Zebra Cake

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Zebra Cake (Food Librarian)
When I saw the Zebra Cake on Foodgawker, I was intrigued! I couldn't figure out how it was made. Luckily, the instructions were really easy! Just pour alternating batter? I can do that!

Zebra Cake (Food Librarian)
The secret is two same size measuring cups and working quickly.

Zebra Cake (Food Librarian) Zebra Cake (Food Librarian)
Zebra Cake (Food Librarian) Zebra Cake (Food Librarian)
You make the simple batter (see recipe links below). Half the batter is vanilla and half is flavored with cocoa powder. I made mine in a 9" pan.

Zebra Cake (Food Librarian)
Carefully pour 1/4 cup into the middle of the pan. Don't wait for it to spread. And, hey, don't grab your camera and take photos! I think mine doesn't look like the others because I might have worked too slowly with the photo breaks! :)

Zebra Cake (Food Librarian)
Pour another 1/4 cup of the chocolate batter directly into the center of the pan on top of the previous batter. Repeat until you are out of batter.

It is really neat to see the batter spread out into these circles.

Zebra Cake (Food Librarian)
A bit of sugar is sprinkled on top and provides a simple crust.

Zebra Cake (Food Librarian)
Okay. I'll be honest with you. I thought the cake was a bit bland in flavor. Next time, I might make it Matcha (Green Tea) and Chocolate. Or, I would add more vanilla extract. However, it is so pretty that the flavor can be overlooked a bit! :)

Zebra Cake (Food Librarian)
Recipe and more photos (their cakes look have thinner layers that go all the way to the top):
The recipes are slightly different.
I used this one: Connie Veneracion's Home Cooking Rocks!
Great step-by-step photos: Farida’s Azerbaijani Cookbook
Pin It!


Caroline said... [Reply to comment]

I agree, this looks so pretty. WOW!

Sometimes I wish I have a personal photographer to take step-by-step photos of my kitchen adventures. Oh, and I'd love to see you create a matcha & chocolate version, now that you've mentioned it! :)

Audrie said... [Reply to comment]

That's really pretty! I love marbled cakes :)

Anshika said... [Reply to comment]

I loved the idea of making chocolate zebra cake. Instead of chocolate, I can use strawberries or any other colored giving me a colorful cake. Great work !!

Donna-FFW said... [Reply to comment]

That looks so intriguing. A conversation piece:)

Hilary said... [Reply to comment]

This is just cool. Way too much work for lazy little me to ever attempt, but extremely impressive!

La Table De Nana said... [Reply to comment]

Great job! I recently made a cheesecake like that and I was so happy with the outcome~Your cake is sublime!

Patsyk said... [Reply to comment]

simply gorgeous! I'm going to have to find a reason to make this one!

Eliana said... [Reply to comment]

Too bad the cake was a bit bland becuase it looks super cool!

Jennifer said... [Reply to comment]

This is simply beautiful!!!!

Dolce said... [Reply to comment]

This is really pretty indeed! Congratulations on mastering both pictures and cake... And let us know when you work on the matcha / chocolate variation!

Jennifer said... [Reply to comment]

How neat!!!! It looks so perfect!

Karin said... [Reply to comment]

That is so cool! I bet kids would love a cake like that.

AmyRuth said... [Reply to comment]

Oh how neat is that? Did you feel like the "Mad Cake Scientist?" How fun. Hmmm I wonder what could be done to intensify the flavors without disturbing the consistency of the batter? Scientist anyone? Thanks for sharing your beautiful cake. I love it.

Monica H said... [Reply to comment]

I saw a zebra cake made on another blog a couple years ago and bookmarked it, but I've yet to make it.

It is very cute though!

kirbie said... [Reply to comment]

This looks very pretty! I was just thinking as I read it that I would try it with a matcha version. But you thought of that already!

Maria said... [Reply to comment]

Such a cool cake!

Kerstin said... [Reply to comment]

What a cool cake! I'm sorry the flavor wasn't up to par - I really like your green tea idea though!

Irene said... [Reply to comment]

Love this cake! It looks fantastic!

Barbara Bakes said... [Reply to comment]

Such a creative/fun idea. How about serving it in a puddle of dark and white swirled chocolate sauces?

Irina @ PastryPal said... [Reply to comment]

Agreed. It looks very pretty. A good one to impress guests with.

Jami said... [Reply to comment]

Cool beans! It's like the black-and-white version of rainbow cake - and easier, too! http://nightbaking.blogspot.com/2009/05/rainbow-cake.html

Maybe I will do it for the kiddo's birthday!

Amanda said... [Reply to comment]

How beautiful! Great step by steps too :) Oooo maybe some almond extract, that always livens up the flavor :-D

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Isn't this cake fun?? I think yours looks perfect, even with the photo breaks :) I agree on the flavor - it was a bit bland, but this one's all about the looks!

eatme_delicious said... [Reply to comment]

Too bad the flavour wasn't great but it definitely looks awesome. =) Matcha and chocolate sounds like a perfect combination. I'm a sucker for anything matcha.

Jelli said... [Reply to comment]

You beat me to it! I am planning to make this cake next Friday. I've heard, as you mentioned, that the flavor needs help, so I'm hoping I can find a similar recipe with enhanced flavors. If I find one I like, I'll be sure to send it your way.

Alina said... [Reply to comment]

This looks very nice and easy to prepare! Just wondering what it would be like with 3 types of batter/flavour!

Sarah said... [Reply to comment]

Gorgeous cake!

Nutmeg Nanny said... [Reply to comment]

Wow this looks so neat! I will have to give it a try:)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Dude, I made cupcakes (here) - it was painful.


steph- whisk/spoon said... [Reply to comment]

ok, that is too cool!!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

It is a very pretty cake. Too bad the flavor wasn't there for you. Thanks for the how-to pictures.

Lulu the Baker said... [Reply to comment]

So stunning! And I bet with a little tweaking, the flavor could be brought up to snuff.

shaz said... [Reply to comment]

That looks so very cool! I've seen rainbow versions but "steamed" instead of baked, but now I'm keen to try it out too.

Becky@foodforpoems said... [Reply to comment]

I love the effect! I'd probably make it vanilla-almond and chocolate, but I love almond in just about anything. Green tea I prefer on its own. :)

Becky said... [Reply to comment]

I love the effect! I would probably add some amaretto to the vanilla layer ... it's simple, but I love almond-vanilla everything. :)

Engineer Baker said... [Reply to comment]

Ooo, matcha sounds fantastic! Maybe matcha and chocolate alternating? It looks gorgeous though!

Carolyn Jung said... [Reply to comment]

This is sooo cool! I definitely must try doing this. It's like modern art in cake form. ;)

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, this is beyond divine!!!! This looks amazing, it sounds like it tastes amazing as well = ) YUM

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

What a lovely cake! Thank you for showing us step-by step how to make it!

Audrey said... [Reply to comment]

this is quite amazing - I've never seen it before! Good luck with moving!

Ingrid_3Bs said... [Reply to comment]

I've read on other blogs that the cake was pretty but didn't taste like anything special.

Maggie said... [Reply to comment]

So gorgeous! Reminds me of the marbleizing kit I had as a kid.

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