. But then there was a little show called ER. Happiness again.

Anyway, I'm just saying I'm not a Johnny come lately girl. Um...unlike your recent cocktail waitress flings, I was actually alive when you started your career. Just saying...experience is a good thing.

So, if you do happen to finally realize that you really need a librarian and baker in your Italian villa...I'm here. And if you want to send me flowers, I'd like a bouquet of Rose Bundts. Like you being named People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive (twice!!!), this Nordic Ware pan is totally the Sexiest Bundt Alive!

Cream Cheese Pound Cake with Lime Glaze (Williams Sonoma)
I made the William Sonoma's Cream Cheese Pound Cake with Lime Glaze. I don't know what happened, but I must have over beat the wet ingredients into a tizzy or something. By the time I slowly mixed in the dry ingredients, it was practically coming out of the KitchenAid bowl. Since the recipe was made to fit into the pan, I just threw in all the batter. Mistake. Luckily, I had some parchment in the oven to catch the overflow. So, note to self: don't over beat and don't overfill! :)

Cream Cheese Pound Cake with Lime Glaze (Williams Sonoma)
Isn't this sooooo pretty?

Cream Cheese Pound Cake with Lime Glaze (Williams Sonoma)
Enjoy this lovely pound cake with lime glaze. You can also use lemon as JustJenn does in her adaptation.

From Williams Sonoma: Cream Cheese Pound Cake with Lime Glaze
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Mark Bittman's Olive Oil Cake

Friday, August 28, 2009

Olive Oil Cake - Food Librarian

I can't believe it has been 8 weeks since my last blood donation. The summer is just flying by. September in a few days? What the heck? Last time I gave blood, I brought my own post-donation cookie. This time, I can't have dairy so I made an Olive Oil Cake.

I just picked up Mark Bittman's two classics from the library: How to cook everything and How to cook everything vegetarian. They are going on my wishlist of cookbooks.

Olive Oil Cake - Food Librarian
This cake was really lovely. It was moist and light. The eggs provide a nice sponge, and the glaze a bit of sweetness. I think you'll like it. And it was a delicious treat after giving blood! :)

I'll try this again with either lime, lemon or grapefruit...I love me the citrus.

Olive Oil Cake - Food Librarian Olive Oil Cake - Food Librarian
Whipping the egg whites separately and folding them into the batter gives this cake a nice lift.

Olive Oil Cake - Food Librarian
And don't forget...if you can give blood, it is much needed. Jan, the RN, at my blood donor center told me that the percent of eligible donors is now 46% of the population. And of the 46%, only 5% actually donate. So, if you can, please think about rolling up your sleeve to help out! Contact you local hospital or the Red Cross.

Olive Oil Cake
Adapted from Mark Bittman's "How to Cook Everything"

2 c all-purpose flour
1 1/2 t baking powder
1/4 t salt
1/2 c extra virgin olive oil
3/4 c sugar + 1/4 c sugar
4 eggs, separated
1/3 c freshly squeezed orange juice
2 t grated or finely minced orange or lemon zest

1. Preheat oven to 350 degree.
2. Grease two 8- or 9-inch layer cake pans or one 9 x 13 pan. I used 9 x 13.
3. Combine in small bowl: flour, baking powder and salt.
4. Mix together oil, 3/4 c sugar until creamy. Add 4 egg yolks and beat until thick and fluffy (5-7 minutes)
5. Mix in dry ingredients until smooth. Add the orange juice and zest, and stir until blended. The batter will be pretty thick.
6. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until foamy, then add the 1/4 cup sugar. Beat until soft peaks.
7. I stirred 1/4 of the egg white mixture into the wet ingredients to lighten the batter. Carefully fold in the remaining egg whites.
8. Pour into pan(s). Bake for 35 minutes. If you used rounds, let them cool for 15 minutes before depanning. If you used the 9 x 13 pan, let it cool in the pan. Let cool completely before glazing.

Orange Glaze
1/2 c freshly squeezed orange juice
1 T grated orange zest
1/2 t vanilla extract
3 c confectioners' sugar
Mix together. Glaze the cake.

How to cook everything vegetarian by Mark Bittman, page 852 (has optional glaze recipes)
How to cook everything by Mark Bittman (10th Anniversary Edition) page 914 | glazes on page 919 and 924
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Chocolate Zucchini Cake - King Arthur Flour

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Chocolate Zucchini Cake - Food Librarian

Have you been blessed?
No, not in a religious sense (although that is good too!)
But blessed with summer's green log. The zucchini.

Someone "conveniently" leaves them on your porch?
Or did you plant all the seeds in the packet because they so small (really, how many zucchini could result?!)...and now you are "rewarded" with zucchini coming out of, well, you know?

Here's something to do with your gift from the garden. Make King Arthur's Chocolate Zucchini Cake. Em of the Repressed Pastry Chef made this recently and I knew I would be blessed with another zucchini soon, so I quickly bookmarked it. Em made a chocolate ganache topping. Check it out on her blog (and keep reading her blog...she's amazing!)

Chocolate Zucchini Cake - Food Librarian
You don't even taste the zucchini, but you'll benefit from the moistness it imparts. And the frosting is beyond easy. Throw some chocolate chips on top, let it sit & melt, then spread out with a spatula. Sweet.

Chocolate Zucchini Cake by King Arthur
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B Star Bar, San Francisco

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

B Star Bar, San Francisco - Tea Leaf Salad
I traveled 400 miles for this salad.

Last weekend, I took a quick trip to San Francisco and was slated to go to Burma Super Star. (Unfortunately, Los Angeles doesn't have much Burmese food. I've been to the Golden Triangle in Whittier, but Burma Super Star is a lot better.) I was hungry when I got off the plane!

However, by the time my UCLA roomie, Diane and I arrived at Burma Super Star, there was a typical Saturday night 1 1/2 hour wait. Ugh. The hostess said Burma's sister restaurant was just down the street...B Star Bar.

We headed there and entered heaven. I'm not kidding! We were so fortunate...we walked in and got seated at the counter instantly. The place is cute and has a different menu than Burma with lots of Asian-inspired food...but with some of their favorites including the Rainbow and Tea Leaf Salad.

We split my favorite salad on the planet...Tea Leaf Salad (see above). A delicious combination of romaine lettuce, ginger, fried garlic, sunflower, sesame seeds, tomatoes, peanuts and tea leaves. Soooo good. $9

B Star Bar, San Francisco -  Basil Chili Tofu
My friend, Diane ordered the Basil Chili Tofu. Pressed tofu, eggplant, bell pepper, asparagus...over coconut rice. Oh that rice! So delicious. The dish was pretty spicy. While I'm not a fan of the pressed tofu, Diane liked her dish. $11

B Star Bar, San Francisco - Ochazuke
Although I wanted to try a bunch of different items on the menu, I kept looking at the Ochazuke. This a Japanese comfort food that just says, "Mom." It's the equivalent of tomato soup and grilled cheese for me. Of course, my mom's is nowhere near this fancy.

Rice, salmon, poached egg, topped with an umeboshi (pickled plum) and surrounded by pickled greens and crunchy rice...all in a green tea broth. Delicious! If this dish were a person, I would hug it. $11

The Tea Leaf Salad is tossed and the green tea is poured over the ochazuke tableside. Here are my action shots!

B Star Bar, San Francisco
If you are in San Francisco, head over to B Star Bar or Burma Super Star!

B Star Bar
127 Clement (between 2nd and 3rd)
San Francisco, CA 94118
They do take reservations (unlike Burma Super Star)
(415) 933-9900
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Creamiest Lime Cream Meringue Pie - Tuesdays with Dorie

Creamiest Lime Cream Meringue Pie - Food Librarian

For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie selection, Linda of Tender Crumb decided on Creamiest Lime Cream Meringue Pie on page 337 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours.

Have you checked out my friend Linda's blog, Tender Crumb? She's well on her way to being a superstar pastry chef! Everything she makes is yummy and pretty. And, as I learned after a trip with JustJenn, two food bloggers should not shop at Surfas is simply an exercise in enabling. Linda is a UCLA Bruin too (Sproul Hall rocks!) Awesomeness!

Creamiest Lime Cream Meringue Pie - Food Librarian
I had some issues with the cream. You need to get it to 180 degrees....but I was using "new math" or something and only got it to 150 degrees.

First, my digital thermometer didn't work (hum, digital thermometers need batteries...duly noted). Then, I tried to use a candy thermometer and "manual/non-digital" thermometer. But I couldn't get it up to 180. Sure, I got thickness. Dorie says the filling "will start to thicken and the whisk will leave tracks." Dude, I had more tracks than Sid & Nancy. But I only had 145-150 degrees.

As I was trying to hold the metal pan over a double boiler with a potholder as well as the thermometer with the left hand, and whisk with my right hand, the pan kept moving around...letting out some of the steam. I was getting such a facial. Who knew the spa qualities of this dessert?!

Finally, after 12 minutes, I had a thick cream that tasted good and gave up on the temperature. It was cooked and wouldn't kill anyone, I decided! :)

Creamiest Lime Cream Meringue Pie - Food Librarian
I found that I wanted to make just a small dessert so I deconstructed it and laid some graham crackers on the bottom, the cream and a little meringue that I piped out and broiled a bit.

Creamiest Lime Cream Meringue Pie - Food Librarian
Thanks Linda for a fun pick! I'm going to try it again and make the full size dessert!

Be sure to check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers!

Dorie's book, page 337, Baking: From My Home to Yours.
Linda's blog, Tender Crumb: Creamiest Lime Cream Meringue Pie
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Honey Spice Cake in Chrysanthemum Bundt

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Honey Spice Cake in Chrysanthemum Bundt
I can stop at any time.

Caitlin the Engineer Baker seems to think I have a problem. To quote her tweet: I think you have a problem. A bundt pan problem. If you need, I can stage an intervention and take some off your hands...

Yes, I just bought TWO new Bundt pans. However, in my defense, I MAKE a lot of Bundts but don't have that many pans...I have the 12 c Nordic Ware traditional Bundt, the 6 mini Bundt pan and the 12 mini-mini Bundt pan, and the tree looking Bundt. Sure, that's probably more than most people, but wouldn't you say that it isn't the Amy Winehouse of Bundt collections?

Well, now that I'm adding these two new pans...that does bring it up to 6 Bundt pans...with more on my wish list.

Oh darn. I know I'm going to run into Caitlin at BlogHerFood in SF next month and I'm going to end up in a room with Jeff VanVonderen of Intervention.

Honey Spice Cake in Chrysanthemum Bundt
First up, the super duper pretty Chrysanthemum Bundt. You could put sludge in this and it would be pretty, no?

Honey Spice Cake in Chrysanthemum Bundt
I made the Honey Spice Cake that is on the cardboard sleeve that covers the Bundt pan! Like a recipe from the back of the box, or in this case, the back of a Bundt. It is dairy free. (I'm in week two of my no dairy, doctor imposed three-week torture test. And of course, I'm going to San Francisco this weekend and can't have butter?! Ugh.) Honestly, I think the cake is prettier than it tastes. It was okay, but it didn't quite rock my world.

Honey Spice Cake in Chrysanthemum Bundt
I think I should tap the pan on the counter next you think that would remove some of the bubbles I got on top?

Honey Spice Cake
Adapted from Nordic Ware
1. Grease and flour the heck out of your Bundt. (My words there. I use shortening and flour and a pastry brush. This sucker better come out so spend time doing this!)
2. Mix 1 c hot water with 1 t instant espresso powder (or instant coffee), and set aside.
3. Mix 1 c honey, 3/4 c sugar, 1/2 c veggie oil (I used olive oil because that's what I had on hand), 4 eggs in a large bowl. The instructions say "until very light and fluffy" but I never got fluffy, even after adding the eggs one at a time. I got soupy, but never fluffy.
4. Mix together in a separate bowl: 3 c all-purpose flour, 2 t baking powder, 1 t baking soda, 1/2 t salt 1/2 t ground cloves, 1/2 t allspice (I added 1/4 t cinnamon because I love cinnamon).
5. I alternated the dry with the coffee mixture, beginning and ending with flour.
6. Pour into pan (it gets pretty full but doesn't overflow) and bake in 325 degree oven for 50-60 minutes. Cool 10 minutes before depanning.
7. Cool completely and dust with powdered sugar.
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Somen Noodle Salad in Inarizushi - Fried Soybean Skins/Pockets

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Somen Salad in Inari Tofu Packets (Food Librarian)

Making salads "to go" is hard. Remember when McDonald's came out with the Salad McShaker in the 90's? I saw people eating that in cars...before cell phones took over as major distractions.

Put the plastic container and long fork away. Try this summer somen salad to go!

Somen Salad in Inari Tofu Packets - Kamaboko (Food Librarian) Somen Salad in Inari Tofu Packets (Food Librarian)
Kamaboko is steamed fish cake. It isn't too fishy, and adds pretty colors to the dish. I bought prepared "Inarizushi No Moto" pouches in a can, but you can also make them yourself. See links below for instructions from JustHungry.

Somen Salad in Inari Tofu Packets (Food Librarian) Somen Salad in Inari Tofu Packets (Food Librarian)
Inarizushi pouches, abura-age, and inari age (lots of name for this...and "age" is not pronounced "what's your age in years?" but "ah-ge" (ge as is "get") is basically a fried tofu pouch that is can open the pouch and stuff it with yummy stuff. Most often it is used for inari sushi (or footballs as we called them as kids).

Somen Salad in Inari Tofu Packets (Food Librarian)
My salad contained: Somen noodles, eggs strips, kamaboko, frozen peas (thawed), green onions. See my earlier post about somen noodles.

You could add anything you want to this salad...edamame, fake crab, lettuce, cucumber, and other veggies. You can also top the salad with nori (seaweed).

Somen Salad in Inari Tofu Packets (Food Librarian)
I mixed up a quick dressing of: 1 T sesame seeds, dash of salt, 2 T sugar, 2 T sesame oil, 2 T veggie oil, 1/4 c rice wine vinegar, 2 T soy sauce...then stuffed the pouches with the salad!

Somen Salad in Inari Tofu Packets (Food Librarian)
Top each pocket with some sesame seeds!

Forget the Salad McShaker. Go for the Somen McSalad instead.

Additional Information and Recipes:
Cooking the somen noodles from Food Librarian's earlier post
Inarizushi: Sushi in a Bean Bag from Just Hungry
Making your own fried tofu skins from Just Hungry
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Applesauce Spice Bars - Tuesdays with Dorie

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Applesauce Spice Cake - Food Librarian

For this week's Tuesdays with Dorie selection, Karen of Something Sweet by Karen picked Applesauce Spice Bars on page 117 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours.

Applesauce Spice Cake - Food Librarian
I want to thank you all for the love, support and e-hugs about the loss of my cat, Q-Tip. I so appreciate it. When I was making these bars, I kept expecting her cute face to come over and visit with me.

Applesauce Spice Cake - Food Librarian
Apple, nuts, raisins and glaze. Pretty simple and sweet. Some people say they didn't have enough glaze and doubled the recipe, but I like a light touch on any frosting so it was fine with me.

Be sure to check out the other Tuesdays with Dorie bakers!

Applesauce Spice Cake - Food Librarian
Applesauce Spice Bars on Something Sweet by Karen blog
Page 117 of Dorie's book, Baking: From My Home to Yours
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Mad Men Dutch Cinnamon Apple Cake from 1963 New York Times

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dutch Cinnamon Apple Cake

Whoo Hoo! Tomorrow is the Season Premiere of Mad Men on AMC. Mary of Popsicles and Sandy Feet and I are creating some Mad Men inspired drinks and food. Yesterday, I made Broiled Nectarines Halves from the 1963 Sunset Magazine.

Thirsty? Mary recommends two cocktails! A Salvatore Romano inspired Limoncello drink and Late-Harvest Wine and Campari cocktails.

Dutch Cinnamon Apple Cake
To celebrate Mad Men's advertising firm heading into 1963 this season, I browsed recipes in the New York Times. They would print menu suggestions every few days in 1963! I picked Dutch Cinnamon Apple Cake from the September 5, 1963 New York Times.

This recipe is way old school. Like when we thought shortening was the bomb. Sure, what could be bad about taking some fat and solidifying it?

I also brought out a 40 year old electric mixer....a precursor of my KitchenAid.

Dutch Cinnamon Apple Cake
The cake was easy to make and used up some apples I had in the refrig. Was it my favorite apple cake recipe? No (although using butter instead of shortening would probably bump the taste level up)...but I'm glad to go "back in time" and try something that Peggy Olson might bake for Father Gill! (Tom Hank's son is great in Mad Men)

Mad Men Avatar
Make a fun avatar on the Mad Men website!

Dutch Cinnamon Apple Cake
Adapted from: New York Times, September 5, 1963
1. Sift together: 1 1/2 c flour , 2 t baking powder, 1/2 t salt - set aside
2. Cream: 1/3 c shortening, 3/4 c sugar, 1/2 t cinnamon
3. Beat in 1 egg
4. Add flour mixture alternatively with 1/2 c milk
5. (I added 1/2 t vanilla to the milk)
6. Place batter in 9 x 9 pan (buttered and floured)
7. Peel, core and slice 2 tart cooking apples (I used three small granny smith apples). Place on top of batter.
8. Sprinkle over apples: 2 T sugar, 1/2 t cinnamon. Dot with 2 T butter.
9. Bake in preheated 350 degree oven for 40-50 minutes.

Dutch Cinnamon Apple Cake
Mad Men, Season Premiere, AMC, Sunday, August 16, 2009, 10:00 pm
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Mad Men Premiere...Broiled Nectarine Halves from 1963 Sunset Magazine

Friday, August 14, 2009

Broiled Nectarine Halves

Do you watch Mad Men on AMC?

[Just a second. Let me regroup. I'm kinda off-balance right now because today my doctor took me off dairy for a few weeks. No butter. No brain.]

What?!!! You don't watch Mad Men?

Honey, clear your schedule. Grab a cocktail and the remote. Heat up a TV dinner and pop yourself in front of the TV this Sunday night for the season premiere of Mad Men's 3rd Season.

Mary of Popsicles and Sandy Feet and I will be. Along with a love of food, baking, and Dorie Greenspan, I discovered that we share a freaking awesome name and a love of Mad Men (and Jon Hamm)!

Jon Hamm. Swoon.
He's so Tiger Beat terrific.
Well, sans the excessive drinking, cigarettes, and countless affairs. But damn, he's so hot.

So Mary and I decided to make something in honor of one of our favorite shows! Mary made a cocktail...and I, being a LIBRARIAN and all...went researching!

I went straight to the library's collection of 1963 issues of Sunset Magazine (Mad Men is heading into 1963 this season). After laughing at some of the advertisements, my eyes fell onto this headline:

The Peach with No Fuzz

The nectarine is a fuzzless form of the peach...

Ha ha ha ha. Those were the years...1963. Before the nectarine was on every corner.

Broiled Nectarine Halves
I doubt Jon Hamm's character Don Draper would eat these...because there is no alcohol or cigarettes in them. But perhaps Betty and her friends might make these at the end of a special dinner...and at least the West Coast advertising agency of Food & Librarian enjoyed them! ;)

Broiled Nectarine Halves
Cut unpeeled, medium-sized nectarines in halves. Remove pits. Dip in melted butter or margarine (I skipped this). Arrange cut-side-up on broiler tray. Sprinkle each half with about 1 teaspoon sugar and dash nutmeg. Broil 6 inches below heat until fruit is heated and butter bubbles - about 6 minutes. (Yeah, perhaps a sheet of parchment paper wasn't the best idea. Stick with foil instead).

Broiled Nectarine Halves
With a dollop of the vanilla ice cream. It's like eating pie a la mode without the crust!

Be sure to check out Mary's Mad Men inspired Cocktail in her post. And she is coming up with another cocktail too!

Coming up later...a treat from the New York Times 1963 newspaper (yes, I went researching there too. Oh, stop. Please don't judge my librarian mind. Just set your DVR.)

Mad Men, Season Premiere, AMC, Sunday, August 16, 2009
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Texas Sheet Cake or Chocolate Buttermilk Cake from Better Homes & Gardens

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Texas Sheet Cake - Food Librarian
It kills me when people look at a lovely sunset or a rock, and that inspires them to write the great American novel.

Me? My inspiration is a lot less stunning.

I wanted to use up my buttermilk and felt nostalgic. Yes, nothing like almost expired dairy products to get you going. I grabbed my Better Homes and Gardens Cook Book (you know you secretly love the red plaid cover) and searched for desserts that used buttermilk.

And, low and behold, I found an easy recipe for Chocolate Buttermilk Cake AKA Texas Sheet Cake.

Texas Sheet Cake - Food Librarian

Oh, a chocolate cake with so many names. Texas Sheet Cake, Chocolate-Buttermilk Cake, Buttermilk Brownies. I made mine in a 13 x 9 pan, but some recipes also suggests a 15 x 10 pan for more brownie-likeness.

I thought it was a bit too sweet, but my co-worker says she is adjusting her "favorites listing" again and putting this on the top of it! They are super easy and use the "boil in a pot" method to make the batter and frosting. Really couldn't be easier!

Recipe: From the Better Homes and Gardens website
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