Texas Sheet Cake or Chocolate Buttermilk Cake from Better Homes & Gardens

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Texas Sheet Cake - Food Librarian
It kills me when people look at a lovely sunset or a rock, and that inspires them to write the great American novel.

Me? My inspiration is a lot less stunning.

I wanted to use up my buttermilk and felt nostalgic. Yes, nothing like almost expired dairy products to get you going. I grabbed my Better Homes and Gardens Cook Book (you know you secretly love the red plaid cover) and searched for desserts that used buttermilk.

And, low and behold, I found an easy recipe for Chocolate Buttermilk Cake AKA Texas Sheet Cake.

Texas Sheet Cake - Food Librarian

Oh, a chocolate cake with so many names. Texas Sheet Cake, Chocolate-Buttermilk Cake, Buttermilk Brownies. I made mine in a 13 x 9 pan, but some recipes also suggests a 15 x 10 pan for more brownie-likeness.

I thought it was a bit too sweet, but my co-worker says she is adjusting her "favorites listing" again and putting this on the top of it! They are super easy and use the "boil in a pot" method to make the batter and frosting. Really couldn't be easier!

Recipe: From the Better Homes and Gardens website
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Kathy Walker said... [Reply to comment]

I just made a Texas Sheet Cake this evening. I am not certain about this recipe...yours looks much better than mine!

betty geek said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, another winner in my book!

Look at the beauty!

Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

I just made texas sheetcake tonight. It's my husbands favorite and most requested dessert, so I gave in!

I like to add pecans and cinnamon to the frosting- yum!

Snooky doodle said... [Reply to comment]

this looks delicious! so good!

Audrie said... [Reply to comment]

I think I just drooled on my keyboard. It's just gorgeous... it's going on the To-Bake list!

Esi said... [Reply to comment]

I find a stick of butter or a block of cream cheese is really good inspiration ;)

Buttermilk is good too. I usually like to reduce the amount of sugar in most cake recipes I find.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I grew up using that cookbook! (the old version - I think they re-issued it in the past 10 years or so and changed it a lot). I'll have to steal the old original copy from my mom the next time I see her.

Nutmeg Nanny said... [Reply to comment]

Oh man I always have a container of buttermilk going bad in the fridge. I need to try this out because it looks chocolaty and delicious!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

this is one of my co-workers most requested recipes! i love it!

Katie said... [Reply to comment]

Look great a brownie cake combo - yum

Jennifer said... [Reply to comment]

Of the expiring buttermilk inspired you to make this wonderful cake, then thats just ok!! :) heheh love it!! This cake looks sooo super moist!

Coco Cake Land said... [Reply to comment]

this looks just like what my mom still calls her "brownies!" cake like chocolatey-ness. "texas sheet cake" cracks me up for some reason...

love it...i really love using buttermilk sometimes too!

Katrina said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! (I think I've said that before! ;) Grew up loving Texas Sheet Cake. Haven't made it for a long time. Looks GREAT!

pigpigscorner said... [Reply to comment]

I've never tried texas sheet cake. Looks really chocolatey and moist, like brownies!

How To Eat A Cupcake said... [Reply to comment]

Mmmm they look so moist and chocolatey! I <3 BH&G!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Looks delicious! I really wish they sold buttermilk in pint sizes. Good for you for finding a use for leftover buttermilk. I always forget about it until it's too late.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Been making this recipe for years, The version given to me is called "Chocolate Cake Men Like" :) My boys LOVE it!

Recetas al instante said... [Reply to comment]

yummy chocolate cake I am a chocolate Lover.

AmyRuth said... [Reply to comment]

Ha Ha Mary, I'm from Texas and make this cake all the time for my kids, although I'm in total agreement that it is too sweet. Again, I'm a dark chocolate girl. There are a zillion versions of this cake out there and it has been a crowd pleaser and can be done in less than 30 mins. if baked on a jelly roll pan. super simple/quick.
Besides your cut squares look perfecto! It made me giggle to see a CA girl making a TX sheet cake. love it.

Jules Someone said... [Reply to comment]

Love the cookbook. Love this recipe.

Michelle {Brown Eyed Baker} said... [Reply to comment]

I love Texas Sheet Cake! Yours looks fabulous!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Chocolate sheet cake makes my husband very happy so I will have to try this recipe for him! Your cake looks phenomenal!

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

That looks so chocolatey - Texas Sheet Cake is one of my favorites. Try the Pioneer Woman's recipe sometime to compare!

steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

freak yeah--i love sheetcake! always so moist and good. i always keep buttermilk past the date...is that wrong? it seems to last at least a week or two past.

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